Chapter 230: Out of the Valley (Please subscribe!)

Zhizhen and Yidaozhai left Wang Shu and hurried to the only entrance of Juyegu.

“Ichidosesai, can you sense Chakra?” Zhizhen asked.

“Of course, this is a must-have skill for Summoning beasts, especially Summoning beasts that can use natural energy.” Idosesai said.

Zhizhen smiled and nodded, as long as he can.

Ichitosai said that the only entrance to the Giant Leaf Valley is guarded by the Mantis King.

So Zhizhen once again came to this gloomy forest.

As soon as he appeared, the four guards of the Mantis King appeared in front of Zhizhen.

The four guards knelt on one knee: “Master Zhizhen, come to see the king?”

Now, the four of them have the most basic respect for Zhizhen, and the reason is naturally because of the battle between Zhizhen and the Mantis King.

After all, there are really not many humans who can fight the Mantis King.

“Just call me Zhizhen.” Zhizhen doesn’t have any distaste for these guys, but he still has some admiration.

In order to protect the Giant Leaf Valley, nothing can be done by staying in this dark forest all night.

The four guards have micro foreheads. Although they have intelligence, their personalities are very simple and their minds are not as complicated as human beings.

Now that Zhizhen said so, they immediately changed their words: “Okay, Zhizhen.”

Zhizhen nodded with a smile when he heard the words, and said, “I’m not here to find the eldest sister, but to go out of the valley.”

“Are you out of the valley?” one of the guards asked: “Why?”

Yidao Zhai was a little upset when he heard the words: “Why does Zhizhen need to tell you why he wants to get out of the valley?”

“Iichizai, I didn’t ask you.”

“I’m asking you!” Yi Daozhai shouted in a deep voice.

After all, Ichitozai and the guards were tit-for-tat, ready to fight if they didn’t agree with each other.

Zhizhen was a little strange when he saw this, and asked, “Why, your relationship is very bad?”

After asking, the five guys stopped talking.

Zhizhen frowned, took the initiative to change the topic, and told them Chugu’s intention.

The four of them were stunned, and then told the location of Zhizhen’s exit.

With a cold snort, Yidaozhai led Zhizhen away.

On the way, Zhizhen could always feel the sight of the praying mantises here, but fortunately, that sight was not malicious.

However, Zhizhen still felt his scalp numb when he was stared at by countless red eyes.

“Iichitozai, do you hate them?” Zhizhen paused when he heard the words, and said, “If you don’t want to say it, you can leave it alone.”

“It’s nothing.” Ichitosai helped to support the hat, and said, “It’s just that I can’t get along.”

“How do you say?” Zhizhen came to be interested and asked.

“The mantis family is actually divided into two parts.” Yidaosai said: “One part is the guardian village and Wangshu like me, and the other part is the guys here.”

“Well, what’s the difference?” Zhizhen asked.

“They look down on us, thinking that we are holding back.” Yi Daozhai gritted his teeth.

“Why do you say that?” Zhizhen showed a look of surprise.

“They feel that they are protecting our homeland and that we are eating and waiting to die.” Yidaozhai said.

“It doesn’t make sense.” Zhizhen couldn’t understand: “In short, these guys here are guarding the entrance, and you are guarding the village. Why do you want to eat and die? Who looks down on whom?”

“But they think so.” Yidaozhai said bitterly: “What is even more hateful is that there is a branch house that only obeys the king’s orders, and respects the king more than the great immortal!”

“What do the big fairy and big sister say?” Zhizhen asked.

Yidaozhai’s expression softened a little after hearing this: “The great immortal has nothing to do with the king, after all, the king is also a disciple of the great immortal.”

Oh, there’s this thing, Zhizhen secretly wrote down.

In fact, think about it carefully, the great immortal has lived since the establishment of Juyegu until now, who is not its disciple in the entire mantis family?

“The guys here, have you ever done anything to you?” Zhizhen asked again.

“That’s not true. It can be seen that the faces always face each other coldly.” Ichitosai: “It makes people very uncomfortable.”

