Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 227 Black Magic, Shadow Kill.

"Chu He, I want to eat your own cooking tonight."

Cassandra spoke coquettishly.

"Are you cooking, little thought, let's go to the forbidden forest, there is no one there.

"Well, by the way, what is in the Forbidden Forest, why should students be prohibited from entering?"

Cassandra asked curiously, she felt that Chu He must know the answer.

"There are thorny dark creatures such as eight-eyed giant spiders, Motratle giant wolves, and bicorns. These creatures will attack directly after they find students. Students with insufficient magic level may die among them, so they are forbidden to enter. ."

Chu He answered.

"Bicorn? What is that, I've only heard of unicorns.

Cassandra asked curiously.

"The unicorn is a pure magical animal, but when it is subjected to the corrosive magic of some evil black magic, it will become an evil magical creature, which is characterized by the conversion of the single horn on its forehead into double horns." "

"The newly born horn is not only a status symbol, but can also use some black magic, which is difficult for ordinary wizards to deal with. 35

"If you say that, I want to go to the Forbidden Forest to take a look. I have never been able to win against you. I don't know what my strength is now."35

Cassandra proposed.

No way, I've been fighting with Chu He for more than a year, almost two school years, and she has never won once. Chu He's fighting qualities in magical duels are really too high, and Draco's side is single. She was abused by her, so she didn't know what her strength was for a while.

As far as the second grade is concerned, the strongest on Gryffindor are Hermione, who occasionally trains with Chu He and usually develops his own fighting style, and Harry who accepts Sirius to direct at any time.

While Draco was able to stabilize Harry's head in the magical duel, but in the magical duel with Kassandra, he was completely chased around and could not fight back. From this point of view, Kassandra's Magical strength is definitely not weak, just because the opponent in battle has always been Chu He, so some can't recognize his own strength.

"Indeed, I just happen to be short of some venom from the eight-eyed giant spider. If Kassandra is alright tonight, let's go in and have a look? I'll leave the battle to you, and I'll help you by the side. 35

Chu He opened his mouth to propose.

In fact, he entered the Forbidden Forest with his strength. Even if he was in a weak state of anemia, no dark magical creature could threaten him. However, seeing the look on Cassandra's face, he offered to go in together. proposal.

It happened that I slept with Cassandra in the infirmary for a day today, and I would definitely not be able to sleep at night.

"Really?! That's great, I'll protect you at night!"

Cassandra said happily.

"Well, then please."

Chu He smiled and used his magic power to take out the frying pan and start dinner.

Cassandra, on the other hand, was leaning against a tree and humming a song, exploring the Forbidden Forest. Her interest was not that great. She was more happy that she was in a position to protect Chu He, rather than standing behind him. Accept asylum.

Although it is said that behind every successful man there is a woman who supports him in obscurity and selflessness, Cassandra does not want to be such a woman, it is left to Hermione to be a good one, she prefers to be a woman who will clear the barrier for Chu He , the queen of the charge.

Well, in fact, if one day she can become the Dark Lord of the unified dark wizarding world, she really hopes that Chu He will act like a child in her arms, and she will spoil Chu He, but Chu He is better than herself. More, in the aura, she can't suppress Chu He.

Well, at the very least, Cassandra wants to be the best card in his hand, building a relationship with Chu He that makes him depend on him.

After dinner, the two returned to the common room for boys and girls in the Slytherin branch, waiting for the late night.

"Chu He, are you feeling better?"

Draco, who was sitting on the bed, asked with concern.

To be honest, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He clearly decided to follow Chu He and work for him, but he didn't even realize that the person he followed had suffered such a serious injury.

"No problem."

"What kind of monster hurts you like this?"

Draco asked curiously.

"It's not that monsters hurt me like this, but that I need my own blood as a material when refining some magic tools.

"Can I use my blood instead? I can give you some if I can."

Draco spoke up.

Although he was a little afraid of pain, Chu He was willing to spare his father who worked for the Dark Lord for his sake during the winter vacation, so Draco wanted to do something for Chu He.

"Thank you for your kindness, but this kind of thing only works with my blood.

Chu He smiled, and he felt Draco's loyalty.

