Chapter 201 Bumpy Konoha (Subscribe!)

In Hokage’s original book, God-tier Kishimoto never mentions this Amishiro, but now Keiemon mentions it.

It seems that this Tenshiro not only looks heavy on the outside, but even the past is quite heavy.

Zhizhen asked, “That means Tenten’s mother…”

“It should be.” Uemon thought for a while and said, “If you didn’t say it, I never thought that your girlfriend would be the daughter of the predecessor Shenquan. It’s really hidden deep enough.”

“No, it shouldn’t be hiding, it’s just that there is no deliberate propaganda.” Zuemon said: “Old Tenshiro has been very low-key these years. He didn’t hold any position in Konoha, but Isshin insisted on being wooden. Ye builds a ninja.

“Although most of Konoha knows the legendary elder Shenquan and he is a famous blacksmith, few people have seen him in real life, and not many people know his details.”

“Probably only Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama, they know better.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “In short, he is a senior who has retired, right?”

“Yeah.” Uemon nodded and said, “But don’t underestimate this old man. According to Mr. Hokage, although this old man has retired, his strength is still there. Danzo is a minority in Konoha. One of the few people who can’t afford to provoke him is not from the eyes of an ordinary blacksmith.”

“Don’t even dare to mess with Danzo?” Zhizhen was surprised. Based on the style of painting, Zhizhen knew that he was indeed not an ordinary character, but he didn’t expect that even a lawless person like Danzo would not dare to mess with it. he.

“Well, after all, it’s at the same level as Sannin. This old man is not as gentle as Master Hokage. His past cases can also be said to be legendary. I heard that he was alone in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain and demolished Sha Yinyou. The stronghold of the twenty squads was dubbed the title of “God Fist” by Master Hokage.”

“One person, twenty squad?!” My day, this old predecessor, not only paints Fengshenquan, but also has great combat power!

Zhizhen didn’t know how the squad was organized in the war years, but even according to the current organization, Jōnin led a team of four with 80 enemies.

Eighty enemies may not be many, but there are still twenty Jōnin among them. Can this Tenshiro dismantle twenty Jōnin strongholds on his own?

This strength really can afford the title of Sannin’s equivalent.

“But in that case? Why is this old predecessor so unknown?” Zhizhen showed a weird look.

This rhythm is wrong. According to Uemon, Konoha’s 46 years, thanks to the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, Tenshiro should become famous and be loved by the Konoha people. Why did he suddenly retired?

Could it be because Tenten was born in four or seven years?

“Didn’t I say that, because of the tragic death of his wife, Senior Tenshiro retired and stopped asking about the Ninja world.” Uemon said, “I don’t know the details, but I heard it from Mr. Hokage occasionally in the past.”

Then Uemon said what she knew about Tenshiro, and Zaemon added.

After the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, Konoha victorious and Shayin was defeated. As a civilian ninja, Tenshiro became famous in this battle and became Konoha’s indispensable combat power, and it was also very popular for a while.

After that, Konoha Sannin, the disciple of the Third Generation, left one after another, and Orochimaru wanted to pursue a higher level.

As mentioned earlier, Tsunade was frustrated with the village war because of the death of his lover and younger brother.

But compared to Orochimaru, Tsunade is no matter how frustrated, Konoha is also a precious treasure left by her grandfather First Hokage. She still loves Konoha, but she is powerless.

In addition to her own reasons, one of the reasons she chose to leave was that Konoha also had Jiraiya, Minato, and the Tenshiro.

But what Tsunade didn’t expect was that shortly after she left, Jiraiya also left Konoha in order to chase Orochimaru.

And Jiraiya also felt that he had left, and Minato and Tenshiro, as well as Third Generation, were in charge. It’s the same with him or without him.

But, another one. Tenten was born in Konoha’s 47th year. Tenshiro took his wife and daughter back to his wife’s natal iron country to visit relatives. On the way, he ran into Sain’s exiled ninja.

In order to protect his daughter, Tenshiro’s wife died tragically and fled back to Konoha with Tenten, who was just born.

Tenten was a daughter he had only gotten at the age of 40. To avoid losing Tenten, Amishiro retired. Isshin took care of Tenten deliberately and no longer cared about Konoha.

After that, Iwagakure saw Konoha’s strength decline at this moment, and immediately ran down and attacked Konoha.

This is the battle of the famous God Wubi Bridge.

However, during this period of Konoha, Sannin left one after another, and Tenshiro, who finally managed to get his head out, was heartbroken because of the great changes.

That’s why, the battle strength of the battle of the Shinsubi Bridge was seriously insufficient, because none of the powerful players participated, and the third generation was sitting in Konoha, and only one yellow flash raised the flag on the entire battlefield.

But in the end, Namikaze Minato lived up to expectations and successfully beat Iwagakure to his knees, and Konoha won the victory of Shinnbubi Bridge!

After listening to what Saemon and Uemon said, Shizhen combined with the Hokage world he knew, and he had a clear picture of the matter.

Tenshiro’s past can also be described as ups and downs. He managed to get out of his head and ended up with a tragic death of his wife.

The most pitted thing is Konoha. Since Konoha established the village, I feel that this village has never been safe.

Everyone knows what happened after the Godless Bridge. After the battle was finally over, all the major countries were safe. As a result, Konoha broke out in disaster. On the night of Nine Tails, Fourth Hokage and his wife both died.

For the next twelve years, it was supported by Third Generation alone. Fortunately, in these twelve years, Kakashi and others have grown up, which made Third Generation a little easier.

“Hey.” Zhizhen sighed secretly, thinking of Tenshiro’s experience and Konoha’s development, Zhizhen had an indescribable sense of helplessness in his heart, a feeling that God was targeting Konoha.

Zhizhen shook his head, throwing out these bad thoughts, and asked, “What about Tenten’s mother? She is…”

“This is not clear, I just heard that she is from the country of iron.” Uemon thought for a while and said.

When he was young, Tenshiro was just a civilian ninja of Konoha. He worked in Konoha’s forging department. At that time, he did not show strong strength. Because of his painting style, he was close and far away and lived very lonely.

Konoha’s forty years, at the end of World War II, Konoha’s short-term peace.

But Third Generation knew that the war was not over yet. In order to cope with the next battle and greatly increase the combat power of ordinary ninjas, Konoha invited the famous craftsman of the Iron Kingdom, the Anzuna clan. In order to obtain better forging skills.

The Anzuna clan also agreed, and the patriarch Anzhang ZengYan brought his daughter and the tribe to Konoha, and taught the skills of forging weapons in the Konoha Forging Department.

That year, Amishiro was twenty-seven years old.

An Gang Zeng Yan’s daughter, An Gang Huaxiu, is the little princess of the An Gang family. She is only seventeen years old. She has an amazing talent for forging and she is also very beautiful.

At that time, many people in the Konoha Forging Department were impressed by Huaxiu’s beauty, thinking that if they could tie this young lady into a tie, it would be more than 20 years of struggle.

Everyone was busy making courtesy to Huaxiu, but one person lived quietly in the corner. That is Tenshiro.

It is not that he has no idea about Huaxiu, but that he knows his own conditions. When he was young, he was often laughed at because of his looks.

At that time, Tenshiro was a little inferior, and he didn’t dare to appear in front of Huaxiu.

But fate is so wonderful, just like many romantic dramas, the more you don’t want people to notice you, the more you don’t want to be noticed, you will get the other person’s attention.

In this way, Tenshiro in the corner successfully attracted Huaxiu’s attention.

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