Chapter 236

As soon as the words came out, the Genin of Sha Yin suddenly understood, and immediately became excited.

“Wow, I encountered an ambush!”

“Yes, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing!”

“Are you a ninja from another country!”

“I don’t know, but I guess it’s going to fight!”

Hearing this group of Genin’s comments, one of Jōnin suddenly yelled: “Stop!”

The Genins were silent for a moment, but the excitement on their faces remained undiminished.

Kakashi and others didn’t panic when they heard Baki’s words. They looked at each other, and they all saw the relaxation in their eyes.

Since Baki took a gentle approach, Kakashi wouldn’t be ignorant. He gave a gesture and asked everyone to continue to stand by.

Then he jumped from the tree and walked out of the forest

“It’s worthy of being the powerhouses of Shayin Village. They are really good.” Kakashi walked out of the forest and clapped his hands.

Seeing Kakashi come out, the Genins suddenly looked confused and disappointed. There is only one person?

And Konoha is forehead protector?

This definitely won’t fight anymore.

Konoha and Sa Yin are allies.

However, the children didn’t feel much, but the Jōnin showed a surprised look.

The name of this person, they are like treacherous.

Baki took a step forward and said, “It’s really unexpected. If I read it right, your Excellency should be Konoha’s copy ninja, Hatake Kakashi-sama.”

“I dare not be an adult.” Kakashi smiled and replied, “Baki Jōnin is so polite.”

“Oh? Kakashi Jōnin knows me?” Baki asked with a smile.

“Of course, Fourth Kazekage’s right-hand man, of course I recognize it.” Kakashi smiled.

Just as Kakashi’s reputation has been spread in the sand, Baki’s reputation also has considerable information in Konoha.

Ninja is like this, the five big countries all have the most basic understanding of the famous powerhouses in each country.

Don’t underestimate this Baki. Although he doesn’t make many appearances in the original book, his strength is not simple.

One move to kill the moonlight blast can be Gaara’s guide Jōnin, which shows that Jōnin’s status in Sain can be said to be equivalent to Kakashi’s in Konoha.

After Fourth Kazekage’s death, Baki backed Gaara to take over as Fengying and made a Penultimate contribution to the construction and management of the village.

“Hmph, since you know us, why are you lying in front of you.” One of the Jōnin immediately showed an unhappy expression and asked Kakashi.

Hearing this, before Kakashi spoke, Baki yelled: “Shut up, what do you know!? How could Kakashi Jōnin ambush us, most of them sensed our tracks and came to check. You didn’t see me making a sound. Did Kakashi Jōnin show up?”

The Jōnin snorted when he heard the words, not speaking.

Baki looked at Kakashi and smiled apologetically: “Sorry, Kakashi Jōnin, my partner has a bad temper.”

Kakashi smiled and waved, and said, “It’s okay, indeed, if I knew it was you, I wouldn’t have to spend so much time. However, it’s better to be more careful when you go out.”

“Of course.” Baki smiled and asked, “Kakashi Jōnin is here to welcome us?”

Kakashi heard the words: “Hokage-sama’s welcoming mission hasn’t set off yet, we just have a mission to get there.”

“Really?” Baki smiled when he heard the words, and said nothing.

Kakashi said: “You just said greet, why, are you going to Konoha?”

“Of course, we went to take the Chūnin exam.” Baki admitted.

“That’s the case, but it’s too early.” Kakashi wiped the rain from his forehead. “It’s still rushing under such heavy rain.”

“Hey, we originally planned to find a cave nearby to rest. But these children are spoiled and have never suffered, so we just take this opportunity to exercise them. We plan to rush to the next town to rest. We can also add these little ones along the way. The insights of the guys.” Baki said with a smile.

There was no loophole in Kakashi’s words, and Kakashi couldn’t find any problems. Baki said again, “Don’t worry, we won’t delay time. We will definitely arrive at Konoha before July 1st.”

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Well, then I will inform Master Hokage to give him a treat.”

“No.” Baki said, “Master Fengying has already written a letter to Master Hokage, Kakashi Jōnin, please don’t worry, we Shain is not the kind of ignorant guy like Iwagakure.”

Worthy of being Fourth Generation’s right-hand man, Baki’s words are almost dripping. The reason why Kakashi said to notify Third Generation was to test whether Sa Yin had set off without authorization. But I didn’t expect Fourth Kazekage had already written a letter to Third Generation.

This made Kakashi unable to find a problem, Baki said again: “Sagin and Konoha are allies. We went to Konoha earlier, the purpose is to learn and communicate with Konoha’s Genins. The Chūnin exam is a big event, Mu Ye Genin’s excellence is well known, so I came a little earlier.”

Kakashi smiled and said, “Baki Jōnin is polite, our child is still far behind.”

“Hehe.” Baki heard the words, “Temari, Kankuro, Gaara, come here.”

After all, the third sister and brother of Fengkage came to Baki, Kakashi looked at Gaara, and said to his heart: “This is the guy Parker said, um…it’s not like ordinary people.”

Kakashi looked at Gaara carefully and asked, “These three are.”

“Disrespectful, these three are my disciples.” Baki smiled: “They are also the children of Master Fengying. Temari is the elder sister, and Kankuro and Gaara are the younger brothers.”

Fengying’s child? Kakashi was shocked. This guy is actually Fengying’s child. In other words, will Fengying’s children also take the Chūnin exam?

Fourth Kazekage is really willing. As we all know, the mortality rate of Chūnin exam is extremely high. Fourth Kazekage is willing to take part in his children. If he is not a cruel father, he has absolute confidence in his children.

Thinking of this, Kakashi took a closer look at Temari and Kankuro. Temari was nothing special, but Kankuro caught Kakashi’s attention.

The third sister and brother are also looking at Kakashi, this is the copy of the legendary Konoha ninja? Doesn’t it look special? Copy ninja? What copy did he use?

Kankuro smiled and said, “Hatake Kakashi Jōnin, I know you, I heard you are great.”

“Well, it’s okay.” Kakashi looked at Kankuro and said, “Unexpectedly, you became a puppet master at a young age. It’s amazing.”

Kankuro was shocked when he heard this. This guy’s eyes are so poisonous.

Temari was also a little surprised. She was the first time she saw someone who knew Kankuro’s details.

Gaara hasn’t said anything, just staring at Kakashi, as if trying to see Kakashi through.

Baki is not surprised. Kakashi is Konoha’s famous powerhouse. It is not surprising that he has such an eye.

Kakashi smiled and said, “It seems that Shayin is bound to win this Chūnin exam. Even Master Fengying’s son was sent out.”

Baki laughed at the words and said, “Let’s put it this way, but this time we are full of energy and want to win the championship.”

Kakashi nodded, the temptation has been tried, and Fengying’s children have also met. Kakashi said, “Really, then I can wait and see. The rain is so heavy, I also have a task, and it won’t hinder your journey.”

“Thank you for your understanding, then we Konoha will see you again.” Baki responded with a smile, waved his hand, and the group marched again.

Kakashi stood aside and let them pass. After everyone had passed by, Baki said, “Then, Kakashi Jōnin, goodbye.”

“Okay.” Kakashi responded.

After all, Baki led the third sibling and left.

“Gaara, what do you think of Kakashi?” Baki asked softly.

“Above you.” Gaara said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Kankuro and Temari were stunned. They knew Baki’s strength.

They know that Kakashi is very strong, but is it really that strong?

Baki chuckled lightly when he heard the words, and asked, “What about you?”

“I will win.” Gaara said without hesitation.

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