Chapter 229 Let’s set a small goal first, and run away Orochimaru! (Please subscribe!)

Zhizhen and Ichidozhai reached a consensus, and the friendship between the two of them deepened in this in-depth conversation.

After figuring out his own position, Zhizhen felt refreshed.

Ichizhai’s words made Zhizhen understand that he was no longer the weak chicken back then.

And in the future, he will definitely become very strong!

“It seems that I can be more confident in the future.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Of course.” Yidaozhai couldn’t deny it, and said: “It is something to be proud of to be able to withstand my king’s blow.”

Zhizhen laughed when he heard the words, and he was in a good mood. Thinking about it now, where did he have the courage to take the blow from the Mantis King?

The improvement in strength unknowingly also increased Zhizhen’s courage.

But to say that, the road still has to be taken step by step. Although I understand that I have the strength, this at best makes Zhizhen more confident.

The future is going to be stronger, and you still have to keep your feet on the ground.

At noon, Zhizhen and Yidao Zhai had a beautiful meal, naturally they were caterpillars.

But Zhizhen didn’t reject this anymore. Such delicious caterpillars are not something you can eat anywhere.

After the meal, Yidaozhai and Zhizhen continued to practice Sage Mode at Daxianren.

Knowing that he has the capital to become stronger, Zhizhen is more concerned about spiritual practice, and can’t help but start to fantasize about the scene of Orochimaru running away in August.

If he can really do this, Zhizhen feels that his strength is in place.

Well, since the road has to be walked step by step, then set a small goal first and earn him a…Ah, no, it’s to run Orochimaru away!

Yes, it is like that! Zhizhen gasped himself silently.

Moreover, killing Orochimaru and rescuing Third Generation is an even greater credit for Konoha.

If you can’t say that Third Generation will definitely give him rewards, it is also famous in Konoha’s position.

At that time, you may have to take Tenten to shop and buy clothes at a discount. Isn’t it a good thing?

Uh, what? Thinking too much?

However, there must be goals, the bigger the better, and his fondness for fantasies is one of Zhizhen’s most prominent character signs.

After thinking for a while, Shima suddenly remembered an important thing, and that was that Kakashi and Yakumo hadn’t come yet.

Speaking of which, where are they now?

Zhizhen slapped his head. He was busy fighting with the eldest sister yesterday, and was busy practicing today. He was taken to the sky by Yi Dao Zhai just now, and he almost forgot about it.

Now when I think about it, Zhizhen hastened to ask: “Idozai, is this Juyegu hard to find?”

“Why do you ask?” Yidaozhai was puzzled.

“I still have two companions…” Zhizhen said.

After hearing the words, Yidaozhai gave a more mysterious answer: “It’s not hard to find, it’s not hard to find. Those who are destined will come in naturally, and those who are not destined will not know if they are passing by the Juyegu.”

“…” Zhizhen was speechless. After thinking for a long time, he didn’t know how to answer these words. After a while, he said: “Then I will go find them.”

“Is it necessary?” Ichidozai asked.

“Of course, Kakashi-senpai and Yakumo are both running around for me, I can’t just leave them outside like this!” Shisingen pleaded, if he just left Kakashi and Yakumo outside like this, it would be much more upright?

He ate delicious food in the Giant Leaf Valley and practiced Sage Mode.

And Kakashi they are looking for his whereabouts outside…

If this is the case, after returning, Zhizhen is afraid that Kakashi will scold his spine.

Yidaozhai didn’t refuse when he heard the words, but said: “It’s up to you, but if you want to go, you have to say to the immortal.”

“Of course.” Zhizhen responded.

Then the two came to Wang Shu and told the great immortal about the matter again, and the great immortal readily agreed.

“Sorry, Great Immortal, I will come back to practice as soon as possible!” Zhizhen said embarrassedly: “After I come back, please take your time to guide me!”

Originally, he said he wanted to practice, but now it’s his faux pas.

