After the young wizards saw the "Lockhart" in the projection, who easily played with the terrifying and hideous eight-eyed giant spider, the look they had just given the demon became different.

Full of the desire to "learn".

After all, this hunting method is most suitable for ordinary people, not everyone can use a big move like a bang bang without magic.

Lockhart smiled calmly, waved his hand to enlarge the image of an eight-eyed giant spider, clearly displayed it in front of the young wizards, and began the formal lecture.

"Acromantula, a five-star dangerous magical creature, is difficult to tame. The danger of a single giant spider does not match the five stars. They usually hunt in small teams, but once they form a group, even fire dragons have to retreat.

This creature not only has sharp claws, but also spits spider silk from its mouth. Its eight legs full of barbs also give it excellent jumping and climbing abilities....

However, every creature has its weaknesses. Although the eight-eyed giant spider is ferocious and bloodthirsty, its eight legs can enable it to move quickly and stabilize its body.

But as long as its speed is limited and its eight legs are broken accurately and ruthlessly, this dangerous animal can only be slaughtered."

Lockhart's explanation was very detailed and even a simple person could understand it.

After seeing that everyone seemed to understand, he gently raised his wand, and a row of very regular fluorescent footprints appeared on the ground in the middle, roughly in the shape of Z and S.

Then the projection began to play in reverse, returning to the scene where "Lockhart" began to "play" with several eight-eyed giant spiders.

Lockhart continued.

"I think everyone knows the three spells of Dancing Spell, Obstacle Spell, and Petrification Spell. It doesn't matter if you don't know them. I will communicate with Professor Flitwick later and teach these spells first.

Next, please pay attention to the projection. Fighting is an art. It's too boring to just attack and defend. If you can coordinate your steps, you can be elegant and save a lot of magic.

Remember, on the battlefield, the careful use of magic is crucial."

Hearing this, Shaw couldn't help but clench his fists and comforted himself in his heart, don't be angry, don't be angry.

After all, what he said was right.

Then the "Lockhart" in the projection started fighting again, and he stepped on the fluorescent footprints on the ground when he advanced and retreated calmly.

The spell in his hand sang "obstacles everywhere", easily avoiding the giant spider's sudden attack, and was very elegant when moving around.

He cooperated with the Dancing Spell and the Petrification Spell to easily and elegantly deal with several eight-eyed giant spiders.

After watching the battle again, the young wizard felt that what the professor had just said was right. Fighting is an art, not a reckless attack.

Lockhart looked at the admiring eyes of the young wizards and was not complacent.

"The class time is limited, so I can only let a few students practice with the fluorescent steps. I will distribute the first set of steps before the class ends, and you can practice more after class."

The young witches were excited, especially the Gryffindors. They took the lead and hoped that the professor would teach them step by step.

Lockhart did not do as the young witches wished. He waved his wand casually. Several girls who came up to demonstrate stood up obediently, and then began to step on the fluorescent steps as if they were controlled.

Shaw's eyes became more and more solemn. Although Lockhart did not release powerful spells, he did not mention the silent and wandless spells.

But the control of magic and spells was simply subtle and perfect.

Judging from these clues, he had reason to suspect that this fake Lockhart had a 70% chance of being a half-step legend!

If he didn't use the seventh-level spell, he might not be his opponent!

Before get out of class ended, Lockhart's homework was also very strange. He didn't ask everyone to write a summary or reflection of this class.

Instead, he asked everyone to read carefully one of his seven books, "Breaking Up with the Female Ghost", and then find unreasonable places in the book.

Shaw really didn't expect there to be such an operation.

As far as he knew, those books were written by the original Lockhart who stole other people's memories. Although they were written about ups and downs, the details could not stand up to scrutiny.

After all, the original Lockhart didn't know many advanced spells at all. Even if he knew the experience and methods of the deceived, he only knew the facts but not the reasons.

So when he mentioned it in the book, he used the Spring and Autumn style!

And now is Lockhart going to self-destruct? Or does he have other purposes?

Can't see through.

Before leaving the classroom, Shaw couldn't help but look back again. Well, he was defeated again.

But this time he noticed a detail.

That was the hollow projection ball that Lockhart took back. The alchemical pattern on it was not an ancient magic pattern at all.

It was the current universal rune pattern!

And the projection ball was shiny and bright, it was obviously a new thing!

But the craftsmanship was really good.

Anyway, Shaw felt that with his current alchemical level, he would definitely not be able to make it.

I really want to learn!

He went out to the classroom, the little wizards' discussion came to my ears.

"The new professor is not only handsome, but also has a strong teaching level. I like him very much."

"I thought the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this semester was a fake and I couldn't learn anything. I didn't expect..."

"Let's go find the professor for an autograph later."

"If there was no blood in the projection, Professor Lockhart's class would be perfect."

Shaw suddenly felt that Lockhart's routine was very familiar, like a marketing method used by some idols in their previous lives.

Why not give the system to the other party?

Afterwards, he felt that he was being implied again.

One is violent and elegant? The other is really elegant?

Shaw took a deep breath and walked quickly to the Slytherin common room, ignoring Draco's call behind him.

He said that he had no classes in the afternoon, and he and Harry would go to the Quidditch field to practice flying so that they could participate in the player selection next week.

Theodore and Alice followed quickly, but when they saw the chief frowning, they didn't ask.

Shaw thought all the way back to the common room.

He found a sofa and sat upright, propping up his chin to continue thinking, and then he remembered something.

He quickly used magic to scan his whole body to see if he was marked.

He even scanned the items in the ring, and focused on the set of books that Lockhart gave him at Flourish and Blotts.

But no matter how he checked, he didn't find any tracking spells.

How did Lockhart know his whereabouts?

Alice started to make tea, and Theodore wiped his wand.

After a while, Shaw gave up helplessly, habitually took the white jade teacup handed by Alice, and took a sip.

Then he spoke.

"What do you think of Lockhart?"

Alice had already understood, and spoke to comfort him.

"Lockhart is elegant and steady, and he is also knowledgeable. He is a good professor, but Chief, you don't need to worry about a person of unknown origin. Even if Lockhart has other purposes, he can't make any waves in Britain and Hogwarts."

Theodore's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he said directly.

"Why don't I kill him and put an end to it."

Shor glanced at his two subordinates in silence.

Forget it, let's think about it for ourselves.

A modern lecture and this familiar routine made Shaw suspect that Lockhart was replaced by an earlier time traveler.

That person received the news of the changes in Hogwarts and then ran to snipe him?

But it's not right.

There are so many time travelers.

And the other party's clothes and eyes all reveal goodwill to him.

Even if the way he implied that he was fighting the eight-eyed giant spider was reckless, it was also a kind guidance.

Although it was not so what he wanted.

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