Chapter 231 Zhizhen in Everyone’s Eyes (Please subscribe!)

“Yidao Zhai, although the immortal said the direction, can he feel it?” Zhizhen asked.

“I’m already doing it.” Yidaozhai nodded, and he heard what the great immortal said.

It changed its direction and sensed, after about a few seconds, it found Kakashi: “I found it. It’s indeed in the southwest. It’s a bit far away.”

After all, eight hundred kilometers, Shizhen smiled and said, “Then let’s leave as soon as possible, Yakumo and Kakashi-senpai may be a little anxious now.”

Ichidaozai shrugged upon hearing this, and said, “Come on my back, I will be faster.”

Zhizhen agreed upon hearing the words and climbed onto Yidaozhai’s back.

Then, Yidaozhai bent his legs slightly, exerted a little force, jumped, and disappeared in place.

Shizhen was right, Kakashi and others were really anxious.

They have been on the road for a day and a night, but they have not found Zhizhen at all.

The smell of Zhizhen is still so frequent in Parker’s nose.

Especially yesterday, there was a rain in Fire Country, and it has been raining until now, making Kakashi and others embarrassed.

In the cave, people raised firewood to avoid the sudden torrential rain.

Kakashi and Parker stood at the entrance of the cave and looked into the distance, while the other seven ninja dogs watched the surroundings of the cave.

“Parker, how is it?” Kakashi asked, looking into the distance.

Hearing Kakashi’s question, Parker sniffed vigorously, shook his head and said, “There is still only one direction, and there is no sense of approach at all.”

Kakashi was a little disappointed when he heard that, although he could smell this, it means that Zhizhen did not go to a different space, but went to the place of Summoning.

But with Parker’s sense of smell, he couldn’t tell where the ambition really was. It was probably far away.

No one knows how far it is.

Yakumo’s hair was already wet by the rain. The wet weather made Yakumo’s body a little uncomfortable. She coughed slightly and her expression was haggard.

She followed the big guy along the way, and didn’t say a word of bitterness, which made everyone have a good impression of the eldest lady who lives in secluded boudoir.

Mysterious Huo Xuanjian took out two cloaks from her bag, and handed one to Yakumo: “Wear it, Miss Yakumo.”

Hearing this, Yakumo said thank you, and quickly wrapped himself up, which made him feel more comfortable.

Then, Shiranui Xuanjian handed another one to Moonlight Hayate: “So do you.”

Moonlight Gale didn’t pretend, and didn’t need to say thanks to Shiranui Xuanjian, but wrapped herself up as soon as possible.

At this moment, he was coughing like Yakumo.

Both Yamashiro Aoba and Binzu Raidong took the initiative to move away, allowing Yakumo and Hayate to get closer to the fire.

Kakashi watched this scene, smiled lightly, and his anxiety was relieved.

“This rain won’t stop for a while, let’s just rest here.” Kakashi said.

Ignorance Huo Xuanjian and others nodded when they heard the words, saying that they had no objection, but Yakumo frowned slightly, and couldn’t help saying: “Are you resting? There is no trace of Zhizhen-kun yet, I want to continue on my way.”

Kakashi heard the words and walked to the fire, stretched out his hand and grilled, taking out the chill from his body, “Yakumo-san, I know you are worried about Shima, but it is quite inconvenient to drive in the rain, and everyone is tired.”

Yakumo pursed his lips when he heard the words, and the running wildly day and night really made everyone feel very tired, especially the moonlight blast, it felt like he was going to the west. And she herself had weak feet.

It’s just that Zhizhen is missing now, which makes Yakumo feel uneasy: “I know, but now Zhizhen-kun doesn’t know where he is. What if we are in danger, waiting for us to rescue him?”

Kakashi didn’t feel annoyed at Yakumo when he heard that, nor did he see Shima’s different status in Yakumo’s heart. He only said that Yakumo cares about his partners, which is a good thing.

Before he could speak, Ignorance Huo Xuanjian smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Miss Yakumo, given the strength of Brother Zhizhen, he is enough to deal with ordinary dangers.”

Yakumo showed a puzzled look when she heard the words. She remembered that when she met Zhizhen for the first time, she was suppressed by Ido in the spiritual space.

