An hour later, lunch was over.

Shor brought Harry, who was a little full, to the living room. After they sat down, Shor poured Harry a cup of hot tea before apologizing.

"I'm very sorry for my grandmother's inappropriate words to you just now on the first floor."

Harry was quietly rubbing his stomach to digest the food, and waved his hands repeatedly when he heard this.

"It's okay, that, it's just a magic portrait, I don't mind."

Shor was not really sorry, but just a way of intervening in the topic.

"Harry, that's my grandmother. How should I put it? She used to be a dignified and elegant person, but later she became a little crazy for some reasons, and she also instilled her memory concepts after she became crazy into the magic portrait."

Harry's curiosity was immediately aroused.

"What's the reason?"

Shor took a sip from the cup and said slowly.

"You can see that my grandmother is an extreme pure-blood supremacist, and most of the formal members of the Black family are extreme pure-blood supremacists.

Don't think I'm not one, but I'm just lucky because I don't have any elders."

Harry was not surprised that pure-blood families had this idea, and then he felt more empathy for Shaw, who was also an orphan. He was tongue-tied and couldn't say anything to comfort him.

Shaw smiled at him gently and continued.

"And in a family like mine, those who didn't support pure-blood supremacy in the past were basically expelled from the family.

For example, your godfather, Sirius Black."

Harry was stunned. In the situation he had learned in the past six months, everyone said that Sirius was a big villain and a lackey of Voldemort.

"Shouldn't Sirius be a supporter of pure-blood supremacy?" Shaw waited for Harry to sort out his thoughts before continuing. "In the eyes of my grandparents, Sirius was rebellious since childhood and didn't like the idea of ​​pure-blood supremacy. After going to Hogwarts, he even entered Gryffindor. You know, Black has always graduated from Slytherin, so the elders were furious. Sirius was punished by the family for countless times, but he still didn't change. In the end, he was expelled from the family and adopted by my equally rebellious great uncle. After that, Sirius met three good friends in Gryffindor. They were inseparable, including your father James Potter. How good is the relationship between these four people? It's similar to your current relationship with Draco, maybe even better. Later, the four graduated and joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​a group organized by Headmaster Dumbledore, so I won't introduce it in detail. The situation was very serious at that time. The Death Eaters committed all kinds of evil under the leadership of Voldemort.

It happened that your father and mother gave birth to you, and Sirius became your godfather naturally. "

Harry began to get nervous after hearing this, and his fists clenched tightly.

He knew that Shaw should be preparing to tell him the truth about his parents' death today.

Shaw did not talk much about his views on Sirius' betrayal of the family.

He hesitated whether to tell Harry the real truth directly, or half of it?

First, he had not "investigated" yet, and the source of the information was unclear.

Second, the Christmas gifts for super employees were planned in advance.

Third, Harry still had to train Harry not to have a black-and-white concept. With his own involvement in the wizarding world, there were not many opportunities to train Harry.

It's all for Harry's good,

After Shaw convinced his conscience, he continued.

"For some reasons, you and your parents were hunted by Voldemort.

So Dumbledore set up your home in Godric's Hollow as a safe house and cast the Fidelius Charm.

This is an extremely powerful protective spell that even enemies cannot find in front of your glass windows.

And this spell requires a secret keeper who hides the address in his soul and cannot stay in the safe house all the time.

And your father, the position of the secret keeper like the key of fate, was given to your godfather Sirius.

As a result, not long after, on Halloween, Voldemort came to kill.

He ignored the Fidelius Charm and killed your father first, while your mother was protected by a powerful ancient protective magic and died with Voldemort.

You are the only one who survived. "

Harry heard this, tears blurred his eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

"So it was Sirius who leaked the address of the safe house, right? He betrayed my parents?"

Shor nodded slightly unnaturally.

"Yes. "

After hearing this, Harry punched the black stone coffee table. The coffee table was fine, but his fist had already started to bleed.

Harry ignored the pain and said with red eyes.

"Sirius betrayed my parents' trust and is not worthy of being my godfather. He deserves to die."

Harry's violent reaction was within Shaw's expectations.He cast a healing spell on him first, then said lightly.

"He deserves it. Sirius was arrested and imprisoned while chasing another friend of your father. He was imprisoned in Azkaban for life."

Harry was still not satisfied. He only knew that Sirius was a traitor and a lackey of Voldemort.

But he didn't expect that he was the culprit who killed his parents.

He was never a savior. The savior should be his mother. It was his mother who chose to sacrifice herself to save him!

His chest was heaving, and he felt like he was about to explode. He should have had a beautiful family. He shouted angrily.

"Ah! He should go to hell!"

Shor narrowed his expression slightly, looked down at Harry's green pupils in the red white of his eyes.

Considering whether this was affected by Voldemort's violent soul.

Well, he must be given a way to vent his anger. It's not good to hold it in.

"I will go to Azkaban to visit Sirius tonight. Will you go?"

Harry was stunned for a moment, then stood up and took out his wand.

"I will go. I will kill him! Avenge my parents!"

Shor waved his hand and used magic to push Harry back to the sofa, saying without denying it.

"You want to kill the prisoners? Then you will stay in Azkaban?"

Harry was stunned and choked.

Shor's expression became more serious and he provoked him.

"I asked you to spend Christmas with me this time. I originally wanted you to go to Azkaban with me to visit Sirius, but seeing your situation, you should stay here."

Harry raised his head suddenly, took a few deep breaths and said firmly.

"Chief, let me go. I, I won't be impulsive. I just want to ask this traitor why he betrayed my parents' trust."

Shor looked at the wand tightly held in Harry's hand, still a little worried.

With Harry's current fighting power, it would be easy for a level 4 "Disarmament" to kill a weak Sirius.

So he stretched out his hand.

"Let me keep your wand, and I'll return it to you when I come back."

Harry hesitated, but finally handed the wand to Shaw.

Shaw smiled and put away Harry's holly wand, then stood up and said to him.

"Do you want to change clothes to see your godfather?"

Harry turned his head away.

"No, I'm fine in my school uniform."

Shaw smiled.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go get some things, and we can go to Azkaban when we come down."

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