With an official name, this group that had just happened to get together suddenly became official. Everyone discussed some details together - for example, adding other members must obtain everyone's consent, cannot destroy other people's things, SSC members should protect each other when facing professors or other students, etc.

Wade originally felt that this was somewhat of a game - a group of just a few people, who would gather or break up if they didn't, what rules and regulations should be set? But everyone else participated very seriously, which gave Wade some strange feelings.

It was as if he had really joined some mysterious organization.

"Rute was used as an anti-toxic drug in ancient Greece. It was discovered in the 16th century AD. So far, people have found that its medicinal value has the following types: the extract of stems and leaves can expel toxins - pollen sprayed on basilisks. The poisonous gas produced has a defensive effect - rue can be widely planted, and the cultivation method is - you need to pay attention when cultivating - "

Wade placed the last letter on the parchment and finished yesterday's homework for herbal medicine class. As for the homework for other subjects, he had completed it as early as the day he finished class. Vader checked the grammar again, waited for the ink to dry, and rolled up the parchment.

"Vade, are you done with your homework?" Hermione came over and asked.


"I have something to tell you." Hermione whispered.

The two of them moved to the other side of the classroom, and Wade waved his magic wand: "Close your ears and listen."

——So no matter how loud they speak, it is just a subtle buzzing in other people's ears.

Vader looked at Hermione's worried expression and asked, "What happened?"

"That's right, the afternoon before yesterday, that guy Malfoy asked Harry to duel at midnight in the trophy room. As soon as I heard that, I knew that guy had no good intentions, because he didn't have the courage at all!" Hermione said angrily: "But haha Leigh and Ron didn't listen to my advice at all, just for the sake of boys' face - they were so selfish! They didn't even think about how many points they would lose if they were caught! "

Hermione took a few deep breaths and suppressed her anger before continuing: "Of course, that's not the point - because we were lucky enough not to be caught, even though it was just a little bit -"

"——You?" Wade caught the key word.

"Yes. When I was trying to stop them from doing something stupid, I was accidentally locked out of the lounge door and had to act with the two of them." Hermione frowned and said in disgust: "It turned out that Malfoy did not go to the prize. In the showroom, he also revealed the news to Filch - that despicable guy! Then when we escaped, we broke into a locked room - "

Hermione suddenly lowered her voice and asked, "Vade, do you remember what Professor Dumbledore said when school first started?"

Vader thought for a moment. Dumbledore's speech was not much in content. Of course, what impressed him most was——

"Idiot! Cry! Residue! Wretched?"

"Oh, it's not this!" Hermione rolled her eyes and reminded: "It's - anyone who doesn't want to suffer an accident and die a painful death -"

"——Don't go to the corridor on the fourth floor?" Wade remembered, "You guys went to the fourth floor? What did you see?"

"Yes. We accidentally ran to the fourth floor, and then we saw a -" Hermione swallowed, with some lingering fear on her face: "A three-headed dog as tall as a house!"

"How did you survive?" Vader was speechless. He couldn't remember such details for a long time, and he didn't expect Hermione and the others to start experiencing such an adventure so early. He said: "I remember seeing this kind of monster in a book. Although today's three-headed dog is not the legendary hell dog, its teeth can easily crush a skull, and there are corrosive poisons on its teeth. , the wound will be difficult to heal after being bitten by that guy.”

"It might not have reacted at first, but then it roared and pounced on us, and we were almost eaten by it!" Hermione clenched her fists, her body trembling slightly: "The school actually - actually put such a dangerous monster in the castle It’s unbelievable! Even if you want to use it to guard something, what if another reckless student breaks in? Doesn’t the school care about the safety of ordinary students at all?

Vader made a joke: "Maybe the magic school has something like a death indicator? It doesn't matter how many students die every year, it just serves as a wake-up call for others! Let them know not to take the professor's words inappropriately. One thing!”

"——There is such a thing!" Hermione scratched her face in horror and said incoherently: "But I didn't see it at all in "Hogwarts: A School History"——Yes, this kind of thing Of course it won't be in the book - it's terrible! How could the Ministry of Magic allow it -"

Vader didn't expect that she didn't doubt his words at all, and he quickly raised his hands to apologize: "I'm sorry! Hermione, I was just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously——"

Hermione looked at him blankly, tears even forming in her brown eyes.

Now Vader really felt a little guilty in his heart. He said sincerely again: "Sorry, I just saw that you seemed to be scared, so I made a joke. But it seems to have turned into a hell joke - I am an idiot! Don't be angry -"

Hermione kept a straight face and said nothing, and was so angry that she ignored Wade for a long time.

It wasn't until the practice was over and everyone else had left, that Vader stopped Hermione and apologized repeatedly, finally letting the girl let go.

Hermione lowered her head and said dullly: "Actually, I know - everyone doesn't like me - but I treat you as a friend, so don't tease me like others -"

Vader was so soft-hearted that he felt so guilty that he would slap himself even if he thought about it in the middle of the night - because he knew that Hermione was not having a good time in Gryffindor during this period, so he Appear sensitive and vulnerable. He raised his two fingers and said seriously like an oath: "I'm sorry, I promise there will never be a next time."

Hermione looked into his eyes for a long time before whispering: "A joke must make both parties happy before it is considered a joke."

"I remember." Vader felt ashamed. He actually wanted a real eleven-year-old girl to tell him such a simple truth. Could it be that after reviving his life, he really regarded himself as a heartless little boy?

Looking at the vortex above his head, Hermione smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'm not angry anymore." The girl coughed dryly, "Speaking of the three-headed dog—actually, I want to discuss with you whether I should go find Professor McGonagall?"

"You want to talk to Professor McGonagall about the safety of three-headed dogs?" Vader understood what she meant immediately.

"Yes." Hermione scratched her already messy hair in annoyance and said, "Although they have locked that room, it can be opened with an unlocking spell. If any curious students run in - Alas, I would like to suggest to Professor McGonagall that the room should be hidden with powerful magic, but that would reveal that we have violated the school ban—"

"Why don't you think about it from another angle, Hermione?" Wade thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the door was so crudely sealed just to allow someone to open it."

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