Chapter 238 The Second Worship Chapter 35 The Thrilling Moment (for subscription!)

What is this technique? He would appear in front of him instantly, without any signs?

Ichidozai was surprised, but Zhizhen was even more surprised.

“Yo, Shi…” Kakashi felt a sense of weightlessness before he finished his greeting, and when he fixed his eyes, he was in the air now!

“His!” Kakashi was startled, and suddenly began to fall.

What about this cheating? !

“Ah!” Zhizhen quickly reached out his hand, but missed, his reaction was slow, and he didn’t catch Kakashi.

Yi Daozhai instantly realized that this was Zhizhen’s partner, and quickly stretched out his sword arm, and said in a deep voice, “Grab the back!”

Kakashi grabbed the back of the knife right away!

“Is this? Praying mantis?” Kakashi realized that Zhizhen Summoning beast was actually a praying mantis? Can a praying mantis fly?

Kakashi’s weight increased, and Ichitozai felt his body sink, and a powerful Chakra burst out quickly, making a strong jump, and another double jump, so that the three of them did not fall!

Wow, Kakashi exclaimed, and he could still act like this. It seems that Zhizhen has found the powerful Summoning beast.

“Huh, life is hanging by a thread!” Kakashi relaxed and said with a smile.

Shima smiled upon hearing this, “Kakashi-senpai, it’s been a long time since I saw you, where is Yakumo?”

“Yakumo, she…” Kakashi’s expression changed and said: “Oh, I was sent by Flying Thunder God, Yakumo will wait…”

The words were not finished, and the space was distorted again, and Yakumo appeared.

“Come back!?” Yi Daozai exclaimed.

“To die!” Zhizhen reacted instantly, and Yakumo was also teleported into the air.

“Ah, Shima-kun…Ah!” Yakumo was pleased to see Shima’s expression first, and then saw Kakashi grab the arm of some creature, and then she began to fall.

“Why are you in the air!?” Yakumo’s heart felt cold, and Kakashi quickly reached out his hand, but Yakumo couldn’t react in time, and successfully missed Kakashi’s rescue.

“Yakumo!” Zhizhen was shocked, and said, “Iichitozai, go!”

“How do I get there!?” Yidaozai said, “Quickly, use Summoning!”

Hearing Yidaozhai’s instructions, Zhizhen’s eyes lit up, he quickly closed the seal, and shouted: “Ninfa: Summoning Technique!”

Then, with a press on the void, a praying mantis appeared, and it was Kojiro.

“Shizhen, Ichidozai? Hey, what…” Xiaojirou also found himself in the air.

However, before he had time to be surprised, Shizhen said loudly, “Kojiro, go and save people!”

Hearing this, Kojiro’s eyes swept over the falling Yakumo in an instant, immediately swooping and accelerating, and instantly came to Yakumo’s body and hugged her!

The speed was so fast that Kakashi was so surprised that he could accelerate like this in the air? Great!

Then, due to the inertia of the dive, Kojiro couldn’t take off again, and immediately changed his posture and landed on both feet.

The next moment, there was a muffled sound, smoke and dust all around, and the earth cracked.

“Hmm.” Seeing this, Shizhen and Kakashi also had a shosai, and all heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Ichitosai fell quickly, and Shijin climbed down and ran to Kojiro quickly.

It had already put down Yakumo, and coughed with the aroused smoke. Zhizhen quickly asked, “Yakumo, are you okay.”

Yakumo waved his hand, with a heavy load: “It’s okay, Shijin-kun!”

“Well, thank you for your hardship, Kojiro.” Zhizhen smiled.

Kojiro smiled upon hearing this, and said, “Shizhen, Brother Ichidozai, you guys really know how to play.”

Play? Shizhen and Ichitozai were speechless. Yakumo smiled and asked, “Shizhen-kun, is this your Summoning beast?”

Now that the crisis is over, Yakumo and Kakashi can also relax and take a good look at Shijin’s Summoningmon.

When they were in the air, they noticed that these two praying mantises were a little huge. Now, when they looked at them, the height of the two praying mantises was more than three meters, which was three points bigger than in the air.

