Chapter 228 Awakening (please subscribe!)

It’s good if I can’t fight, but Zhizhen feels relieved when I heard Ichidozhai’s words.

He said: “Ichidozai, you don’t have to feel a pity, to save Juyegu from the war, do you really want to take the big guy to fight with Mount Myōboku?”

Ichidozai shook his head and said with a smile: “Of course I don’t want to, it’s just…”

After a pause, he sighed, and then said, “No, how can we prove that we are better than Mount Myōboku?”

“You can’t use force to divide the victory and defeat, then there is only one who is better than the contractor.” Ichitosai said: “Thousands of years, Mount Myōboku has emerged with excellent contractors, even now.”

“Now?” Shijin said, “Do you mean Jiraiya-sama, one of Konoha Sannin?”

“Yes, the contractors of Mount Myōboku are generally not weak. The strong ones are like Jiraiya, the yellow flash.” Saitosai said, showing an enviable look: “These two people are strong, even the giants who don’t care about the world. Ye Gu has all heard of it, showing its strength.”

Indeed, these two are like geniuses. Jiraiya will not say anything. Since childhood, he grew up with the tail of a crane step by step to become the famous hero today, which is enough to explain his ability.

What is more hanging is the yellow flash. Although Namikaze Minato is also a contractor of Mount Myōboku, this person does not use Sage Mode very much to fight.

The reason is that he thinks it is too slow to gather energy, and Sage Mode’s fighting style is incompatible with his “swift speed” routine.

These are the original words of Minato during the Fourth World War.

It can only be said that it is indeed pretending to be forced.

“And we, there has been no contractor in the past two hundred years.” Yidaozhai’s tone was a little lonely.

Hearing this, Zhizhen asked: “I also heard Ranfeng talk about this matter, but I don’t understand. Although the Giant Leaf Valley is secret, it is unlikely that there will be no contractors for two hundred years, right? Never been here.”

“Not so.” Yidaozhai sighed: “Someone has been here, but they couldn’t pass the trial of Juyegu.”

“Oh, it means being eliminated by you.” Zhizhen understood it: “It’s because you are asking too much.”

“Of course.” Yidaozhai said sincerely: “After all, he is a contractor, how can he be so casual.”

Zhizhen thought for a while and nodded in understanding.

Although the Summoningmon is the power to help the ninja, the ninja is also a kind of help to the Summoningmon.

The two complement each other, and their status is equal.

Finding a contractor who is too weak is undoubtedly just making trouble for yourself.

Especially for the powerful Summoning beasts of the Mantis clan, the demands on the contractors will naturally not be low.

“Fortunately, now, Zhizhen, you have appeared.” Yidaosai said: “With your ability, you will definitely be able to create a well-known reputation for Juyegu in the future.”

Zhizhen shook his head when he heard this, and said, “You are too dear to me. I don’t have the strength of Lord Jiraiya or Fourth Hokage. Compared with them, I am far behind them.”

“Perhaps.” Yidaozhai did not deny Zhizhen’s statement, but he was also very optimistic about Zhizhen: “But the future is uncertain. In the heart of the great immortal, you have the quality to not lose them.”

With that said, Ichitozai looked at Zhizhen and said, “I think so too.”

When Zhizhen heard this, he opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. He knew that the Mantis clan valued him, but he didn’t expect to value him so much.

How can he carry the burden of leading the Juyegu to rise?

Ask him to compare with Jiraiya and Minato, Zhizhen thinks he can’t win, and it’s far behind.

The strength is no longer in the same dimension, and the talent is not on the same level, how can it be compared?

Zhizhen shook his head and said, “How can I have you so good? I’m just a little smarter than the average person.”

This is the truth, Zhizhen has never thought that he is a very good person, and what he insists on is not bad, and will not hold everyone back.

But I never thought about how talented and talented I was.

After all, he was not like the novels he had read before, with a powerful system, and there was no mysterious grandfather to guide him. He didn’t think he was superior to others.

The only advantage is that he understands the world much more than others, nothing more.

“Zhizhen, don’t underestimate yourself, not everyone can enter Sage Mode in one day.” Idozai said.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, “Isn’t that the help of the immortal?”

“Even if there is a great immortal who does not have the qualifications, that is impossible.” Yidaozhai said.

Hearing this, Zhizhen couldn’t help thinking, could it be that he is really good?

Zhizhen actually didn’t have a good understanding of his own strength and talents. In the past three months since he traveled into this world, all he has done is just to deal with the future well.

So I have been working hard, and I never thought about becoming extremely strong, or surpassing someone.

Everything he did was just to survive, and he didn’t feel how strong he was.

But when I heard Yidaozhai’s words and what the great immortal had expected of him, Zhizhen remembered it now.

Third Generation recognized him, Kakashi recognized him, including his enemies also recognized him.

But Zhizhen always felt that he was average and talented. He thought about it for a while and asked, “Ichidozai, what do you think of my strength?”

“Very strong.” Yidaozhai said sternly: “At your age, with such strength, it is indeed very strong.”

“Is it strong? But I don’t think I can take a shot from you.” Zhizhen showed a weird look.

Hearing this, Ichitozai stopped, turned his head to look at Zhizhen, and said with a smile but a smile: “Are you making fun of me? You can even follow the king’s attack, and you can burst out such a Chakra. Do you think you don’t Is it strong?”

Zhizhen was shocked when he heard this, yes, he could even take the attack from the eldest sister’s head, how could he not take the attack from Daozhai?

The arm of the eldest sister’s head is no less than ten times thicker than Yidaozhai.

More than that, thinking back to the original battle, Zhizhen suddenly realized that he seemed to be really good?

The Kakashi Help Club came to him for the first time, and Kakuzu didn’t dare to accept his skills…

It turns out that I am really good.

Zhizhen suddenly wondered why he felt that he was not strong.

Because as a traverser, knowing everything in this world, the characters that Zhizhen uses to compare their strengths are all the extremely strong people in the original book.

Orochimaru, Payne, Uchiha Itachi, Jiraiya, Guy, other movies… are all characters beyond the ninja routine.

After reading the original work, he is very clear that the strength must reach their level in order to survive in the four wars. Otherwise, it will be cannon fodder if you are not careful.

Therefore, Zhizhen has been working hard in this direction.

Just because of the comparison of the characters, Zhizhen still feels that he is not strong enough.

However, he is not clear about his own strength, but others are very clear about it.

After the battle of Nami no Kuni, Asuma Kakashi and others immediately reported Shizhen’s performance to Third Generation, which was more than enough to become a special Jōnin.

The healing of Yuguang insects, the destructive power of rock worms, and good ninjutsu…enough to make Zhizhen the first-rate Konoha elite.

Coupled with the fact that he is about to learn Sage Mode now, his strength will take off again soon.

He is not strong, who is strong?

Moreover, there is still a lot of room for improvement in his future. Insects have not yet developed to Ultimate, and have not yet learned A-level and S-level ninjutsu…

Zhizhen thought of this, and an unprecedented look broke out in his eyes: “It turns out, before I know it, I have become stronger.”

“Yes, and you will be stronger in the future, Zhizhen.” Yidaosai smiled.

At this moment, Zhizhen had confidence: “I will do my best to let people all over the world know about Juyegu!”

Hearing this, Ichidozai nodded: “The Mantis Clan will do everything to help you!”

Zhizhen nodded, and Yi Daozhai’s words made him suddenly clear, Zhizhen already understood.

As long as he does everything he should do, he in the future will not have to fear anyone!

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