Chapter 220 Four pairs of eyes! (Please subscribe!)

A few hours later, Toad Sage woke up faintly.

During this time, the two immortals, Jiraiya and Fukasaku Shima, did not show the slightest impatience.

Seeing the great immortal waking up, Jiraiya quickly stood up and said deeply as an immortal: “Great Toad Sage, Jiraiya is here.”

“Oh…oh, little Jiraiya is here.” The big Toad Sage seemed to be still in a daze, making a sleepy sound, obviously not awake yet.

“Big Toad Sage, didn’t you say that the prophecy has changed and there is something to tell Jiraiya?” Shensaku was not in a hurry, reminding the big immortal.

“Really? Is there such a thing?” Toad Sage looked puzzled.

Everyone turned dark, and Toad Sage didn’t know if it was because of his aging, and his memory declined.

What I have said in the past is basically forgotten to clean after sleeping.

After all, after living for thousands of years, Jiraiya didn’t feel annoyed either. Even if it was a fairy, the old man had a bad memory and it was excusable.

So he asked patiently: “Big Toad Sage, you are reminiscing about it.”

“Hmm…well, snore…” Toad Sage snorted after responding twice.

Jiraiya immediately stroked her forehead when she saw this, and started to fall asleep less than two minutes after waking up?

Seeing this, Immortal Shen Zuo panicked, and he didn’t care about manners. He jumped to Toad Sage’s ear and shouted, “Big Toad Sage!”

“Huh?” The big Toad Sage let out a soft voice, and opened his sleepy eyes: “Um… well, who called me?”

Shen Zuo Xianren said loudly: “Big Toad Sage, wake up, this is a very important thing!”

“Well, what’s the matter?” Immortal Toad seemed to be demented, and couldn’t remember anything.

“Big Toad Sage, didn’t you say that you foresee Jiraiya Jiraiya?” Immortal Shima reminded him.

“Little Jiraiya? Oh, where is it, why didn’t I see it?” Big Toad Sage asked in a daze, then snored again.

Hearing this, Jiraiya was helpless. The two immortals Shen Zuo and Zhima were also quite speechless. After a long pause, they said: “Little Jiraiya, forget it, you can leave first. Sesame and I will wait here and wait for Toad. Sage wakes up and I will relay the prophecy to you.”

Paraphrase? After hearing this, Jiraiya thought about it. He wanted to hear first-hand news, but looking at Toad Sage’s situation, I was afraid that it would not be possible.

“All right, please.” Jiraiya had to agree.

“Sorry, little Jiraiya made you run for nothing.” Sesame said.

“No matter where, then, I’ll…” Jiraiya was about to leave.

The big Toad Sage’s voice rang: “Little Jiraiya, I foresee your death.”

Jiraiya’s heart jumped and looked at the big Toad Sage. I don’t know when the big Toad Sage had opened his eyes. There was a wise light in his eyes. The majesty of the fairy burst out from a lazy and old big toad. Become an omniscient fairy.

Shen made a sudden joy when he heard the words, but when he heard the words of the big Toad Sage, he suddenly showed a look of horror: “Big Toad Sage, what did you say? Did you see the death of little Jiraiya?”

The older Toad Sage raised his hand slightly, soothed Shen Zuo Xianren, and looked at Jiraiya: “Yes, I foresee the death of Jiraiya Jiraiya.”

After the initial surprise, Jiraiya has now calmed down. He did not lose his temper due to the prediction of the Immortal Toad, but calmly asked: “Really? Then when did you foresee it?”

“I don’t know, my dream is very chaotic.” Toad Sage said, “I don’t know why, I can’t see the future gradually.”

“Really?” Jiraiya pondered for a moment, and said, “Then you just foresee my death?”

“I foresee it twice.” Grand Toad Sage said.

twice? Jiraiya listened intently.

“The first time you died, six men killed you…” Big Toad Sage said.

Six men? Jiraiya asked: “Are there six men? What do they look like?”

“I can’t see clearly, I only know that it’s six men, wearing the same clothes, and you can’t see their faces.” Big Toad Sage said.

If Zhizhen were here, he would instantly understand that these six men are Penn Six Paths.

It’s just that Akatsuki is still dormant, and Jiraiya still doesn’t know the details of Payne. For a while, he can’t think of who these six people are. Just wearing the same clothes, he didn’t think about Akatsuki.

“How come? Can’t you even see who killed the little Jiraiya?” The Sesame Fairy was a little annoyed. Now that he knew that Jiraiya would die, the Sesame Fairy wanted to find the other person and kill him.

“Old lady, be quiet, don’t panic.” Shen Zuo scolded.

“But little Jiraiya will die!” Shima said angrily.

Jiraiya still didn’t panic, but Toad Sage foresaw him twice, that is, there is still something to do.

“Don’t worry, you two, didn’t Toad Sage say he foresaw me twice?” Jiraiya asked quickly.

At this time, Shima also reacted and asked, “By the way, there is a second time, Toad Sage, the second time Jiraiya also died?”

Toad Sage shook his head when he heard the words, showing a weird look: “The second prophecy…”

Seeing it this way, Zhi Ma became worried again.

“Very interesting…” Big Toad Sage said.

very funny? Jiraiya and the two immortals were stunned. What’s this saying? The crowd didn’t ask much, waiting for Toad Sage to speak.

“This time, I didn’t foresee Jiraiya’s death, but saw four pairs of eyes…” Big Toad Sage said.

“What kind of eyes?” Jiraiya asked.

“The first pair of eyeshadows with Sage Mode.” Big Toad Sage said.

Sage Mode’s eyeshadow? Jiraiya reacted and said, “It should be me.”

Shensaku and Zhima nodded in agreement, and Zhima asked, “What about the second pair?”

“A pair of Mangekyō Sharingan like shurikens…” Toad Sage said surprisingly.

Mangekyō! ? Uchiha Itachi! ? How did Toad Sage meet him?

Jiraiya’s expression suddenly became solemn, and he thought of Uchiha Itachi for the first time.

But Jiraiya is not sure, although Uchiha is now annihilated, only Uchiha Itachi and his brother are left, and only the two of them have Mangekyō.

In terms of age, Jiraiya does not think this person is Uchiha Sasuke.

But Uchiha Itachi and Jiraiya are not sure.

Because it’s not clear if anyone else from the Uchiha clan has escaped…

But this person, Jiraiya is confident to find, Big Toad Sage said, it is a pair of Mangekyō like shurikens.

Mangekyō Sharingan’s eye patterns are different and there is no repetition, which is a good clue.

“The third pair is Rinnegan…” Big Toad Sage said.

Rinnegan! Everyone was shocked. Shen Zuo quickly asked: “The eyes of the legendary Sage of Six Paths? How come?”

With that said, Shen Zuo seemed to remember something, looked at Jiraiya, and said in surprise: “That person is not…”

“Well, it’s Nagato.” After Jiraiya was surprised, he immediately thought of the boy in Rain Shinobi Village.

“In other words, could Jiraiya be killed by the ninja using Mangekyō, or Nagato?” Deep thought.

The eyeshadow of the fairy, Mangekyō Sharingan, Rinnegan, combined with Toad Sage’s death prediction, Jiraiya understood that if he was killed, it was probably the hands of these two people.

Deeply making such an analysis, Jiraiya agrees, but why is it?

Jiraiya can’t think through this point, is it Akatsuki? He can’t be sure.

Jiraiya thought for a while, but didn’t think too much, the point was the last pair of eyes.

Toad Sage said that he didn’t see his death this time, so the variable should be in the last pair of eyes.

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