Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 232 Hermione: Chu He, are you dying???


Snape looked at Chu He with some doubts, he didn't know what Chu He was worrying about before.

"Actually, I further refined the magic power by analyzing the magic on the old wand, and obtained another higher-level magic power, but the magic power contained in this magic power is too terrifying, and the magic power refining ring cannot store this magic power at all. , So have to find a way to improve the magic refining ring formula to improve the strength of the magic refining ring.

"My dragon blood may be able to achieve this effect.

Chu He explained.

After a period of research, he found that the reason why the magic power refining ring could not carry the golden divine power was actually because there was not enough magic power storage upper limit.

Then, if the dragon blood of the Dragon of Destiny that he incarnates has the characteristic of storing a large amount of magic power, then it is likely to solve the problem of insufficient energy storage limit of the magic power refining ring.

If he can reserve a lot of this upgraded version of the magic refining ring in the later stage, he will be able to have greater confidence in the God of Destiny in the future.

"Anyway, Severus, I'm going back first."

"it is good.""

Seeing that Chu He was in a hurry, Snape didn't stop Chu He.

After Chu He returned to his studio in the magic suitcase, he immediately took his own blood through the incarnation of Af*ck Gus as the Dragon of Destiny, and then returned to human form and began to refine it after his own improvement. 's Magic Refinement Ring.

after one day.

Due to the addition of divine power refining magic parsed from the Elder Wand to the improved magic power refining ring, even Chu He failed several times before finally succeeding in refining an upgraded version of the magic power refining ring.

But looking at the upgraded version of the magic power refining ring in his hand, Chu He is very satisfied, so that he can infuse his own divine power into it, and with the divine power in his body now, Chu He estimates that even if he infuses it for half a year, he will not necessarily be able to. To be able to store a ring, one can imagine the huge amount of energy stored in this ring.

Perhaps this ring should be renamed to the Divine Refinement Ring.

However, refining this kind of ring also had a great impact on him. In order to ensure a sufficient upper limit of the magic power reserve, a dozen barrels of dragon blood were invested in him.

Thanks to it, he feels a little weak now.

I am afraid that he needs to wait for half a month to refine such a divine power refining ring, but most people can't use this divine power refining ring, so the magic power of Dumbledore and Aforth can be used. For this divine power refining ring, others can use ordinary magic power refining rings.

"Chu He, your face is very bad, can't I make this instead of you?"

Nagini, who was watching, asked with concern.

"This, I'm afraid it really doesn't work. Even me, it took a lot of time to analyze the magic on the old wand. This magic is very complicated, and you need to spend a long time to master it."5

"And if there is no refining mistake, the previously invested materials will be destroyed, and in order to ensure the quality of the finished product, it is necessary to invest a lot of my dragon's blood. The price of failure is too high.

"Originally, the effect of refining on me was not too high. The reason why I was weak was only because of excessive blood loss."

Chu He replied with a pale face.

"Well, if you have anything to do, call me right away. I'll do anything for you.

Nagini exhorted.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite to you when I really need your help."

Chu He smiled, then returned to the rest area, climbed into the bed and fell asleep.

After Chu He fell asleep, Nagini silently took the ancient alchemy book left by Chu He and read it carefully.

Although the content here is very obscure and difficult to understand, she wants to understand the knowledge in it and relieve Chu He a little bit of the burden.

After all, the reason why she can live a normal life like a human now, instead of lying on the ground like a snake and devouring mice, is all thanks to Chu He, even if it's a little bit, she wants to repay Chu He.

"Chu He, what did you do last night? Why did you become so thin."

Chu He, who bumped into Hermione on the way to the cafeteria, was immediately grabbed by Hermione and carefully checked his physical condition.

"Yesterday I found out that my blood is an extremely precious alchemy material, so I made a little bit of blood to refine something.

Chu He answered.

"You don't want to die!!! Did you draw a little blood! Are you seriously anemic? You should go back to the restroom now and have a good rest. I'll bring you lunch? 39

Hermione said with a serious face.

"It's an exaggeration, I know my physical condition, and my life will not be in danger.

Chu He smiled and touched Hermione's cheek and answered confidently.

This blood loss is completely incomparable to the previous near-death experience, and he is completely fine.

"Chu He, listen to my advice, you must not indulge in alchemy any more, you have already begun to harm your own body.

Hermione said with a serious face.

"It's better than being completely killed by an opponent, right? This time my opponent is not an ordinary existence. He will definitely be stronger and smarter than Voldemort. I only have one chance to shoot 737, so naturally I have to prepare in advance.

Chu He said.

"That's really...isn't it your personal imagination? Does a god really exist? Then why did he, Voldemort, impose divine punishment?"

Hermione asked with a sigh.

"Although I have no evidence to prove his existence, from the inference, this result is correct, it is always good to plan ahead, after all, even if there is no god, I have become stronger.

"As for Voldemort, I can answer you, He has already handed down punishment, and your classmate Harry Potter is a pawn in his divine punishment process.

'If Voldemort hadn't had the information that Harry and her mother might have disappeared, he wouldn't have killed him at all.

"And if he doesn't kill him, Lily Evans won't be able to use the Negative Protection Charm to bounce back his life-threatening curse, and he won't disappear, and he can still be his Dark Lord.

"Because of this, I have to deal with him, otherwise when my strength reaches a certain level, he will come to me and make all kinds of jokes with me.

Chu He replied calmly.

The reason why he hasn't done much recently is to hide his strength and prevent him from becoming interested in him prematurely.

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