Chapter 222 Different Sage Mode! (Three changes today, please subscribe!)

Zhizhen sat up, stretched out a big laziness, opened his eyes for a moment, he felt a little dazzling, and looked intently at the small stove burning in the room.

He was naked and covered with a huge leaf. Zhizhen chuckled lightly: “Is this the quilt in the Giant Leaf Valley?”

Looking at his body, I don’t know when Yi Daozhai has given Zhizhen medicine, half of his body is covered by unknown green leaves.

Obviously, this is a bandage in the Giant Leaf Valley.

Zhizhen tried to move his shoulders, except for some numbness, there was no discomfort anymore.

Moreover, the numb feeling was a bit comfortable, Zhizhen couldn’t help but move a few more times.

He got out of the bed, put on his clothes, walked to the bed, looked outside, and was stunned by the scenery outside.

A bonfire has been lit in the village, everyone is burning, every household is burning, and occasionally noisy noises can be heard.

Looking into the distance, the sky is full of stars, and it is so beautiful. The stars form a star river to the distance, where it is full of brilliance.

Zhizhen was blowing the evening breeze, enjoying this rare beauty, and suddenly remembering the people and things of the earth, his eyes gradually blurred.

“How do you feel?” Ichidozai’s voice suddenly remembered, and brought back Zhizhen’s thoughts floating away.

Zhizhen looked back, sitting on the roof of his tree house, and asked with a smile, “Did you come quickly?”

“I will live upstairs with you.” Yidaosai smiled: “As soon as you wake up, I hear movement.”

“Really?” Zhizhen patted his shoulder, “Thank you.”

“Is the wound still painful?” Yi Daozhai asked.

Zhizhen shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, it’s almost better.”

Yidaozhai was relieved when he heard the words, looked into the distance, and asked, “What were you looking at just now? I was in a daze.”

“It’s nothing, but I was surprised by the scenery here. I didn’t expect the starry sky of Juyegu at night to be so beautiful.” Zhizhen said.

“Really? I grew up watching this starry sky since I was a child, but I don’t feel much anymore.” Yidaosai said, “It’s almost annoying to watch.”

“I don’t know the goods.” Zhizhen said, “If our place is like this, I am afraid that it will be overcrowded all year round. Anyway, if it can be turned into a tourist attraction, it is guaranteed to make a lot of money.”

Yidaozhai showed a look of contempt after hearing the words: “How ugly is your scenery?”

“It’s not ugly, but it’s not as natural as here.” Zhizhen smiled and said, “By the way, how about the competition?”

“The big guy has already started preparing in the Huahai area.” Yidaozhai said.

“Oh? Who are we attending?” Zhizhen asked.

“Tadaichiro.” Ichitosai said.

“That reckless guy?” Zhizhen curled his lips.

Seeing Zhizhen’s look, Ichitosai said, “Although he is a bit reckless, he is very strong.”

“Compared to you?” Zhizhen asked with a smile.

“Well, it’s almost.” Ichitosai thought for a while to give an answer.

Seeing that Ichitosai looked serious, unlike Chuichiro, Zhizhen praised: “That’s still great.” Then he asked, “But why don’t you go?”

“Why are you going to participate in the competition?” Ichitosai shook his head: “I’m not interested.”

“Not interested?” Zhizhen was surprised and said, “The winner is the new king of Juyegu?”

“So what?” Yidaozhai asked indifferently.

Zhizhen was stunned by Yidaozhai’s free and easy way, and asked, “Then what are you interested in?”

“I don’t know.” Idozai looked into the distance and said, “I probably want to see the world outside Juyegu.”

“Oh?” Zhizhen raised his eyebrows and said, “That’s easy. When I return to Konoha, I will summon you.”

After hearing the words, Ichidozai showed expectation and nodded: “Okay!”

Zhizhen smiled when he heard the words, his stomach started to thunder, and Yidaozhai asked, “Hungry?”

“Well, I had a fight with my eldest sister, isn’t it okay if I’m not hungry?” Zhizhen asked.