He was afraid that when he came back, the immortal wouldn’t teach him.

Of course, the great immortal was reasonable and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he thought that Zhizhen had a good personality. He said, “Go, it’s a good thing to care about your companions.”

“Then you…”

“Be at ease, I will wait for you to come back, and don’t worry about practicing.” The immortal smiled.

When Zhizhen heard the words, he let go of his heart, and thanked him, “Yidaozhai, please stay with me.”

“Yes.” Yidaozhai agreed without hesitation.

“Go, children.” The big fairy smiled.

After all, Zhizhen and Yidaozhai were about to say goodbye to the immortal, but Zhizhen suddenly had an idea, he asked: “Daxian, can you perceive the direction of my companion.”

“Yes, it’s okay, but I don’t know your companion’s Chakra, and I can’t determine the direction.” Daxian said.

“One of my companions is Sharingan.” Zhizhen said.

“So it’s so easy to find.” After saying that, the immortal closed his eyes, but within three seconds, he had an answer: “I found it, but it’s a bit strange. I only found five people who have Sharingan.”

Zhizhen thought about it and said, “It’s normal. The Uchiha clan has been annihilated. There are only three remaining, and the remaining two are just people who have Sharingan.”

“Really?” The immortal was a little surprised: “Unexpectedly, the powerful Uchiha has been destroyed. It seems that Juyegu has indeed been out of the Ninja world for too long.”

“That was only five years ago.” Zhizhen said: “It’s not too long.”

The immortal nodded and said, “There are two Sharingan Chakras in Konoha. One of them is very weak, and the other seems to have been sealed.”

Zhizhen nodded. The immortal should be Sasuke and Danzo.

The former has just opened his eyes and is naturally faint, while the latter is full of Sharingan, and he really wants to be sealed.

It’s okay.

“It’s not them.” Zhizhen said.

“Well, there are two more together. The Sharingan of these two people is really amazing.” Daxian was a little surprised: “I haven’t seen such a strong Sharingan in a long time. Moreover, they are surrounded by some powerful Chakras. .”

“One of…” The immortal was suddenly taken aback: “What a strong Chakra, I can’t see through…”

Hearing this, Zhizhen was suddenly startled, and the immortal had seen Xiao.

The two Sharingan he said were Uchiha Itachi and Obito.

And with the powerful Chakra around him, have a group of people gathered together again?

The Chakra that the great fairy can’t see through should be Nagato’s.

Zhizhen secretly wrote down this discovery and asked, “What about the other one.”

“The other one is with other people. Chakra of those people is very peaceful… It’s just a little strange. Chakra has the same reaction as the one who owns Sharingan and one of the two I just saw.”

Zhizhen heard this with a smile and said, “It’s him.”

“Really?” Daxian said: “In the southwest, more than 800 kilometers.”

Eight hundred, still kilometers? This giant leaf valley is indeed far enough. Zhizhen complained silently.

“Looking at the direction, it came from Konoha, right?” Daxian asked.

Zhizhen nodded and admitted, “They came with me.”

“Well, but that kind of Chakra is somewhat similar to Konoha’s Nine Tails chaos twelve years ago.”

“Do you also know about Konoha?” Zhizhen asked in surprise.

“This kind of big thing is impossible without knowing it. The smell of Nine Tails is too strong.” Daxian said.

Zhizhen heard the words, and it was not surprising that the violent Chakra of Nine Tails attracted the attention of the immortal.

He said: “Thank you, Great Immortal, then I’ll go find my partner first.”

“After you come back, tell me about the outside affairs.” The big immortal said suddenly.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized that Rinnegan must have attracted the attention of the immortal.

“Okay!” Zhizhen immediately responded, “Then let’s go first, Great Immortal.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and left the room where the immortal was.

“It seems that the world has really changed. There is actually Chakra that I can’t see through, that person…” The immortal was a little dignified: “It’s no longer a human being.”

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