Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 24 Purchasing on behalf of others

Hermione's eyes slowly widened, and she obviously understood something. She trembled and said, "So, that's it--"

"That's right." Wade said, "It's Harry Potter."

"--Death Index!" Hermione shouted at the same time.

The two looked at each other.

"--Harry Potter?" Hermione said in surprise.

"...It's a joke." Wade said helplessly.

The two looked at each other again.

Hermione frowned.

Hermione gradually understood.

"No wonder..." She whispered, "Percy - Gryffindor's prefect, a fifth-year Weasley - said that in the past, Professor Dumbledore would explain the reason for any place where students were not allowed to go. But this time, he just said that students were not allowed to enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor, but he didn't say why."

"If it was clearly stated that there was a three-headed dog hidden there, even the Weasley twins would not run to seek death, let alone Potter, who is only in the first year." Wade was not surprised, "The vague warning is to attract the curious Gryffindor - Dumbledore probably left some test there."

He remembered that Harry Potter played a real-life game in the first year. He and his friends each solved a level with their own wisdom and ability. In the end, Harry used the "magic of love" to kill the bottom boss Voldemort.

The seven "Harry Potter" books are thicker and darker than the previous ones, but the first one is still full of childishness. Even the conspiracy and tricks seem innocent and cute. Voldemort came to Harry Potter to gain experience.

"How could he do that!" Hermione's fear immediately turned into anger: "Someone might die! Does it matter? Or does he not care about Harry Potter's life at all?!"

"Then did you rush in unexpectedly and get hurt by the three-headed dog?" Wade asked back.

"That's not the case. But that's because it started - ah -"

Hermione suddenly realized, and felt like she had seen the truth through the fog.

"I guess - just a guess - maybe Dumbledore put some restrictions on the three-headed dog, so that it would not really attack the students who accidentally broke in, but just scare them. But if you want to do something further, the three-headed dog will not sit idly by." Wade said cautiously.

"I saw it standing on a trap door." Hermione said: "It must be guarding something."

"If the facts are as we guessed," Wade finally said: "Harry Potter will definitely know what it is guarding."


The progress of things seemed to be slowed down, perhaps because Hermione was angry with Harry and Ron and didn't pay much attention to them, so she didn't get any further news.

But Wade didn't care much about these things. He knew that everything was under Dumbledore's watch and there was nothing to worry about. Compared with Harry Potter's adventure, Wade was more concerned about the progress of spells.

In the latest practice, he accidentally discovered that it was not only when he was guiding others that he could see the arc of guiding the correct method of casting spells. When he looked in the mirror, he could also see his own guiding line, which made his spell practice much faster. So Wade took some time to practice potions - there were always a lot of ordinary materials on the shelf behind the potions classroom, free for students to practice, but because of Professor Snape, most students were unwilling to step into the underground classroom except for class, even Slytherin students.

Wade practiced potions in his spare time, and Snape turned a blind eye and occasionally pointed out his mistakes in a sarcastic tone. Overall, as long as you are not a glass heart, you can still learn a lot from him.

At this time, Wade was glad that he was a Ravenclaw - if he was a Gryffindor lion, he might have been kicked out by Snape on the first day he stepped into the potion class privately?

One afternoon, Wade successfully boiled a pot of wound cleaning agent, which was evaluated by Professor Snape as "barely usable" and asked him to send it to Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary - the Quidditch game was about to start, and the infirmary would become busy at this time.

When Wade returned to the umbrella house from the school infirmary, he found that everyone was very excited. Everyone gathered around Theo, and even Hermione put down her book and said in a calculation: "I want three feet of thick parchment and five bottles of ink. I heard that there is a kind of shorthand quill pen that is very useful. If there is one, I also want to buy two -"

Theo wrote it down quickly, and Michael next to him shouted: "Oh, please, Hermione. I know you love to study, but life would be so boring if there was only study! You should buy yourself something that can bring fun! Honeydukes' candies are super good! I recommend blowing super bubble gum, It can fill the whole room with blue bellflower-colored bubbles, which is almost the favorite of girls. Fizzy Bee Candy is also a hot-selling product, and there is also Butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks Bar. Almost no one can resist drinking a cup. "

"Hmm--" Hermione hesitated for a long time and said, "Then bring me another Galleon of candy! No cockroach piles or weird things like that!"

Although it is not convenient for her to bring the candy back to the dormitory-this will definitely be questioned by other girls, and maybe even say some sour gossip-but she can put the candy in the umbrella house and share it with her SSC partners.

"What are you talking about?" Wade walked over and asked curiously.

"You are finally here, Vader! We have all been waiting for you!" Neville said happily: "This week is the first Hogsmeade weekend. Students in third grade and above can go to Hogsmeade Village."

"I know!" Wade said, "But what does this have to do with us first-year students?"

Of course Vader had heard of Hogsmeade. It was the only village in the UK with only wizards and no Muggles. It was said to be very unique and interesting, and it was right next to Hogwarts and could be walked there.

However, Hogwarts stipulates that only third-year students and above can go there on specific Saturdays, and they must have a signed permission from their guardian. Therefore, Vader and the others will not be able to go to Hogsmeade for at least two years.

"It didn't matter originally." Michael said excitedly: "But Theo said - a third-year Hufflepuff student said that he could help the younger students buy some things they wanted, and also made a list of The product list of Germode Village. Theo and Ryan said they can help us add the things we want.”

Wade took the product and looked at it while curiously asking: "Who is so kind? He doesn't mind the trouble - or is he doing it to make a profit?"

Ryan shook his head and said, "No, Cedric is not helping to make money."

Wade was startled: "What did you say his name was?"

"Cedric." Ryan said: "Cedric Diggory, the number one student in the third year, there are almost no Hufflepuff students who don't like him."

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