If he really just needs blood, he definitely doesn't lack it, but the problem is that ordinary blood has no effect at all.

Only the blood of oneself as the Dragon of Destiny has the effect of carrying divine power.

"Then, in short, call me anytime if you need anything. I'm willing to give anything for you except my life."

Draco spoke up.

"Well. Have you encountered any difficulties in learning black magic recently? Let me explain it to you?"

Chu He asked, Draco was so loyal to himself, he couldn't treat Draco badly.

"I haven't encountered any difficulties, but I want to master some powerful magic spells, and I don't think the magic taught in school is strong enough.

Draco said excitedly, he knew how powerful Chu He was, and it was rare that Chu He was willing to point him, so he naturally had to seize this opportunity.

"Black magic, well, what type of black magic do you want to learn?"

Chu He asked.

"Is this still classified?

Draco asked in surprise.

"Of course there is. Black magic is also divided into ancient powerful magic for frontal attack, fast modern magic that can cast spells quickly, and some extremely secret assassination magic."

Chu He explained.

The magic world has developed to this day, and it is not only the disarming spell, the smashing spell, which is a fast instant magic.

Before the 14th century, there were still many powerful ancient magics.

However, in an open magic duel contest, in the final game, a wizard was singing ancient magic and intending to lift a mountain to crush his opponent, but another wizard used a disarming spell to quickly take away his wand, which made the magic of the future. The school of development gradually gravitated towards small-power instant magic.

There's no way, you can't compare to others without the same kind of instant magic. In the case of everyone using it, you don't need to be the only one who suffers. It is precisely because of this vicious circle that the powerful magic is gradually lost in the long river of time....

In fact, from Chu He's point of view, high-power magic is definitely not weaker than instant magic, but these wizards have not done a good job of dealing with instant magic such as disarming spells.

A good wizard should understand the magic that the opponent intends to use, and take countermeasures in advance.

On the other hand, you need to exercise the ability to move and cast spells, standing on the spot and chanting powerful magic. Isn't that a target for people to hit?

"Then, then Chu He, what type of black magic do you think I am suitable for?"

Draco opened his mouth and asked that he was definitely not as experienced in choosing magic as Chu He, so he planned to give the choice to Chu He.

"Are you interested in assassination magic?

Chu He opened his mouth and asked, Draco was standing in front of him... he always felt a little imposing enough. He was still good at stealth and sneak attack type magic, but if he was not interested in this kind of magic, it would be pointless to force him to teach him.

"There is there.

Draco nodded again and again.

"Me, can we follow along?

Goyle and Crabbe approached.

"The two of you can be exempted from it. Even a disarming spell can't be used well, and you still want to learn high-end black magic."

Chu He waved his hand in disgust. When he was a Defence Against the Dark Arts substitute teacher last year, he was almost mad at Crabbe and Goyle, two idiots. These two are typical lazy people who want to relax. A wretch who gains power.

He couldn't figure out what was wrong with the Sorting Hat, and the two were assigned to Slytherin, known for his shrewdness and ambition.

This is literally throwing dirty water on the Slytherin branch.

"All right...

Goyle and Crabbe returned to their beds lost.

"Then Draco, the black magic I'm going to teach you next is called shadow killing. As the name implies, you can use magic to manipulate the shadow of the opponent to assassinate the opponent. If you don't have a considerable experience in 1.3, it is difficult to deal with this kind of black magic. , because one cannot escape from one's own shadow."

"Well, well, I will definitely study hard! 35

Draco's eyes lit up and he listened carefully to Chu He's little magic class.

Shadow killing magic has a wide range of effects, not only for killing, but also for kidnapping. What kind of spell was passed out by the shadow.

Of course, this kind of magic is not without a cracking method. As long as the size of the shadow is controlled to a certain extent by using fluorescent flickering, the magic of shadow killing cannot be maintained and the killing effect will be lost.

But under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a wizard to think of such a coping method in a short period of time, unless it is a wizard who has a certain understanding of shadow killing.

Of course, learning shadow killing has certain requirements on the concentration of mental power. Only when mental power can firmly lock the shadow of the opponent, can magic power be used to endow the shadow with actual lethality.

But from Chu He's point of view, Draco shouldn't have much problem with mastering this magic.

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