Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 398: The Assassination of Ninjas

"Then let's go."

Hinata Hana hurriedly ran towards the trail of dragging.

"Calm down. Although it is important to save people, you should also ask whether the other party will set traps or ambush on the road. Once the ninja loses his calm, he is not far from dying. Don't sacrifice your own life for the life of others. , if you lose your calm and vigilance, you can't save anyone. 99

Mitarai Red Bean grabbed Hinata Hana's shoulder and opened her mouth to remind.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Red Bean."

Hinata Hana, who was sweating coldly, nodded at Mitarai Red Bean.

After being reminded by Mitarai Red Bean, she was afraid. If there were traps in front of her, which were covered with cutting-pointed bamboos, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After all, the elders in the family had also taught her these traps to hinder the pursuers.

"If you are in a hurry to chase "August 17", you can check with your eyes to see if there are any traps nearby before chasing."

Chu He reminded from the side.

"Oh, let me take a look.

Hinata Hana slapped her head and opened her eyes to observe whether there are hidden traps in the nearby terrain.

Because her own chakra is not enough, she can't keep her eyes open for a long time, so she usually doesn't open her eyes.

It will only open for a while when fighting the enemy.

"Looks like... no traps."

Hinata Hana, who had finished reading it, answered.

"Then you can chase it with peace of mind, it's up to you, the Hyuga clan, to break the trap.

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"In short, let's chase it, maybe we can save some people.

Hinata Hanabi urged.

"Well, let's go."

Then the four chased after the wandering warriors dragging the villagers.

In the middle of the night, the four appeared near a cave.

At the entrance of the cave stood two warriors with wine bags hanging from their waists.

"The boss is too cautious, it's just such a small village, even if we live in it, we can still have an army to encircle and suppress us, so we have to live in this bitter cave. 35

A samurai took a sip of the wine in the wine bag, and accosted another samurai with a depressed expression.

"It's hard to say. After all, the Land of Fire is the strongest among the five nations. Even though it's just a small village, we are now making trouble on their territory. Who knows if it will cause any trouble. I think the boss will lead us. Living here is the right choice."

Another samurai spoke up.

"Tsk, this broken village doesn't even have a few beautiful women, all of them are from old men and women, and there are not many people, it's really unfortunate.

"Looking for another village to grab it after a while, there will always be good ones.

Hinata Hana was a little angry listening to the samurai's chat in the distance.

"What, what to do now?"

Hinata Hana asked Chu He in a low voice.

"In this case, you can go over with Bai and kill these two guards, and then go in carefully and deal with all the enemies."

Chu He answered.

"Then I'll be on the left, and you'll be on the right.""

Hinata Hana said.


Shiro nodded, and then the two got out of the bushes they were hiding in, hiding their figures and silently approaching the entrance of the cave where the samurai was.

The two half-drunk samurai didn't notice Shiro and Hinata Hana's figure at all, and suddenly the samurai on the right covered his neck and fell straight to the back.

"Hey, don't you fucking sleep, we're still vigilant, and the boss will be scolded when he sees it.

The other samurai saw his companion fall and mistakenly thought that he was drunk, and when he walked over to look at it cursingly, there was an undetectable movement behind him, and then a kunai stabbed into his temple.

The warrior's body twitched, and then he fell to the ground stiffly.

Shiro came to the body of the samurai on the right and pulled a silver needle out of his throat.

"Not bad, these two little guys did a good job.

Mitarai Red Bean praised from the side.

"Indeed, they are both very good, let's follow. 55


The two immediately followed Hanata and Shiro who entered the cave.

In the cave lay in a mess of drunken warriors.

Passing by these warriors, Bai showed no mercy, waving the silver needle in his hand to seal his throat without exception.

When he came to the depths of the cave, a burly man was shaking a village woman under his body, and Hinata Hana suddenly threw three shuriken at him angrily...


What surprised Hinata Hana was that the burly man directly caught one of the shuriken with his hand and then threw out the other shuriken that he shot down, and at the same time tilted his head to avoid the other shuriken.

Before Hinata Hanako came back to his senses, the burly man kicked away the village woman, lifted his pants, picked up the samurai sword beside him, and slashed at Hinata Hanako.

Hinata Hana hurriedly jumped a step to avoid the samurai's powerful jump chop, but before she could make the next move, she was swept to the ground by the opponent's leg.

"Water escape, water cannon!"

Bai quickly formed a seal, and six water bombs blasted towards the burly man.


The burly man with a keen figure dodged the water bombs shot by Bai, and then ran quickly and kept slashing at Bai with a knife.

Due to the strength of the burly man, neither the silver needle in Shiro's hand nor the Kunai of Hinata Hana could catch his slash, and Shiro and Hinata Hana were suppressed by the samurai for a while.

At this time, the other samurai also came back to their senses and grabbed their weapons and planned to besiege Shiro and Hinata Hana.

"Here I come."

With Chu He's voice, the burly man saw a huge dragon claw slapped towards him.

"Well done!

The burly man slashed towards Chu He's dragon claw with a loud slam.

With a click, the 1.3 samurai sword was directly crushed by Chu He's dragon claws, and then the dragon claws were slapped on the burly man.

At this time, Shiro and Hinata Hana started to deal with other samurai.

"I'm so unlucky... I actually met a ninja here..."5

"Little devil, what's your name?"

The half-dead burly man who was shot with a dragon claw by Chu He asked weakly.

"The dead don't need to know my name."

After Chu He finished speaking, he waved his dragon claw again and smashed the burly man's head. Seeing that the leader was killed, the warriors suddenly lost their fighting spirit and wanted to escape from the cave.

But Mitarai Red Bean was watching in the direction in which they escaped.

Naturally, these samurai were instantly killed by Mitarai red beans without exception.


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