Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 229 The Strongest Assassination Artifact: Voldemort

As they entered the Forbidden Forest, a thin layer of mist gradually appeared in the air, obscuring the vision of the two of them.

The crooked moon was also covered by thick clouds, and the Forbidden Forest quickly turned into a mouth-devouring pitch-black mouth.

"Tsk, the fluorescent light is flickering."

A ball of light floated out from the tip of Kassandra's wand and followed around the two to illuminate the nearby field of vision, but due to the existence of the fog, the fluorescent flashing light did not spread too far.

"Kassandra, taking this opportunity, let me teach you a kind of night vision magic. In this case, if the lighting magic is attached, it will become a living target for the dark creatures in the forbidden forest. They live here and do not need lighting. , have become accustomed to such weather.

"By learning this night vision magic we can go from prey to hunter.""

"Okay. 35

Cassandra readily agreed.

"Ultimate guardian, drop the enemy trap."

Chu He took out his wand and cast an early warning magic and a defensive magic nearby, and then began to explain the principle of night vision magic to Kassandra.

In itself, Cassandra is the best student in Slytherin except Chu He, plus she has learned a lot of magic from Chu He this year, both of them are very aware of each other's pace, so Cassandra quickly Master this night vision magic.

After activating the night vision magic, the fog that had previously blocked her vision disappeared directly, and Cassandra even felt that her field of vision had been extended a lot, as if she had opened the door to a new world.

The magical creature in the distance turned into a dark red outline in her sight.

"Chu He, there's a dark red bicorn over there, are they really dark red, or are they?"

Cassandra asked excitedly, pointing to a bicorn a few hundred meters away.

"It is the effect of magic. All creatures will be observed in the form of dark red, which is easy to distinguish from the environment. When used for assassination, it can see through the opponent's concealment. 35

Chu He explained.

"Understood, then do you need bicorn material? 々?"

Cassandra asked with a smile.

"You really need a little bit of their horns and blood to hunt a few.

Chu He nodded, and then Cassandra approached the bicorn with light and fast steps.

"Speaking of which, with such a useful night vision magic, you didn't teach me sooner.

As she walked, Cassandra complained in a low voice.

"Didn't you tell me before that you wanted to learn aggressive magic? I asked you if you wanted to learn some auxiliary magic, but you said you don't need it.

Chu He was dumbfounded. As an all-round wizard, he naturally considered training Kassandra to be all-powerful, but Kassandra had always said that she wanted to learn powerful attack magic, but she did not teach him anything at all. The opportunity to assist magic would be good, but she came to blame herself instead.

So it's really hard to understand the girl's mind.

"Ahem, it's actually quite important to use auxiliary magic like this, so let's learn a little bit later. I have mastered a lot of attack magic now.

When Chu He mentioned this, Cassandra coughed a little embarrassedly. It seemed that Chu He had mentioned to teach herself some auxiliary magic before, but she always felt that she couldn't help because she was not strong enough. Chu He, therefore has been asking Chu He to teach himself powerful attack magic.

While speaking, the two had already touched a place more than 100 meters away from the bicorn.

Cassandra immediately waved her wand, and a throat-cutting spell flew silently towards the bicorn, and a blood flower flew out of the bicorn's neck.

The blood that flew out of the wound flew into a vial under the control of Chu He's magic.

At this moment, a black shadow like a bat wing silently floated down from the tree and headed towards the unaware Kassandra.

"God Guard."

A miniaturized silver swimming dragon jumped out from the tip of Chu He's wand, the dragon's mouth directly bit the shadow, and then flew back to Chu He.

Only then did Cassandra notice something on her head just now.

"What now?"

Cassandra's scalp was numb as she looked at the huge black bat in the silver dragon's mouth, with a look of horror on her face.

She didn't even notice this at all!

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see this here, this thing is called Voldemort bat, it is the most perfect killer among magic killers, it has anti-gravity talent magic, and it doesn't make any sound when flying and gliding, Its wings are not used for flight, but for prey.

"The general hunting method is to wrap the body of the prey with huge bat wings, suffocate it to death, and then be slowly digested by it.

"All known physical attacks and almost all attack magic have no effect on this thing, only the Patronus Charm can dispel it.

Chu He looked at the bat in the dragon's mouth and explained.

".々 This thing is so powerful? No wonder I can't find it.

Cassandra looked at the Voldemort bat in the dragon's mouth in surprise. She did not expect that she would encounter such a dangerous creature.

This bat is indeed as Chu He explained, even though it struggled frantically in the dragon's mouth, it didn't even make a sound of breaking through the air.

"It's fortunate that the two of us came in today. If Hagrid came over, it would be bad luck. Once this thing comes into contact with a prey, it only has a few minutes of reaction time at most, and it must successfully cast the Patronus Charm within these few minutes. Stay alive, I'll teach you the Patronus Charm after you go back. If you are accidentally controlled by this thing in the future, you must calm down. 35

Chu He said.

"Well, how do you kill this thing?"

Cassandra asked.

"Kill, why do you want to kill? This is a cherished magical animal that I finally saw. In the past 20 years (Zhao Lihao), no Voldemort bat has been found in England, and it has not even been sold on the black market in Credence. , If it can be tamed successfully, it will be a very good assassination weapon, and I am very interested in its system that is immune to all physical attacks and magic attacks.

"But this thing is so big... Would it be a bit... too ostentatious to bring it back as a pet.

Cassandra looked at the huge Voldemort bat in front of her and hesitated.

"Actually, this thing is very thin, and it is similar to a pitch-black cloak when it is hidden. It does not occupy a large space. It can even be drawn from the gap of the window. From this point of view, we can know its How thin the body is.

"But even if you say that, how are we going to cruise it? Hogwarts will be a mess if it eats people?

Cassandra reminded worriedly.

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