It seemed that Shizhen was just average. Although he knew some weird ninjutsu for manipulating insects, Yakumo didn’t think he was so strong.

However, judging from the words of Shiranui Genma and Kakashi, they seemed to approve of Shima.

After Yakumo cured her mental illness, her mind improved a bit, and she immediately understood that Zhizhen might be better than she had imagined, so she said, “It seems that seniors recognize the strength of Zhizhen-kun very much.”

“Of course, he is Konoha special Jōnin now.” Shiranui Genma said.

“Konoha is special Jōnin?” Yakumo said happily after hearing this, “Shizhen-kun got promoted.”

Kakashi nodded when he heard this, and said, “Yes, Shima is now Konoha’s special Jōnin. Although he is not an elite Jōnin, he is very strong.”

Yakumo heard this without thinking, and asked, “How is it better than Kakashi-senpai?”

Kakashi is Konoha’s mainstay and a disciple of Fourth Generation, Yakumo has heard of his name even if he lives in a secluded boudoir.

Konoha copies the ninja, Hatake Kakashi!

As soon as this remark came out, Yakumo secretly said that he was a little bit gaffe, what is the comparison between everyone in the same village?

This kind of questioning gives people a sense of trouble.

However, I do not know Huo Xuanjian came to be interested, and said: “Eh, this statement is a bit interesting. Let alone the strength of Brother Zhizhen, let alone, I am really not defeated by Lord Kakashi.”

Yakumo’s heart jumped when she heard this. At first, she was just happy that Zhizhen was strong, and she fumbled for a while.

But I do not know that Huogenma compares the two so grandly, are you afraid to offend Kakashi?

But when she saw Kakashi, the latter didn’t care, and smiled softly, calmly.

Yakumo calmed down, but also admired Kakashi a little, as he deserves to be known as Konoha. He is very graceful and powerful.

Yamashiro Aoba shook his head when he heard this, and said, “Although Shima is great, he still thinks Kakashi-sama is better.”

Shiranui Genma said: “Kakashi-sama has participated in the three battles, and his experience is above Shizhen. But as a junior, Shizhen does have the qualities not to lose Kakashi-sama.”

Moonlight Hayate and Kiezu Raidong were a little surprised to hear the discussion between the two. Can this suddenly appeared Aburame Shima be compared with Kakashi?

“Ahem, is Zhizhen really that powerful?” Moonlight Hayate asked with interest.

“Well, in short, he is a good guy. As you know in the Nami country battle, in addition to Asuma-sama, Shizhen and Uemon were the main forces in our battle with Kakuzu.” Shiranui Genma laughed.

“Hmm…” Moonlight Hayate thought for a while and asked, “What about Kakashi-sama? What do you think of Shima?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone focused on Kakashi to see what Kakashi had to say about this rising rookie.

After all, the two have known each other for a long time, and they have experienced the mission of the Nation of Waves together, and they can be regarded as partners of life and death.

Kakashi saw that the topic touched him. He didn’t want to be involved in this topic. After all, it is not good to comment on others without authorization.

But when I asked him, I couldn’t avoid it without answering.

He thought about it carefully and said, “Well, Zhizhen is really strong. If he insists on saying it, I think he is better than not cutting it.”

“The Seven Ninja Swordsmen?” As a ninja who uses swordsmanship, Moonlight Hayate is very familiar with world-famous swordsmen.

No matter how big the name is, he naturally knows it.

Hearing Kakashi’s comment that Zhizhen’s strength is better than not cutting, Moonlight Hayate was really surprised.

“Well, after all, I’ve never suffered a big loss in Zhizhen’s hands.” Kakashi laughed.

I do not know the fire Genma and the others came after Shizhen Kakashi fought with Nozawa, and they don’t know the details of Shizhen and Nozawa’s battle.

But if you don’t cut it in the eyes of Shiranui Xuanjian and Shancheng Qingye, your strength is not weak.

Zhizhen is stronger than him, which makes them feel proud.

But Moonlight Hayate and Bingzuitong glanced at each other, and both sides saw surprise in each other’s eyes.

Only seventeen years old? Has it reached the point where the seven Ninja Swordsmen are crowded?

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