“Come to my house, I have food here.” As he said, Yidaozai jumped forward and Zhizhen quickly followed.

Ichitosai’s house is not much different from Zhizhen, but it is much larger than Zhizhen, and the layout is still extremely simple, but compared to Zhizhen’s, there are more ornaments on the wall, including a samurai sword.

“Oh?” Zhizhen pointed to the knife and asked, “Can you take a look?”

“Yes.” Yidaozhai agreed.

Zhizhen took the samurai sword off when he heard the words, and when he pulled it out, the blade was rusty. “Tsk, the blade is embroidered. Are you not taking care of it?”

“Take care of it? What to take care of?” Yi Daozai looked dumbfounded.

Obviously, Ichidozai can’t deal with human weapons, Zhizhen smiled and shook his head and said, “Where did you get this knife?”

“I don’t know. One time I picked it up while wandering around in Juyegu. Most of it was left by past contractors.” Yidaozhai walked into a room and dragged out a caterpillar about the size of a pig.

Zhizhen immediately stroked his forehead: “You won’t eat this for dinner, right?”

“It’s delicious.” Yi Daozai picked up the knife and cut the caterpillar into several pieces, leaving an unknown liquid in the body.

“Eat it raw?” Zhizhen had a nausea, and Yidaozhai gave Zhizhen a blank look: “It’s okay to eat it raw, but we can also eat cooked food if possible.”

As he said, Ichidozai lit the stove, turned out some branches, inserted the worm meat on it, and roasted it.

Zhizhen showed a surprised look when he heard the words, and asked, “Anthropological?”

“Of course.” Yidaozhai handed the worm meat to Zhizhen. Zhizhen took it and looked at it. It really looked good.

“Say this is your kind?” Zhizhen asked deliberately.

“No, this is food.” Ichidozai denied.

Zhizhen had nothing to say. As time went by, the meat of the insects was gradually browned and smelled, and Zhizhen’s index fingers moved.

But physiologically, Zhizhen refused. After all, this was a caterpillar.

Yidaozhai also cooked its food, and immediately opened his mouth to take a bite, and suddenly a mouthful of oil drained. After three times, five and two are divided into two and eat a clean one.

“Hey, don’t care!” Zhizhen couldn’t help seeing Yi Daozhai eating so happily. He opened his mouth and took a bite. The meat was fresh and tender, as if it wasn’t meat.

Is the caterpillar so delicious? Zhizhen showed a look of surprise, and then he didn’t hesitate anymore and began to feast on it.

Thinking of what Naruto ate at Mount Myōboku, Zhizhen felt that he was in heaven. From now on, the food problem is Wu You.

“Ichitozai, since you don’t compete, you will accompany me to practice from tomorrow. I want to practice Sage Mode!” Zhizhen said while eating.

Hearing this, Ichitozai stopped and said, “It’s okay, but you can, but you can’t use my clan’s Sage Art now.”

“How do you say?” Zhizhen also came to the spirit.

“Insufficient physical strength.” Yidaozhai said.

“There is still such a saying.” Zhizhen ate the food in his hands, touched his mouth, and asked seriously: “Does Sage Mode still need physical strength? Doesn’t it absorb natural energy? It may not be different from natural energy?”

“It seems that you really know a lot.” Ichidozai nodded, “Of course the natural energy is the same, but the method of using natural energy is different. Well, I didn’t make it clear. The correct statement should be you now. Can’t absorb natural energy.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, “That means my body can’t withstand natural energy?”

“It can be said that practicing Sage Mode first needs to control natural energy, which you can practice now. But fighting with Sage Mode, your current body can’t afford it.” Idosesai said.

This time, Zhizhen came to understand: “That is to say, Sage Mode is different among different races?”

“Well, our Sage Mode is different, that is, the method of using natural energy is different.” Ichitosai said: “Because my clan does not know how to use ninjutsu, the method of using natural energy is used to strengthen the body. It is used to enhance the physical technique, which we call the fairy physical technique.”

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