Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 228 Forbidden Forest Adventure

After a few hours, everything that was supposed to be said was finished, and it was almost time to turn off the lights and go to bed.

Chu He returned to the magic suitcase, and after Draco, Goyle, Crabbe and others fell asleep, they quietly left the boys' lounge.

When I came to the common room, Cassandra was sitting on the sofa and waiting for herself with a smile on her face.

"Let's go.

Chu He came to Kassandra and raised his hand, the space magic was activated immediately, and the two of them appeared outside the forbidden forest in the next second.

"Huhuhu, the feeling of adventuring in the forbidden forest at night is really exciting, Chu He, don't you think so?""

Cassandra asked eagerly.


Chu He nodded cooperatively. Although the Forbidden Forest was not an adventure for him, it was obvious that Kassandra had to be cooperated here.

"Follow me closely, and I will protect you from my sister today."

After Kassandra finished speaking, she took the lead and walked into the gloomy Forbidden Forest, while Chu He followed Kassandra.

After walking into the Forbidden Forest, the two of them made the sound of breaking branches from time to time. The night wind blew through the Forbidden Forest and made a harsh and eerie whistling sound. Ordinary girls heard this sound and the Forbidden Forest's sound. The atmosphere might have made her legs weak on the spot, but Cassandra was like nothing, her jewel-like green pupils looked around alertly, preventing any possibility of attackers.

Soon, a giant eight-eyed spider as large as a cart was fishing for its silk from a giant tree and fell to the ground. Before it could charge towards the two of them, Kassandra swung her wand.

"Blow the giant spider.

The white magic light precisely hit the eight-eyed giant spider, and the eight-eyed giant spider suddenly turned over and died on the spot.

Cassandra didn't even mean to take credit. After all, this eight-eyed giant spider is too bad, and it's not worthy of her and Chu He taking credit.

Chu He took out a reagent tube, and as soon as he raised his hand, invisible magic power dismantled the venom gland of the eight-eyed giant spider, and a venom flew into the reagent tube under the control of magic power.

"By the way, why does Chu He want the venom of this ugly thing?"

Cassandra asked curiously.

"The refining of some potions requires the use of this venom, and if you can store it, you must reserve some.

Chu He answered.

While speaking, a rustling voice came, and Kassandra's eyes swept away, and her scalp suddenly became numb, because dozens of eight-eyed giant spiders had emerged from the surroundings to surround the two.

However, Cassandra soon calmed down, and quickly and accurately shot multiple magical rays of light that slammed the giant spiders. One after another, the eight-eyed giant spiders kept turning over and dying, but the entire front continued to move towards the two of them. Approaching.

"Damn it! How come it's endless!"

Looking at the eight-eyed giant spiders that kept approaching herself and Chu He, a few drops of sweat appeared on Cassandra's forehead. Even if she wanted to use a large-scale AOE killing magic now, the eight-eyed giant spiders would not give it to her. It's time for her to sing.

"The ultimate bondage."

Seeing that Cassandra was struggling to cope, Chu He immediately drew out his wand, and a golden circle of magic power quickly spread outward with Chu He as the center.

All the eight-eyed giant spiders that came into contact with the golden aperture were immediately bound by golden magic cages. Without IQ, they kept trying to hit the golden walls, but they couldn't shake these golden cages at all.

And Cassandra took this opportunity to quickly clean up all the eight-eyed spiders.

"Kassandra, in fact, you have to analyze the habits of your opponents while you are fighting. In many cases, you are fighting opponents that you have never encountered. 39

'When you can analyze your opponent's weaknesses, you're not far from winning. "

"Take the eight-eyed giant spider just now, after you killed one, the other eight-eyed giant spiders quickly rushed over to surround us. From this, we can judge that they are clustered and have a strong desire for revenge. I don't need my help to use mass destruction magic."

Chu He explained while recovering the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider.

The reason why he came to the Forbidden Forest with Kassandra today is to accompany Kassandra for three stars on the one hand, and to cultivate Kassandra's adaptability in actual combat on the other hand.

After all, Cassandra hasn't gone out to practice much, and most of her opponents are herself. If you don't find other opponents to practice, her thinking may be solidified.

"Understood, I'll take a good look at it later."

Cassandra nodded. In this regard, she can admit her own shortcomings. After all, Chu He said these words to herself for her own good.

"Okay, let's move on."

After collecting the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider, Chu He snapped his fingers, and the ice blue fire instantly turned into a fire dragon and devoured the dead eight-eyed giant spider's body, leaving only a thin layer of ashes on the ground. The wind is gone.

"Why did it burn?"

Cassandra asked curiously.

"We sneaked into the Forbidden Forest. If Hagrid sees the corpse in this place tomorrow, he will definitely find someone from the Forbidden Forest, and he will report it to Dumbledore. It is very troublesome to find out, so it is better to dispose of the corpse directly. it is good."

Chu He explained that the dangerous dark creatures in the Forbidden Forest did not belong to Hogwarts. If someone could come and destroy Dumbledore, he would obviously be very happy, but he would worry about whether some outlaws had invaded Hogwarts. tz.

Although Dumbledore had surrendered to him now, as long as he said hello to him, it would be fine, but he didn't bother to go to say hello to Dumbledore for such trivial matters as entering the Forbidden Forest.

"So that's the case, how many 753-like things have you done to be so thoughtful?"

asked Cassandra jokingly.

"That's too much, so much that I can't even remember how many things like that I've done.

Chu He replied casually.


Cassandra didn't expect that she would get such an answer, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"After all, if you are not careful, you can't live. I can live to this day because of this caution... There will always be powerful beings in this world.

Chu He said with a smile.

"Listening to you, I always feel that I am a little arrogant... You are so strong and cautious, I am weaker than you, but I am the best among my classmates, so I am complacent. 35

Cassandra said a little disappointed.

"I think this is character, I think Cassandra, your arrogance is also a kind of charm."

Chu He said with a smile.

"If you say that, then I won't change it."

Cassandra hugged Chu He and kissed Chu He's face hard, and then said happily.

"Go ahead, I haven't collected enough material yet.

"Hmm. 35

Cassandra nodded, and then the two walked towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

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