Chapter 200 God Fist Tenshiro! (Please subscribe!)

This man, who is more than two meters tall, has a face that is so sharp that he can make a show.

Wearing an old-fashioned kimono, showing strong chest muscles, the clogs at his feet are bigger than Zhizhen’s face, and he is a living giant bear.

This tough guy’s style deeply stimulated Zhizhen’s nerves, whether this is a ghost or a human.

Zhizhen shook his head, feeling a little nervous, he was afraid that he felt that he had really come to a fake Hokage world.

I kept thinking about where there is such a person in the original book? If there is such a character, it should be very impressive!

However, the nervousness turned to nervousness, and Zhizhen would not back down. This “Kenshiro” opened his mouth as a man with sunglasses, which made Zhizhen very unhappy.

Is Laozi familiar with you? Roll rough!

Just as Zhizhen was about to do it, Tenten poked his head from behind Zhizhen and exclaimed, “Ah.”

Zhizhen heard Tenten exclaimed, and hurriedly said, “Don’t be afraid, Tenten, I’m here, I will take care of this big guy!”

“No, no.” Tenten came out and said, “Jizhen-kun, you misunderstood, this is my father.”

“…” The word “father” recalled Zhizhen’s ears like an echo. Zhizhen looked at Tenten, then at the big man, with a dazed expression on his face.

Father! ! ? Are you sure you are not kidding me! ? This difference is too big! Have you ever done a paternity test? !

Zhizhen was crazy in his heart. He absolutely didn’t believe that this tough guy was Tenten’s father. No, he didn’t want to believe that Kenshiro was Tenten’s father!

Uncle, you… your style is different from ours! ! How did such a man give birth to a daughter like Tenten?

“Father, why are you here?” Tenten shook Zhizhen’s hand and asked.

Tenten’s father looked at the hands held by the two of them, his mouth twitched, and said, “Look, what time is it now, Tenten, it’s so late, do you want me to worry?”

“Ah, sorry, father. I didn’t notice the time.” Tenten apologized.

Zhizhen’s heart is ashamed, he is really a father and daughter…

However, Tenten’s next sentence made Zhizhen’s dead heart come alive in an instant.

“But it’s okay, Senior will protect me.” Tenten laughed.

“Senior?” Tenten’s father showed a solemn expression.

Tenten plucked up the courage, took a few deep breaths, and said, “Father, this is my boyfriend Aburame Shima.”

“Huh?” Shizhen looked at Tenten’s father dumbfounded, and Tenten said again, “Senior, this is my father, Tenshiro.”

Tenshiro? This name…Uncle, are you and Kenshiro relatives? Zhizhen really wanted to ask.

“Senior, say hello.” Tenten pulled at La Zhizhen, a little to blame Zhizhen for being impolite.

Zhizhen heard the words like a stabbing in his throat, held back for a while, and tremblingly said, “Uncle, this is Aburame Zhizhen, please…please advise.”

Tenshiro heard the words and ignored him, looking down at Zhizhen, his eyes were like looking at a cockroach again.

Zhizhen’s cold sweat broke down. Tenten sensed that Zhizhen was nervous, and said dissatisfied: “Father, what are you doing, don’t scare seniors.”

Tianshilang still looked at Zhizhen coldly when he heard the words, and said word by word: “Sunglasses boy, let go of your dog’s paws.”

“Yes… Uncle.” Zhizhen responded quickly and carefully removed Tenten’s hand for fear of offending Tenshiro.

Not only the style of painting, the pressure on people like Tenshiro is not ordinary.

The sudden emergence of speed, the power contained in the muscles, the kind of momentum that “you are dead” when you stare at you, is simply killing Zhizhen.

Moreover, this man was Tenten’s father. Under the double deterrence, Zhizheng acted casually without the courage.

“Really, father, what are you talking about?” Tenten looked at Zhizhen, dissatisfied, “Look at how you scared Senior.”

Tianshiro looked at Tenten when he heard the words, and his eyes instantly became gentle: “Okay, come home with me.”

