The second day of school, Wednesday, September 2. (I checked the calendar myself)

It rained heavily last night at Hogwarts, but now the sky is clear and blue.

When passing through a courtyard on the way to the classroom, Shaw stopped and looked up at the red morning glow slowly fading away.

Slytherin's dormitory is good in every way, except that you can't see the sunrise and sunset.

Shaw just felt a little regretful, and didn't mean to move to Ravenclaw, which has the best view.

He continued to lead people to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

The first class was Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After getting familiar with the rules of the spiral staircase, Shaw led the team all the way to the third floor very skillfully.

When he entered the classroom, he smelled a faint pleasant fragrance in the air.

On the windowsill, the morning light shone on various varieties of orchids, among which the purple-red iris orchid, that is, the French orchid potted plants, were the most.

The layout of the classroom is also mainly elegant, with lavender and light blue curtains fluttering in the wind, and satin of the same color covering all the desks.

The arrangement of the desks is also very interesting, not the original fan-shaped ladder style.

It has become a circular distribution, with a space in the middle, and a black podium standing in the center corner.

Shaw was slightly stunned, then walked to the position directly opposite the podium, and then found a seat and sat down at random.

Draco sat on the right seat, and Harry, who had not arrived yet, occupied one seat.

On the other side, of course, Theodore, who no longer looked like a second-year student, sat.

Daphne tried to approach and chat several times, but was forced back by Theodore's cold eyes.

As the Gryffindor students arrived, Harry and Draco were chatting warmly, and the bell for class rang.

Under everyone's gaze, Lockhart, dressed in a lavender classical dress, walked into the classroom slowly.

After he stepped onto the podium, he glanced at the students and smiled faintly.

"Good morning, students. I won't call the roll. I believe there are no students who don't like to study, only unqualified teachers."

The students smiled knowingly, and the little witches screamed excitedly.

After Lockhart signaled everyone to be quiet, he waved a spell on his fingertips, and a hollow sphere carved with intricate patterns flew out of his sleeves and quietly floated above the classroom.

Then he continued.

"I have carefully learned about your previous learning situation and progress. Due to some special relationships, written knowledge is stronger than practical knowledge, but neither is very ideal.

But it doesn't matter. The Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook focuses on practice. I will make up for these two points for you.

Well, there will be a lot of practical classes in the future."

The little wizards are all at an agitated age. They hate boring textbooks and homework, and are naturally most interested in practical classes.

They looked at Lockhart with burning eyes, hoping that he would ask them to take out their wands and rush into the Forbidden Forest the next moment!

Lockhart waved his hand and said patiently.

"Interest is the driving force of learning, but you also need to understand and master the solution before you can practice it."

Then, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he waved his wand.

The suspended sphere immediately shot out rays of light, like a 3D projection, quickly interweaving into a deep jungle scene in the circular open space of the classroom.

Lockhart also explained in due time.

"This is an ancient wizard alchemy product I obtained from an ancient site. Let's call it a projection ball. It is very similar to the projection crystal in the magic world, but it has more powerful functions and can simulate the required pictures according to your mind.

And my future courses will all be based on my personal experience as teaching materials, so that you can see with your own eyes the cruelty of black magic and dark creatures, and how to defeat them!

When I think you have enough strength, maybe it's time to take you to the Forbidden Forest for adventure."

After Lockhart finished speaking, when the little wizards were about to applaud, the projection scene in the field changed.

In the jungle, Lockhart, dressed in hunting clothes, walked out of the woods. He listened carefully and looked a little serious.

He immediately bowed slightly, used his wand to cast "silent" on himself, and then lightly touched the place where the sound of gnawing corpses was coming from.

This sudden solemn atmosphere made the young wizards immediately quiet down, hold their breath, and automatically put themselves into the role of Lockhart.

Shaw looked very strange when he saw such a modern "movie" teaching.

He couldn't help but look at the indifferent Lockhart twice more.

Seeing him coming, the other party gave a gentle smile.

Well, Shaw retreated again.

He was more and more certain that this Lockhart was framed by someone, but he didn't know which side it was and what the purpose was?

He also cast his eyes into the projection, trying to analyze the strength displayed by Lockhart.

In the projection scene, as Lockhart approached, an abnormal child who was not suitable for children and did not hit the horseThe restricted-level scene of Sike appeared.

Several wheel-sized eight-eyed giant spiders were sharing a human corpse with its intestines pierced and its stomach rotted. With the opening and closing of several pairs of large claws, the human flesh was torn off at random, and the broken flesh and blood were scattered everywhere.

A giant spider disliked the blood-stained head of Lahu, and was caught by the sharp claws and thrown away. The pair of fearful and resentful eyes on the head of the human head made people shudder.

"Ugh!" *N.

This bloody scene immediately made most of the young wizards retch.

But Lockhart seemed to have expected it. With a wave of his wand, the orchids on the windowsill shook, and the fragrance of the flowers intertwined to form a more unique and elegant smell.

The antiemetic effect is excellent!

The young wizards immediately felt no nausea, and even lost their taste and smell.

They all looked at the elegant and calm Professor Lockhart as if they were looking at a devil.

The former fangirl witches also felt like something was collapsing.

Lockhart smiled and gestured to everyone to continue watching.

When the fragrance of the flowers hit Shaw, he only had time to mobilize all his magic power for emergency defense, but he barely avoided being hit.

This sign of self-defense that only the strong can show naturally attracted Lockhart's attention. The other party's expression showed something, but he was still very calm.

Shaw took a deep breath, took out his wand and cast a bubble head spell on himself, and then canceled the magic agitation.

He felt that several resentful eyes were shot at him immediately.

Shaw himself had no choice, after all, he didn't expect Lockhart to have this trick just now.

It was also a lesson learned, and you can never be careless at any time.

And the scene of the eight-eyed giant spider hunting humans in the field, Shaw also felt that this was Lockhart hinting at him, as if all his actions were controlled by someone.

This made his sense of crisis grow.

The projection after that was Lockhart's solo show. He didn't use any powerful spells.

Just three simple spells, with the cooperation of the dancing spell, the barrier spell and the petrification spell, he easily and elegantly solved several giant spiders.

A very successful teaching demonstration.

Shaw felt his head buzzing. Was he being implied again?

So angry!

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