"Goodbye, Chief."

"Chief, remember to write to me."

"Chief, I have prepared a surprise for you for Christmas. Goodbye."

After Shaw and other men left, only Harry, who had just said goodbye to Draco, was left behind.

Harry, who had just looked "sad", became excited again and looked at Shaw expectantly.

Shaw led Harry outside and nodded and smiled at those who still looked at him with surprise.

I swore in my heart that I would never come to Platform 9 3/4 again. It was embarrassing every time.

After the two came to the Muggle platform from the exit, they found a corner, and Shaw apparated away with Ziying and Harry.

Black's old house.

When Shaw led Harry into the mansion from the main gate that had long been replaced with a black and gold gate, what caught Harry's eyes was a corridor with a simple and noble style.

A row of wall lamps illuminated the corridor, which was neither brilliant nor dim, but rather exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

Shor led the way inside. At the end of the corridor, there was a magical portrait of his grandmother hanging at the top of the stairs.

Shor had no habit of hanging curtains on his grandmother's portrait, so Walburga immediately saw that his grandson had returned.

"Oh, dear, you're back from Hogwarts. It should be Christmas now, right? Damn Kleche is lazy again and doesn't know how to decorate the house in advance.

Huh? Dear, who is the one behind you? Noble pure black hair, but green eyes, another scum who tarnishes his noble bloodline, dear, how can you make friends like this..."

Shor had a headache. His grandmother was usually quite nice, but once it came to things like bloodline, she was like a different person.

He didn't explain to his nagging grandmother first. His grandmother wouldn't stop until she scolded him enough. He snapped his fingers and summoned Kleche.

He instructed the old elf.

"Kreche, take Harry to choose a clean room to stay in first, and be careful about your words and actions."

Kreche's bat-like ears drooped immediately, and he bowed deeply.

"Yes, young master."

Then he stood up and stretched out his hand to Harry, who was curious.

"This way, please!"

Harry was confused, looked at Shor who smiled apologetically at him, and then looked at the old lady on the wall who was still scolding him.

He rubbed his messy hair, picked up his suitcase and followed Kreche upstairs.

As soon as he turned the stairs, Harry curiously wanted to touch a dog head decoration on the wall, and Kreche, who had been holding back his temper, immediately got angry.

"Let go of your dirty hands. If it weren't for the young master's tolerance and generosity, how could you, a savior who is still wet behind the ears, be qualified to set foot in the noble Black family.

By the way, you are still the child of that traitor. I really don't understand why the young master would make friends with you, but what can Kreche do,..."

Harry was a little speechless. He had experienced Kreche's poisonous mouth, but he was not angry. After all, his ears were calloused after hearing more poisonous words than this, and his magic defense was very high.

I just didn't expect that Shaw lived in an environment with such serious blood discrimination.

Now thinking back, Draco would occasionally say one or two similar words unconsciously.

Harry finally knew where it came from.

In his heart, he admired Shaw's grand ideals even more. While enjoying this superiority and treatment, he was compassionate and determined to change this discrimination.

Following the mumbling Kreche to the second floor, Harry accidentally saw the Black family tree through the crack of the door. Although he was curious, he was not reckless.

Under Kreche's impatient arrangement, Harry settled down in a large and comfortable room on the fourth floor.

Kreche had no intention of helping and teleported away.

Harry was not used to being served by others, so he took out a large pile of homework from the suitcase and put it on the desk.

The professors were crazy. It was obviously a holiday, but they assigned two or three times the usual amount of homework.

Harry planned to stay up all night to finish his homework before Christmas, so as not to forget it after the holiday.

Then Harry looked at this warm bedroom curiously. There were some exquisite modern products mixed in with the classical furniture, and there was a scent in the air that made people concentrate.

Harry came to the four-poster bed and slowly lay on it. The quilt was very soft, as if lying on clouds, and there was a smell of sunshine.

Well, there was also a real feeling of home.

Harry closed his eyes silently, enjoying the rare comfort.

He thought to himself that he would just lie down for a while and do his homework, but he slowly fell asleep. After an unknown amount of time, Kreche's hoarse voice reached his ears again.

"Lazy kid, you actually let the noble young master wait for you in the restaurant. You are rude, uneducated, and so annoying..."

Harry was startled and rubbed his eyes for a while, still a little confused, but after seeing Kreche's ugly face clearly, he also remembered that he was at the Shaw family.

Is it time for lunch?

Harry got up quickly, tidied up the wrinkled bedding that was pressed into a human shape, and then got up and walked downstairs with Kreche.

Before entering the restaurant on the third floor, he smelled a strong aroma of food.

Although Harry had eaten Chinese food at school, he ate big pot dishes.

For foreigners who like sweet food, their initial attitude towards Chinese food is curiosity.

After a period of screening, these Western wizards at Hogwarts are not in love with every Chinese food, ahem, the badgers are not an exception.

Anyway, not many people can accept spicy food. Those who like spicy food will naturally like it more. Therefore, most people prefer the light-flavored Jiangnan cuisine and the Northeastern cuisine with large pieces of meat.

Harry, on the other hand, is a sweet lover. He just thinks Chinese home-cooked food is OK.

But when he saw many delicious dishes on the table that he had never seen before at Hogwarts, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Shaw changed into a purple uniform and sat at the main seat. He looked gentle and extended his hand to greet.

"Come and sit down. This is what Kleche spent a whole morning making. Some of the dishes were newly developed by him based on the court recipes in the past six months. Knowing that you don't eat light food, he specially made Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, roasted deer tendons, braised shark fins and other light flavors. Come and try them."

Harry scratched his head and sat down opposite the long table. He was about to pick up the chopsticks.

Kleche came over with a silver basin and said stiffly.

"Wash your hands. "

Harry turned his head to look at the basin, and then looked at his hands, which were indeed a little dirty. Although everyone knows to wash hands before eating, it is estimated that not many people really strictly follow it.

Harry began to wash his hands a little embarrassedly. He washed too hard and rubbed his hands red before wiping them clean with a towel.

Turning around and looking at Shaw embarrassedly.

Shor said warmly.

"Don't mind, Kleche is not like this usually. Ahem, of course, this is also a good habit. Eat."

Harry, who was unrestrained just now, became a little restrained now. Eating was more elegant than in Hogwarts.

Harry ate politely for a while, but he couldn't help but pick up his chopsticks faster.

Don't mention it, although Kleche's mouth stinks, his cooking skills are really not to be underestimated. It's so delicious.

Especially Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, how can there be such a delicious dish? He almost wanted to drink up all the soup left in the bowl.

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