“Oh.” Tenten looked at Zhizhen and said, “Then Senior, I’ll go back first.”

Hearing this, Shizhen’s expression relaxed. He was still afraid of what Tenshiro would do to him. Now that he went home, everyone would be happy.

And Zhizhen didn’t plan to come to this street again in a short time.

“Oh, oh, good, good.” Zhizhen responded quickly.

“Sunglasses, come and have a cup of tea.” Tianshiro said solemnly.

When Zhizhen heard this, Xin suddenly mentioned his throat, and he quickly refused: “No, no, thank you for your kindness. I have a task tomorrow morning. I can’t delay it for too long today, or I will visit you next time?”

Tenshiro nodded when he heard the words, his expression was so serious that he didn’t dare to take a mouthful.

Then he turned and left, Tenten smiled and waved, Shima said goodbye without a word.

When the two of them walked away, Zhizhen felt that the surrounding air was a little fresher, and his back was soaked.

Tenshiro, really a terrible man!

Zhizhen wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked quickly home.

At home, Youweimen looked at the novel angrily, paying attention to the strong clock from time to time. Seeing that it was past ten o’clock and Zhizhen was not back, she felt upset.

At this moment, she heard a door opening, and immediately looked up and saw that it was Zhizhen. She immediately jumped up and cursed: “I said you, what time will you guys come!? Forgot about tomorrow. Are there any tasks? You…”

Halfway through the scolding, Uemon saw that Shima’s expression was wrong and his lips turned pale. He immediately asked concerned, “What’s the matter?”

“No…nothing.” Zhizhen showed a weird look and said, “I was terribly frightened.”

“Scared?” Zaemon stepped forward and asked with concern: “What’s the matter, Shima-sama, is there a problem with the date?”

Hearing the word date, Uemon was upset and gritted his teeth and said, “Did you have a conflict with that little girl?”

“No, no, I…” Zhizhen struggled for a while before saying, “I met Tenten’s father.”

“Ah, do you see the parents now?” Zaemon came interested and said, “It’s too fast.”

“No, that’s not the point.” Zhizhen said with a tangled look, “Do you two know Tenshiro?”

“Oh? You mean the old man Shinken?” Uemon said in surprise, “So Tenten is his child.”

“So, I think there are very few people surnamed Tian, ​​and I’m still wondering if it’s his child.” Zuoweimen said suddenly.

The old man of Shenquan? Zhizhen’s eyes widened when he heard the words: “You all know this man with a peculiar style of painting!?”

“It’s weird if you don’t know it?” Uemon gave Shijin a blank look and asked, “Don’t you know him?”

“Of course I don’t know, who knows that kind of giant!” Zhizhen shouted wildly.

Seeing Uemon and Zaemon both know this Tenshiro, isn’t this Tenshiro very famous?

“I said you, Senior Tenshiro is Konoha’s best blacksmith, and more than half of Konoha’s ninjas are made by senior Tenshiro.” Uemon said: “You don’t know this, just date his daughter. NS?”

Zhizhen looked dumbfounded: “Should I know?”

“This is common sense, idiot!” Uemon lightly punched Zhizhen’s head and said, “Can’t you hear that I am taunting you? You are still Konoha’s ninja! Who is a ninja in Konoha? I don’t know the elder Shenquan!”

common sense? What a ghost!

“Then, tell me, what is his situation?” Zhizhen asked quickly.

“I don’t know the details. I only know that Senior Tenshiro was also Konoha’s famous strong in the past, not much worse than Jiraiya-sama. He has done a lot for Konoha.” Uemon said.

Is there such a thing? Is it because of my appearance that changed the world?

“What happened later?” Zhizhen asked.

“Later…” Uemon thought for a while and said, “Later, I heard that the old man’s wife was killed by the enemy, and the old man completely withdrew from the ninja world, concentrated on building weapons for Konoha, and stopped interfering with the ninja world. ”

Upon hearing this, Zhizhen was silent.

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