Chapter 237 Flying Thunder Array Technique! (Please subscribe!)

“Heh.” Baki chuckled lightly and said, “That’s good.”

After all, Baki didn’t say much, Gaara still hugged her hands and walked forward.

Temari shrugged and said, “Of course, who can beat Gaara in this world?”

Kankuro was a little upset when he heard this: “Bullish kid!”

“Kankuro, I said you, don’t mess with Gaara anymore, that guy will really kill you.” Temari warned.

“I see!” Kankuro said impatiently.

Temari curled his lips when he heard the words, and quickly followed Gaara’s footsteps.

Kakashi stood in the shade of the tree, thinking carefully about the conversation just now. There were indeed no loopholes and no suspicious points.

After Shayin’s army had gone away, all the remaining people and the Eight Ninja Dogs came to Kakashi’s side.

“Kakashi-sama, how is it?” Yamashiro Aoba asked.

“I didn’t try to find any useful information, that Baki is not a simple character.” Kakashi shook his head and said.

“Really?” Everyone glanced at each other, and Moonlight Hayate asked: “What about that boy Parker? How is it?”

“On the surface it looks like an ordinary teenager, but he feels very cold and indifferent to life.” Kakashi said.

Everyone nodded, murderer who doesn’t ignore life?

“Also, that boy is Fourth Kazekage’s son.” Kakashi said.

As soon as he said this, he showed a look of horror just like Kakashi at the beginning: “Four Kazekage Luosha’s son? Hs, a Chūnin exam, Fourth Kazekage is really willing.”

Kakashi nodded, and said nothing.

“Does Master Hokage know about this?” Yamashiro Aoba asked.

“They said they have written the letter. If it is true, Master Hokage should make arrangements.” Kakashi said.

If it is true, that means it may be false.

Everyone understands this. Shiranui Genma asked, “Then you should notify Lord Hokage?”

Kakashi shook his head and said, “I don’t think Baki will use such things to deceive me. It’s too easy to wear.”

After hearing the words, everyone thought about it, and thought it was. Baki said that he wrote a letter, but if Kakashi went back to the Third Generation and didn’t believe it, everyone knew that Shayin had a problem.

“Then what shall we do next?” I wonder Huo Xuanjian asked.

“It’s better to find Shima quickly. After we merged with Shima, the four of you quickly rushed back to Konoha to do defensive work.” Kakashi gave instructions.

“Yes!” Everyone responded without hesitation.

“Then continue on the road now.” Moonlight Hayate coughed and said, “Anyway, it’s already out. Find Zhizhen one step faster, so we can go back one step faster.”

Everyone had no opinion, Kakashi asked, “Can your body still stand it?”

“I’m fine.” Moonlight Hayate said.

“Yakumo, how about you?” Kakashi asked Yakumo again.

“Of course I didn’t.” Yakumo smiled. She was anxious to see Zhizhen soon. How could there be a problem?

Hearing Yakumo’s words, Kakashi nodded: “Then let’s go, Parker leads the way!”


After all, the group started to act again.

On the other side, Zhizhen and Idozai were also on the way quickly. Idozai was moving so fast that it felt like an airplane.

In these four hours of work, they have walked more than five hundred miles.

Moreover, Yi Dao Zhai was not tired at all, and was still full of energy.

As for Zhizhen, he was even more relaxed. He was already asleep, and his saliva was flowing on Yidaozai’s back.

“Wake up?” The moment Zhizhen woke up, Yidaozhai felt it.

Zhizhen yawned and said, “Ah, sorry, I’m asleep.”

Looking intently, Yidaozhai’s face was suddenly embarrassed with a glistening liquid on his back, and he quickly wiped it clean with his sleeve.

Ichidozai smiled, saliva or something, it didn’t care, and said, “No need to wipe it.”

“Ah.” Zhizhen’s face became even more embarrassing when he heard this: “Sorry, sorry, I have a habit of drooling in bed.”

