Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 2 Ding, I Received Sasuke’S Shock Value +99

"Uchiha Jing, Uzumaki Naruto, failed the assessment, the rest passed."

The exam teacher shook his head.

He originally thought he was going to see the birth of another genius, but who would have thought that he would turn out to be a waste like Uzumaki Naruto.


The peers around them burst into laughter and looked at the two of them mockingly.

"Teacher, I think we should be given a chance!"

Uchiha Jing held his head high, looking unconvinced.

"That's right, we should be given another chance!"

Although I don't know why Uchiha Jing wants to come again, but as his only friend, Uzumaki Naruto feels that he should support him.

"It'll be the same a few times again, so why embarrass yourself?"

"That's right. Isn't it enough to lose someone once?"

"I think he's suitable to be a comedian. It's really funny."

Their peers look at them like monkeys.

Uchiha Sasuke was also very unhappy and walked quickly to Uchiha Jing, "Uchiha Jing, don't you think it's enough to embarrass the Uchiha clan? Come back right away!"

Uchiha Jing glanced at him sideways, "Master Sasuke, it's true that your father is the head of the family, but he has nothing to do with me, right?"

"That's right, why do you care about us?"

Uzumaki Naruto obviously thought the matter was not big enough and fanned the flames.

"You, you are from the Uchiha clan. If you are embarrassed, Uchiha is embarrassed. Why can't I take care of it!" Uchiha Sasuke said with a red face.


Uchiha Jing ignored this and turned to the exam teacher: "Teacher, what do you think? Should we be given a chance?"


The exam teacher was also a little embarrassed. After all, the strength of the two people just now was obvious to all, and it would be the same if they tried a few more times.

"Go home quickly!"

Seeing that Uchiha Jing was ignoring him, Sasuke went berserk and tried to drag him away by force.

Uchiha Jing's eyes turned cold, and a kunai appeared in his hand like magic, leaving an afterimage and pressing it directly against Sasuke's throat.

"I said Erzhu, you don't need to make decisions about my affairs, do you understand?"

Sasuke looked at Kunai in confusion.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance to make up the exam."

Seeing this scene, the exam teacher hurriedly smoothed things over.

It's nothing to take the exam again. At most, it will be embarrassing again. Anyway, it's not him who is embarrassed.

Uchiha Jing put down the kunai and gave a victory sign to Naruto.

First up was Naruto.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Naruto, which made Naruto, who had been ostracized since childhood, a little uncomfortable and his movements became stiff.

"Don't be nervous Naruto, just treat these people as tombstones, you and me are the only ones left now." Uchiha Jing comforted loudly.




Everyone's face is darkened, are they all tombstones?

Is this what a person would say?

Bah, what a bad luck!

Naruto nodded heavily and took a deep breath.


The shuriken came out of his hand and drew an irregular parabola in mid-air.

"Pfft, what kind of throwing technique is this?"

"It's funny, this trajectory is obviously thrown randomly!"

"Hahahaha, I told them not to let them try, so I have to embarrass them again."

Looking at the shuriken in the air, everyone below showed a mocking smile.

Except Uchiha Jing.

After he got the Ninja Tool Grandmaster, he had a clear understanding of shuriken.

The moment Naruto let go of his shuriken, he knew he was going to hit the target!

It's just a bit thrilling.


The sound of iron hitting wood came out, shocking a group of people.

I saw that the shuriken was nailed to the edge of the target dangerously. If it moved even a little bit, it would miss the target again.

"I got it! I got it! I got it!"

Naruto also looked at the target in disbelief.

"Congratulations Naruto!"

Uchiha Jing stepped forward and gave Naruto a big hug.

Naruto felt like crying and hugged him tightly.

"Uzumaki Naruto...well, hit the target, qualified."

Looking at the target, the exam teacher was speechless.

No matter how you look at it...it's all luck, right?

Next up is Uchiha Jing.

Playing with the shuriken in his hand, Uchiha Jing's mind was spinning rapidly.

Since you can get ninjutsu by getting shock points, should you get a wave of shock points with such a good opportunity?

"Can you hurry up?"

Sasuke on the side was a little irritable and couldn't help but urge him.

Hearing the voice, a plan arose in Uchiha Jing's mind.

"Er Zhuzi, do you think I can hit the target?"

Uchiha Jing put down his hand and turned to look at Sasuke.

"I don't care if you can hit the target or not." Sasuke tilted his head and said arrogantly.

"Well, how about we make a bet?"

Uchiha Jing was like a weird kid who kidnapped minors, with a smile on his face.

"Bet?" Sasuke was stunned. "What do you want to bet on?"

"Bet on whether I can hit the bull's-eye!"

"I use three shurikens. If I hit three bullseyes at once, I win. If I don't, you win. How about that?"

"Three bullseyes?"

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Bet! It's just luck that you hit the target, and you hit three bullseyes at once? Hahahahaha."

His peers also laughed.

Is this guy crazy?

You actually want to hit three bullseyes at once?

"If I lose, I will recognize you as my big brother."

"If I lose, I will recognize you as my big brother!"

Sasuke is self-taught and follows Uchiha Jing to make a bet.


Uchiha Jing smiled strangely, and three shurikens appeared in his hand instantly. He threw them out without even looking at the target.

"Hahaha, is he breaking the rules?"

"I think so. If this works, I'll give you an Ollie on the spot!"


In their opinion, the thrown shuriken was soft and its flight trajectory was uneven. It was impossible to hit the target, let alone hit the bullseye.

Uchiha Jing's eyes flashed, and she looked at the three shurikens quietly.

Just when the three shurikens were about to pass the target, one of them strangely deviated from its trajectory and hit the other shuriken.


Two crisp sounds abruptly changed the flight path of the three shurikens.


Three sounds of iron hitting wood were heard.

The training ground suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at the three targets in disbelief.

I saw three shurikens nailed to the target.

Every one hits the target!




Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief.


Three, all hit the bullseye!

"Ding, I received a shock from Tanaka Koya, the shock value is +20."

"Ding, received a shock from Uzumaki Naruto, shock value +99."

"Ding, received a shock from Uchiha Sasuke, shock value +99."


In an instant, Uchiha Jing received a shock value of 1,000.

Among them, Naruto and Sasuke alone contributed nearly 200!

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