Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 1 The Shock Caused By The Shock Value

Konoha Shinobi Campus Plaza.

"You will all become the jade of Konoha and the cornerstone of Konoha in the future!"

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the podium, scolding Fang Qiu and looking at the little doll below.

Uchiha Jing hid in an inconspicuous corner and yawned widely.

This is his second year in the Hokage world.

It took him half a year from the time he came to this world inexplicably to the time he had no choice but to accept the reality.

The remaining half of the year was spent frantically refining chakra and ninjutsu.

Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

In half a year, Uchiha Jing learned a fact.

Not all Uchiha are geniuses, there are also losers like him...

"Jing, you must be bored too."

Next to him, a child with yellow hair and six symmetrical beards squeezed over.

"Ah, it's boring."

Uchiha Jing knew who it was without turning around.

If he had any friends in Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto was definitely the only one.

The same parents are dead, the same Ten Thousand Years is behind the wheel, the same unpopularity.

"How about we go paint the Hokage statue after the entrance exam is over?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked around and whispered mysteriously.

Uchiha Jing rolled his eyes. As a good boy who was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze, would he do such a thing?

"After we're done, let's go eat three-color meatballs together!"

"no problem!"

Uchiha Jing couldn't resist the temptation of the three-color meatballs. He had no choice but to make him like this one.

And more importantly, he was poor, much poorer than Uzumaki Naruto.

"Okay, let's take the entrance exam now!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, and the group of children below immediately cheered.

A huge group of people came to the trial field. Except for a few people, the rest were gearing up and eager to try.

"Assessment event, shuriken throwing."

Uchiha Jing and Uzumaki Naruto were a few of them, quietly hiding at the end, watching each of their peers throwing shurikens skillfully.

"How do you think they trained?"

Uchiha Jing was a little envious. No matter how hard he tried, the shuriken just couldn't hit the target.

"Then who knows? It's okay, I'm here with you."

Uzumaki Naruto also looked envious. He was about the same as Uchiha Jing, and he was also the kind of player who couldn't hit the target.


Uchiha Jing sighed.

He is a person who has experienced Hokage Ninja three times, so he naturally knows the future of Uzumaki Naruto.

Sage Mode, Kurama Mode, all kinds of meatballs, typical Destiny's Child.

And what about him?

In the seven hundred and twenty episodes, there is not even a trace of the character Uchiha Jing.

A typical passerby.

The world is unfair...

Uchiha Jing lay on the ground bored, looking at the blue sky, and slowly fell asleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Jing, Jing, Jing, don't sleep, it's your test!"

Uzumaki Naruto pushed the sleeping Uchiha Jing anxiously.

"Don't... don't make trouble. I'll sleep for ten more minutes, just ten minutes..." Uchiha Jing mumbled drowsily.

"It's your test! Don't sleep..."

Uchiha Jing stood up sleepily, and all the eyes of the audience were focused on him.

"His clan emblem is that of the Uchiha clan?"

"It seems like, why haven't you seen him?"

"His name seems to be... Uchiha... Uchiha what?"

"Looking at the relaxed look on him, he is probably another genius of the Uchiha clan."

"That's right, Uchiha Sasuke just now, had perfect marks in throwing shuriken!"

A group of people were whispering and looking at Uchiha Jing curiously.


Uchiha Jing woke up instantly and hurriedly ran to the exam teacher.


The exam teacher looked him up and down.


"Let's start your exam." The exam teacher smiled kindly and patted his shoulder. "Even if you have strength, you can't be blindly arrogant."

Uchiha Jing felt ashamed.

These people... seem to have misunderstood something?

Uchiha Jing tremblingly picked up the shuriken and aimed hard at the target.

"Why doesn't he look capable?"

"Yes, my hands are shaking. I'd be damned if I could hit this."

"The Uchiha clan has always been the strongest with shurikens, maybe because they have their own throwing skills."

In the midst of the discussion, an aloof-looking young man crossed his arms with a look of disdain on his face.

"Sasuke, this is your tribe, right?"

Uchiha Sasuke snorted, "I don't admit that he is from the Uchiha clan. It's simply a shame!"


Uchiha Jing adjusted her emotions, took a deep breath, aimed at the target, and threw it hard.

The shuriken swirled in mid-air, causing a sharp sound of wind and a "whoosh"...





The jaws of the people below dropped in shock, and they all stared at Uchiha Jing with wide eyes.


Uchiha Sasuke covered his face with his hands.

He knew that this outcome would be such a disgrace to the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Jing didn't have any special reaction, at most he just blushed.

There's no way around it, this is his normal operation, and he even performed exceptionally well today.

Didn’t you see that you’ve all thrown targets before? Normally you can’t hit them.

For this reason, he was even a little smug and looked at Uzumaki Naruto on the side provocatively.

Uzumaki Naruto also looked shocked, after all, he just missed the target.

"Ding, I received a shock from Nozawa Xiaotian, the shock value is +9."

"Ding, I received a shock from Miya Honda, the shock value is +10."

"Ding, I received a shock from God Heye, the shock value is +19."


A series of notification sounds sounded in Uchiha Jing's head.

"What shock?"

Uchiha Jing looked at Uzumaki Naruto aside.

"Shocked? What are you talking about?"

Uzumaki Naruto was confused and didn't understand what his friend meant.

"Isn't that what you said just now? Shock +9 or something?"

Uchiha Jing also has a question mark on his forehead.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You haven't woken up yet."

Uzumaki Naruto patted his forehead carelessly with a silly smile on his face.

"Not... just now..."

"Ding, the shock value is 1000, which can be randomly exchanged for primary ninjutsu. Do you want to exchange it?"

The beep in my head sounded again.

"Nonsense, I'll definitely change it." Uchiha Jing said subconsciously.

"Ding, in exchange for success with the ninjutsu, all shock values ​​will be deducted."

"Obtain the Ninja Tool Grandmaster."

For a moment, Uchiha Jing's head hurt, and countless complicated knowledge poured into his mind.

"This...is this?"

After a moment, Uchiha Jing stretched out his hands in confusion, and a shuriken appeared silently.

"Damn it, why did you take out the shuriken just now?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the shuriken in his hand in shock.

"Ding, received a shock from Uzumaki Naruto, shock value +9."

This time, Uchiha Jing knew the source of the sound.

From his mind!

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