Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 224 Cassandra: Be honest about what shameful things you did with Hermione!

Even if he wants to do a prank of fate to himself, it should conform to the basic rules of the world to some extent.

This can be seen in some way from his means against Voldemort.

With the power of the God of Destiny, Voldemort can certainly be easily wiped out, but he induces Voldemort to kill himself through a series of coincidences.

There are two possibilities for this.

One is not that he doesn't want to destroy Voldemort directly, but that he can't obliterate a person with a long-standing reputation for no reason.

There are always various reasons for a person's death, either by being murdered, or by accident, or by birth, old age, sickness and death.

There have been no deaths beyond these conditions to date.

For Muggles, the excuse of birth, old age, sickness and death is very useful, but for powerful wizards, under the action of many powerful potions such as the elixir of life, lifespan limitation and pathological changes of body organs can be overcome. On the sorcerer's side, only murder and murder remain.

No matter it is murder or homicide, it is possible to reach the final result only through the accumulation of cause and effect.

It would be best if he were bound by such world rules.

In this case, as long as he made no mistakes in every step, even if he was a god, he still had a chance of winning... As long as he was impeccable, then the attack method of the god of fate was sealed.

In the second case, it's a bit of a headache.

That's why Destiny will let Voldemort kill himself through a series of coincidences, just because he is a bad character and likes to see this kind of interesting phenomenon, so as to make fun of Voldemort.

Its own strength can obliterate Voldemort, but it uses more sophisticated means to induce Voldemort to kill himself, which is very tricky.

Because this means that the God of Destiny is not only powerful, but also very good at manipulating people's hearts.

Chu He intends to deal with him as the second situation.

If he is the first situation, it is equivalent to an unexpected joy for him. If he is the second situation, he can be considered prepared and will not give up his life in a hurry.

"I know there are some things you have to do, Chu He, but if your own body breaks down before you can achieve your goals, it won't be worth the loss. 々?"

"I really... don't want anything to happen to you, you are the first person who treats me so well and understands me so well... Apart from you, I will never find someone who cherishes me as much as you do, I am very Afraid of losing you.. Chu He.


Hermione hugged Chu He a little scared, she was afraid of losing Chu He one day.

"Don't worry, I didn't even think about messing around. I'll take a good rest and take care of my body in the next half month. 95

Chu He speaks and promises.

"That's good, you must not mess around? Otherwise, Cassandra and I will be very sad."

Hermione spoke up.

"Well, I don't want to die either, I won't mess around."

Chu He promised with a smile.

After breakfast and came to the classroom, Professor McGonagall was startled when he saw Chu He's face.

"Mr. Chu He, I suggest you go to the school infirmary to check your health and take a good rest. You should not come to class at all due to your current physical condition, not to mention that you have already fully grasped the content of my class."

Professor McGonagall said with a serious face.


"You are now the representative of our school. If you let outside visitors see your appearance, it will affect our Hogwarts face, so go and rest, this is also the best student of Hogwarts. obligation."

Professor McGonagall emphasized.

"That's right, Chu He, please don't refuse, Professor McGonagall, the appearance of Chu He is really worrying, I will send him to the school infirmary.

Cassandra stood up immediately and said.

"Well, go ahead, you have almost mastered my course."

Professor McGonagall nodded.

Then Chu He was forcibly dragged out of the Transfiguration classroom by Cassandra.

"Be honest! You, what were you doing with Hermione yesterday!"

On the way to the school infirmary, Cassandra asked fiercely with a blushing face and some dissatisfaction.

"Huh? I just had a meal with her this morning. . .

Chu He replied with a confused look.

"How, how is it possible! You, you must have done something bad with her, only then will you look like you were done by zha, zha! You still want to lie to me! I'm not angry that you didn't come to me , you still lied to me?! 35

There was a faint cry in Cassandra's words, obviously she was very sad.

"You really misunderstood... I look so bad because I drew blood yesterday to refine the magic tool, and I am a little anemic...

Chu He opened his mouth to explain.

".々 Huh?"

Cassandra was stunned for a moment, she thought completely...because Chu He walked into the classroom with Hermione with a tired face this morning, she thought...and then became jealous.

Thinking of this, Cassandra can't wait to use magic to blast a big hole in the floor and get in.

But looking at the pale and crumbling Chu He, Cassandra worried that if she let go Chu He would fall, she had to hold back her shame for a while.

"Cassandra, you look so cute when you're shy."

"You! You are courting death! I will kill you!"

Cassandra opened her silver teeth and slapped Chu He's cheek, but in the end she couldn't bear to do it, she just gently rubbed Chu He's cheek with her teeth symbolically.

"Hmph, first, that's it for the first warning, next time I'll bite down hard, remember it for me, I don't allow you to play a joke on me.

Cassandra blushed and scolded.

"But it's really cute, I think honesty is a good civilization (Zhao Hao Zhao).

Chu He replied with an aggrieved expression.

"You, you said it! Forget it, forget it, don't look at me with that...that kind of pitiful look, isn't this, doesn't make people angry at all!"

Cassandra, who was still angrily trying to teach Chu He the rules, saw Chu He's eyes suddenly fell, and finally had to leave the beginning and acquiesce to Chu He's behavior.

"Wow, it's so warm, Cassandra.

"Then you can lean a little more into my arms, and while I'm taller than you, you can act like a spoiled brat to me!

Cassandra took Chu He into her arms. Due to the age difference of two years, her height still had an advantage over Song.

But this year, Chu He has brought this gap a lot. It is estimated that in two or three years, Chu He will be taller than her, and then she will be huddled in Chu He's arms.

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