Ichitosai and Kojiro stand at Shizhen’s side, and are as powerful as the two guardians.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Yes, come, let me introduce it formally. This is my Summoning beast, the mantis clan!”

“It’s really a praying mantis.” Kakashi smiled, “This is really beyond my expectation.”

“Haha.” Zhizhen laughed loudly and introduced: “This is Ichitosai, and this is Kojiro.”

Kakashi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: “It looks like the name of a swordsman in the Sengoku period.”

“I think so too.” Zhizhen said with a smile, “but they are all good guys. Ichidozai also came out with me to look for you.”

Listening to the joy in Shizhen’s words, Kakashi also smiled lightly and said, “You still have a conscience, knowing that you come out to find us.”

“Of course.” Zhizhen said: “Am I the kind of person who leaves my companions alone?”

Kakashi smiled and didn’t say much. What he said just now was originally just a joke: “So, what should I do next, return to Konoha?”

“Not yet.” Zhizhen shook his head and said, “I will practice here for a while.”

Kakashi nodded, and there is nothing wrong with staying to practice. After a pause, Shizhen said again, “Speaking of which, senior Genma, aren’t they here?”

“Yeah. They have to rush back to Konoha first and report to Master Hokage.” Kakashi Kaidō.

“That’s a pity, there are many Summoning beasts in the valley. I still think everyone can sign a contract.” Zhizhen smiled: “Yakumo, I have found a race that suits you.”

Yakumo was overjoyed when he heard this. Apparently Zhizhen remembered her and made her very happy: “Thank you so much, Zhizhen-kun.”

“What are you polite?” Zhizhen smiled: “I also thought that I couldn’t let you go for nothing.”

“There are many Summoning beasts? Are there many races?” Kakashi asked suddenly.

“Yeah. My place seems a little different from other places. It’s a place where multiple races live together. It’s called Juyegu.” Zhizhen said, “Well, let’s talk about the details while walking.”

Kakashi nodded, and didn’t refuse, anyway, I came here, it would be a pity not to look at it.

He knotted his hands and summoned the Eight Ninja Dogs. When Parker saw Zhizhen, he immediately said hello: “Oh, Zhizhen.”

“Oh, Parker, you have worked hard this time.” Zhizhen smiled.

Kakashi said: “Okay, Parker, you guys go back to rest, things are all right.”

“Well, I see, Kakashi, something is calling for us.” Parker said.

After all, the Eight Ninja Dogs disappeared.

On the other side, Shiranui Genma and others saw that Parker had disappeared, and they knew Kakashi was safe.

So the four of them relaxed, and Moonlight Hayate said, “Leave it to Master Kakashi and them, let’s go back first.”

“Yeah.” The other three had no objection, and quickly started to rush back.

“By the way, Kakashi-senpai, Ichitosai said, have you encountered many ninjas?” Shima asked.

“How do you know?” Kakashi was taken aback.

“This guy has the ability to sense. He perceives that the huge Chakra group has met you.” Zhizhen said: “And the direction is still going towards Konoha, what’s the matter?”

Kakashi didn’t hide it, and told the truth: “It’s from Shayin Village.”

When Zhizhen heard this, he stopped and showed a weird look, and asked, “Who is going to take the Chūnin exam? It’s too early, right?”

“Hey, I think so too. So I tried it out, but I didn’t find any problems.” Kakashi said.

Hearing this, Zhizhen didn’t think so. After reading the original book, he naturally knew that Shayin had ghosts. If he went so early, could he step on it?

He thought for a while and asked, “How many of them are there?”

“Sixty people.”

Sixty people? Fifteen more people came out than in the original book.

“Has Fourth Kazekage gone?” Zhizhen asked again.

“I didn’t go.” Kakashi said, “But I didn’t see Fourth Kazekage, but I saw Fourth Kazekage’s son, Gaara.”

Zhizhen pretended to be surprised when he heard this, and said, “Oh? What does it look like?”

“Unlike an ordinary teenager, he has heavy dark circles and a red love word on his forehead, so his appearance is very special.” Kakashi said.

When Zhizhen heard this, he nodded secretly, Gaara seemed to be no different from the original book.

Then, Kakashi said: “But that boy is not a simple character. Parker said that the smell of blood on his body is so heavy that he wants to vomit.”

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