“What does that matter? Everyone is of the same race, and it’s normal to have conflicts, but as long as the target is the same, what does it mean? It’s all about protecting the homeland. There is no saying that anyone is holding back.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

“Of course! Even if my mantis clan has great contradictions, they will not fight with the same clan!” Yi Daozhai said with a serious face.

As he said, it became irritable again: “But it’s always like this, and it’s also annoying…”

“You are too free.” Zhizhen smiled. There is no contradiction in the Mantis clan. Simply put, both sides feel that they are doing the right thing, and each is guarding Juyegu in its own way.

“You understand, too.” Zhizhen instead excused the praying mantises in the forest: “They guard the front line of the Giant Leaf Valley. They don’t see the sun all the year round, and they will feel a little uncomfortable.”

“We are also guarding the village.” Yi Daozai curled his lips.

“But you, Chuichiro, Kojiro, at least live freely, wherever you want to go. You live comfortably in the village. Don’t you?” Zhizhen smiled.

Yidaozhai opened his mouth when he heard the words, but couldn’t speak.

Zhizhen, why doesn’t it understand, it also knows the hardships of those guys in the dark forest.

But every time I saw them look like junk, Yidaozhai wanted to hit someone.

“Listen to me, next time you deliver food, make sure that they won’t say anything about you.” Zhizhen smiled: “You guys, your personality is too straightforward. It’s all for the village. What’s the big deal. Just admit them.” Can’t you work hard?”

“You want me to deliver food?” Yidaozhai shook his head: “I will be in the next life.”

“Well, I’ll send it for you. They are all partners in the same homeland, and they are also my Summoning beasts.” Zhizhen smiled.

“You…” Yi Daozai opened his mouth, a little surprised Zhizhen did it: “Is it necessary?”

“Of course there is.” Zhizhen said, “Daxian is now my teacher, and Ise Mori is now my eldest sister. I will take care of the mantis clan for them. It should be.”

“Heh.” Yidaozhai chuckled softly after hearing the words, “Humans are really strange creatures.”

“I’m taking this as a compliment.” Zhizhen laughed and said: “Let’s go, let’s go, find my companion before dealing with your companion!”

With that said, Zhizhen and Ichitozai came to a dark narrow passage with high cliffs on both sides.

“This is the entrance to Juyegu.” Yidaozhai said.

Zhizhen heard the words and looked at it, revealing a speechless look. Looking at this narrow passage, only one person can pass through at most, and both of them are a bit crowded, and large creatures can’t get in.

“Is it necessary to send so many guards to this kind of entrance?” Zhizhen couldn’t help but vomit, “This is too narrow.”

“It was the beginning of the establishment of the Giant Leaf Valley. Toad Sage helped us build it with Earth Style. The purpose is to make the enemies only line up in a straight line…” Yidaosai said.

“In this way, you can kill it with a single cut.” Zhizhen said.

“Yes.” Yidaosai admitted.

“I think if you want to be famous, first remove this entrance.” Zhizhen said.

“Hey, why is this?” Yidaozhai didn’t realize Zhizhen’s complaints, and was very puzzled: “If you withdraw, Juyegu will be exposed to the world…”

Zhizhen didn’t explain, but took the lead into the narrow path, and Ichidozhai quickly followed.

This road is very long, and it took about a quarter of an hour to go out.

When I remembered that this was made by Toad Sage with Earth Style, Zhizhen just thought it was a word in his heart.

Out of the narrow road, it is a forest, but this forest is not so dark, unlike the valley.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and spills into the forest, which looks very quiet and beautiful.

It’s just that the forest is also deep, with tall trees on the left and right, and I don’t know where to go to get out.

Zhizhen was helpless, the giant leaf valley itself was built in such a deep place, and a high mountain that couldn’t get past the entrance was used.

Zhizhen estimated that Juyegu would not be famous, and half of the responsibility for this forest and entrance would be taken.

But now is not the time to complain.

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