Chapter 221 What Does Sunglasses Mean? (Please subscribe!)

“The owner of Mangekyō Sharingan and Nagato are not easy generations. If it were them, indeed, I might die. But Toad Sage said I didn’t die this time. Is it because of the last pair of eyes?” Jiraiya asked.

Toad Sage nodded, gave Jiraiya an admiration, and said, “Yes, because of the last pair of eyes…”

“What’s it like?” Jiraiya asked quickly.

The big toad fairy opened his mouth, and after a long pause, he said: “The correct way to say it should not be the eyes.”

“Not the eyes?” Everyone showed a puzzled look, and this big Toad Sage became more and more mysterious.

“Big Toad Sage, what’s the matter? Didn’t you see four pairs of eyes?” Shen Zuo asked quickly.

“No.” Big Toad Sage shook his head and said, “I see a pair of sunglasses…”

“Sunglasses?” Jiraiya was stunned. Toad Sage said, “That thing should be called sunglasses, like glasses, but with black lenses.”

“It’s really sunglasses…” Jiraiya asked, “But, Toad Sage, what do these sunglasses mean?”

“I don’t know, I don’t understand why I saw this sunglasses, but intuitively, I think he will protect you.” Big Toad was also a little confused, and it didn’t understand why it saw this so-called sunglasses.

“Is it a companion?” Jiraiya had a feeling of indescribable, he laughed out: “It’s really funny. Did you escape death with the help of a pair of “sunglasses”?”

“Find him, little Jiraiya, he will help you.” Big Toad Sage said, “No matter who the sunglasses are, you will understand if you find him.”

Jiraiya nodded, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Toad Sage said, Jiraiya will look for it too.

Nonsense, knowing that you will die, knowing that this sunglasses appeared in the prophecy of Toad Sage, then it means that this sunglasses is very important, can you not find it?

“Is it Konoha?” This is what Jiraiya cares most about. If it were in Konoha, he would be sure of finding it. There were not many people who liked sunglasses.

But if an outsider wants to find these sunglasses, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

“I can’t see clearly, I only saw sunglasses…” Toad Immortal said: “Moreover, since the sunglasses appeared in my prediction, my prediction has been very vague.”

Jiraiya was surprised when he heard the words, and said, “That is to say, the future has changed. Is it because of the sunglasses?”

“Perhaps.” Big Toad Sage said, “Anyway, find him, little Jiraiya.”

Jiraiya nodded when he heard the words, this person was really looking for it.

Even the big Toad Sage’s predictions can be vague, and he is definitely not a general…

Jiraiya flashed in his mind and asked excitedly: “Is he the son of prophecy!?”

“No.” Toad Sage shook his head.

“Oh.” Jiraiya was a little disappointed, he thought that this kind of character would be his disciple.

The Great Toad Sage said again: “I thought he was at first, but a new prophecy appeared…”

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya suddenly changed from disappointment to surprise, and asked: “Are there new clues? Who?”

“Well, scarlet pupils, yellow hope, running boy…” The big Toad Sage said like the son of prophecy.

Shensaku and Shima looked dumbfounded when they heard this, but Jiraiya was shocked, and then revealed a look of surprise: “Scarlet pupils, yellow hope, could it be…”

Jiraiya has already thought of it.

Seeing him like this, he asked deeply, “What, little Jiraiya, do you know who it is?”

“Probably, I’m not sure, but I think it might be him.” Jiraiya smiled.

“Who?” Zhi Ma asked.

“It’s probably Minato’s orphan, Naruto.” As he said, Jiraiya thought of his best disciple, showing a look of nostalgia.

“Little Minato…Ah, is it Jinchūriki from Nine Tails?” Shensaku also understood, thinking for a while, and said: “Yes, scarlet pupils, yellow hope, that kid is indeed a teenager now…”

“This is just a guess, I need to be sure. The old man told me to return to Konoha so I can go back and see him.” Jiraiya said with some guilt, he returned to Konoha, named Naruto, and then left again. Konoha.

But I didn’t expect that after this trip, within a month, the Nine Tails turmoil broke out.

“If I wasn’t in a hurry, Minato and Kushina…” Jiraiya clenched his fists, a little annoyed.

“Little Jiraiya, the man is dead, don’t blame yourself. Isn’t the little Minato’s son still there?” Zhima comforted.

Jiraiya nodded, thinking of Naruto, and smiled: “Alright, I haven’t returned for more than ten years. Let’s see how that kid has grown up.”

Fukasaku and Shima nodded, Jiraiya looked at Toad Sage and said, “Great Toad Sage, and…”

“Snoring, snoring…” At some point, Toad Sage fell asleep again, and his temperament became that old and lazy big toad again.

Shen Zuo and Shi Ma were speechless, Jiraiya chuckled lightly and said, “Then, Master Shen Zuo, Master Shi Ma, I will leave first.”

“Oh, remember to find us when you have any, Jiraiya, Mount Myōboku will always be your backing.” Shen Zuo said.

“Yes, little Jiraiya, come and play more when you have time.” Zhima also comforted.

Jiraiya nodded and smiled, “Is there little time for me? Let’s go!”

With that said, Jiraiya turned and left, waved his big hand, and disappeared into the vision of Fukasaku and Shima.

Jiraiya left Mount Myōboku, looked in Konoha’s direction, and walked over there.

As he walked, he thought: “Mangekyō, Rinnegan, Naruto… Well, I don’t know if there is any connection between them, but the most interesting thing is the so-called “sunglasses”. I don’t know who it is. Not many Ye wear sunglasses.”

Ichitozai carried Zhizhen back to the village, and the guys in the village were surprised to see that half of Zhizhen’s body was glowing red.

They all knew the movement of the battle just now, and they were a little worried about Zhizhen, but they would not question what the Mantis King did.

Now I just thought that Zhizhen was able to come back alive from the hands of the king, it was really amazing.

When some little guys saw Zhizhen, they immediately surrounded him: “Zhizhen, you are so amazing!”

“Yeah, I can actually fight the king!”

“In other words, what is it like on earth!”

“Now, Zhizhen, tell us!”

Seeing the admiring expressions of the little praying mantises, Zhizhen didn’t think much about it, only that his efforts had won everyone’s approval. Did not notice the real intention of the Mantis King to give him a trial.

Zhizhen just wanted to talk, but he sneezed a few times in a row, and Yi Daozhai hurriedly shouted, “Well, you little guys, Zhizhen was seriously injured and it was windy outside. Do you want Zhizhen to get sick?”

The little guys didn’t dare to disobey the sword fast, and quickly silenced.

“Haha, nothing, nothing, don’t be so nervous at Yidaozhai, this kind of injury is fatal to others, but for me, it’s sprinkling water!” Zhizhen said with a smile.

Yidaozhai shook his head when he heard the words: “Knowing that you are getting worse, but you should rest if you need to rest.”

After that, Ichitozai did not care about his true thoughts, and picked him up.

“My day, don’t don’t, I’ll go by myself.” Being hugged by a praying mantis princess is not a very good experience, Zhizhen quickly refused.

Ichidozai frowned, put the person down, and said, “Well then, come with me. A place to rest is ready for you.”

Zhizhen nodded, followed Yi Daozhai to his room, looked around, it was just an ordinary tree house, nothing special.

A table, a bed, so simple.

However, Zhizhen didn’t ask for anything. He didn’t come to Juyegu on a holiday. There was enough place to sleep.

“You take a break and I will prepare some herbs for you.”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded.

After that, Ichidozai turned around and left, while Zhizhen lay on the bed, but fell asleep deeply after a while.

When I woke up, it was night.

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