Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 399: The hand washes red beans: This kid has a big picture

As soon as the military's heart collapsed, the samurai suddenly became confused, and then in the panic, they were killed one by one by Hinata Hana and Shiro.

After all, compared to a one-on-one confrontation, ninjas are better at catching fish in troubled waters.

The captured villagers huddled in the corner of the cave one by one in fear, for fear of being accidentally injured.

When the last samurai fell, Hinata Hana leaned against the wall, gasping for breath.

These samurai are indeed as Mitarai Red Bean said before, and they should not be underestimated.

Especially the samurai leader, if not for Chu He's shot, she and Bai would obviously be in a tough fight.

And if Chu He didn't make a move, the other samurai would react and follow the samurai leader to surround her and Bai, maybe both of them would die here.

Looking at the village woman who had been ravaged by the samurai leader earlier, Hinata Hana reckoned that if she and Shiro lost, the end would not be much better.

This mission also made Hinata Hana know the cruelty of reality.

"Everyone, we are ninjas from Konoha Village, you can go back to your home 13 miles away.

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"thank you all...

An old man among the villagers thanked them, while the other villagers cried softly. After all, some of their relatives died under the atrocities of these warriors, while others were sullied.

However, this is also something that can't be helped. In this world, if you don't have the strength...you will be treated so excessively.

"You guys escort them back here, I'll go out a little bit to deal with something. 99

Chu He left a sentence, then turned and left.

Although there was some doubts about Chu He's solo action, the three of Hinata Hanako didn't say anything.

Chu He returned to the attacked village, and then launched the plundering power in the Broken Godhead to devour all the corpses to strengthen his body, and then took out the alcohol from the space ring and began to disinfect the entire village.

After all, those corpses have been dead for a while, and there is a possibility of a plague.

After the disinfection, Chu He raised his hand and activated wind magic to sweep away the rancid smell formed by the accumulation of corpses in the entire village, so that the surviving villagers were less likely to get sick.

After eliminating the source of the plague, Chu He activated space magic and returned to the cave again.

This time, the villagers had been escorted back to the village by the three of Hinata Hana, and only the bodies of the dead samurai were left in the cave. Chu He immediately launched the force of plunder to devour the bodies of these samurai, and he felt that his body gradually became stronger. up.

There was no chance to recover these corpses before, and this time he will naturally not let go of the opportunity.

When Mitarai and the three of them escorted the villagers back to the village, they looked at the cleaned and disinfected village, and the three of them understood what Chu He was doing alone.

Mitarai Red Bean couldn't help but praise Chu He's carefulness in his heart.

The longer she got along, the more she found that Chu He had a big picture.

In some matters, Chu He thinks even more thoughtful than her Jōnin.

Take this incident as an example, Chu He did a beautiful job.

"I am back.

While Mitarai Red Bean was thinking so, Chu He returned to the team.

"By the way, what are you going to do after you finish dealing with the village?"

Mitarai Red Bean asked curiously.

Normally, Chu He should wait for them here after sanitizing the village, but Chu He obviously did something else.

"I also dealt with the samurai corpses in the cave a little bit. It is still unclear where they came from. If they were found by the original team, there might be disputes in the country of fire, so I disposed of them all. ."

Chu He answered.

"Did you even think about that step...""

Mitarai Red Bean was completely speechless.

"Bai and I used to live alone outside, so naturally we have to be more careful. 95

Looking at Mitarai red beans who were a little bit beaten, Chu He opened his mouth and comforted him.

"Forget it, you are a member of my team, and your evaluation will increase in the future when you are powerful, so you should give full play to your talents.

Mitarai Red Bean gave up and patted Chu He's shoulder.

She has been able to conclude that Chu He will definitely become a powerful ninja in the future, and all she has to do is to teach him everything she knows.

"The mission seems to have been successfully completed this time, let's go back. 35

Watching the villagers return to their homes, Mitarai Red Bean greeted Hinata Hanako and Shiro, and the four of them set off on their return journey.

"Hana, if Chu He and I were not here this time, how would you and Shiro kill that samurai leader?

Mitarai adzuki opened her mouth to test Hinata Hana.

"Hey, then, use, observe the flow of energy in his body with white eyes, and then think, think of a way to kill him."

Hinata Hana thought for a while, and then answered.

"Forget it, your idea is already dead, let's talk about it, Bai. 99

Mitarai Red Bean denied Hinata Hana's tactics without saying a word.

"I will retreat first, slowly kill his subordinates with silver needles, and leave him in a state of fright for a long time. When he is exhausted and wants to escape from the cave, I will attack and kill him.

White opened his mouth to answer.

"It's a good method."

Mitarai Red Bean glanced at Bai with admiration.

"817, but if he does this kind of thing, what if he starts killing the hostages in the cave?

Hinata Hanako asked suspiciously.

"Then let him kill."

Mitarai Red Bean replied.

"How, how can this be! Aren't we going to save them?

Hinata Hanako's eyes widened.

"Under the premise of saving others, the first task is to ensure that you can survive as a ninja, so that it is possible to save others.""

"If you die, those people will still die. You can't even take revenge for them, so the first thing to do is to confirm your own survival rate and the completion rate of the mission. The death of other personnel is sometimes necessary. Accept, at this point, White has to do far better than you.

Mitarai Red Bean opened his mouth to teach.


. .

Hinata Hanako was silent.

She wanted to refute, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only look at Chu He for help, hoping that Chu He could speak for herself.

"Hua Huo, if you want to save everyone, then become stronger. When you are stronger than everyone, you can save people as you please, otherwise you can only accept the facts. Hongdou is right, you have to Make sure you survive first before you have the chance to think of something else.

Chu He answered.

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