Ichidozai didn’t say anything, Zhizhen immediately changed the subject: “How is the situation?”

“The target is starting to move, and it’s still moving in our direction. Obviously, the other party also has a guy who can track it.” Ichitosai said.

Zhizhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, “That should be Parker, right?”


“My partner’s Summoning beast is a dog with a very sensitive sense of smell. It should have come after me.” Zhizhen smiled: “In this case, it is estimated that it will not take long before I will meet them. Ichidozai, ours How far is it?”

“It’s not far.” Ichidoshi said: “However, the target Chakra and the unknown Chakra group met just now.”

“Chakra regiment? What do you mean? Encountered an enemy?” Zhizhen asked quickly.

“I don’t know, there are a lot of people on the other side, but Chakra is not strong. The Chakra of the two parties did not fluctuate greatly, and they should not fight.” Yidaosai said.

Shizhen was relieved when he heard this, and said to himself: “Looking at it this way, Senior Kakashi, most of them have encountered other large troops from Shinobu Village.”

“Yeah. It should be.” Yidaosai answered.

“Can you feel the direction they are traveling?” Ichitosai said, “It should be Konoha.”

“Hiss.” Zhizhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and the group went to Konoha? What to do? ? Are you messing up?

However, Kakashi met them but didn’t fight with them. In other words, Kakashi let them go?

Kakashi must have tried such a large group to Konoha. If Kakashi let it go, does it mean that the opponent is not malicious?

Suddenly, Zhizhen didn’t think of the key. The other party was going to take the Chūnin exam, and only said: “Iichizai, hurry up!”

The matter involved Konoha, and Shima couldn’t wait to meet Kakashi to make things clear.

“It’s okay, but you can sit firmly.” Yidaozhai said, and then the speed was three minutes faster.

“The smell of Zhizhen is approaching!”

When Kakashi and others were on a frantic journey, Parker suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed, Yakumo took the lead to ask: “Really? Little Parker?”

Parker nodded and said, “It is indeed close, and there is another smell of being with Zhizhen! And it’s still close to us!”

Other flavors? Kakashi said, “Are you approaching us? That means Shima has come out to look for us too!?”

“It should be.” Parker said: “And the other party is coming directly towards us, obviously can also perceive our existence.”

Everyone was relieved when they heard the words, Kakashi said, “It seems that Zhizhen has successfully signed the contract.”

Hearing this, Yakumo smiled even more and said, “It’s great!”

Kakashi said: “Genma, Aoba, the same, and the wind, let’s try now if we can use Flying Thunder God!”

“Yes!” The four took orders.

Everyone stopped and found an open space, but I did not know the Huogenma and others immediately surrounded Kakashi.

Yakumo’s eyes widened too. She wanted to see what Flying Thunder God was like.

“Kakashi-sama, if you succeed in a while, you will be directly teleported to Zhizhen.” Yamashiro Aoba said.

“I know this. Just do it.” Kakashi said, “If you succeed, you will send Yakumo over, and then you can rush back to Konoha!”

The four of them nodded when they heard the words, and at the same time Jieyin, shouted: “Ninfa: Fei Lei Array Technique!”

Fourth Generation independently uses the name Flying Thunder God, and when several of them use it reasonably, it is called Flying Thunder Array.

The next moment, a ray of light flashed, and Kakashi suddenly disappeared in place.

“Success!” The four of them were overjoyed, and Yakumo’s eyes widened, somewhat disbelief: “Just like that disappeared?”

“Of course, Kakashi-sama should have reached Zhizhen by now, Yakumo-san, it’s your turn.” Shiranui Genma said.

Hearing this, Bayun swallowed his saliva and stepped into the circle!

Ichitosai and Zhizhen were still on their way frantically, but the former suddenly felt that the space was distorted, and then a chakra emerged.

Kakashi appeared in front of Zhizhen.

“Ka…Kakashi-senpai!?” Shima exclaimed.

“How is this possible?!” Yi Daozai was shocked.

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