Chapter 241 Return to Valley (please subscribe!)

Zhizhen never expected that the Chūnin exam would undergo such a change and reach such a scale.

Investigating the reason, Zhizhen can already be sure that it is because of his existence.

This is the same as the time in the country of Waves.

Taking a Chūnin exam attracted other influences.

The time of the plot development has not changed, but the content is very different, and it is developing in the direction of Zhizhen unable to master.

If so, the rookies from other big villages will come. Can Naruto pass the Chūnin exam smoothly?

In this regard, Zhizhen has reservations.

Looking at Kakashi again, Konoha with a relaxed look on his face, Shijin couldn’t help asking, “Kakashi-senpai, are you okay?”

“What do you mean?” Kakashi asked.

“Rock Shinobi and Mist Shinobi.” Zhizhen hinted vaguely: “After all, you have participated in their wars.”

“Ah.” Kakashi understood, and said calmly: “Well, I really don’t have any good feelings for these two villages, and even hatred. But the times have changed. Master Hokage has his considerations, for Konoha, for the future, I too You can’t hold on to hatred forever.”

After a pause, Kakashi looked into the distance: “And whoever should be killed, I have already killed.”

Zhizhen sighed softly when he heard the words, a little admiring Kakashi’s mind.

Two of his best friends, one died in Rock Shinobi’s hands, the other was pitted to death by Mist Shinobi.

If you replace him, you can’t wait to razor Rock Shinobi and Mist Shinobi to the ground.

As for Kakashi, it is estimated that the mentality has exploded, and it is indeed time to let go.

“It seems that we are going back to Konoha soon.” Zhizhen said.

Kakashi nodded and said, “At least five days in advance, before July 1.”

“Well. When Yakumo signs the Summoning Beast, I have completed the most basic practice, we will rush back to Konoha.” Zhizhendao.

Hearing this, Yakumo felt sweet, and said, “Jizhen-kun, thank you for considering me. But it’s okay for me, don’t delay major events for me.”

“Well, although the matter is big. But just to help you find a Summoning beast, it won’t delay anything. And Hokage-sama is in Konoha, and Shayin shouldn’t reach Konoha yet. Don’t worry too much.” Zhizhen said laughingly.

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, he thought the same way, so he was still slowly with Shizhen.

Hearing Shizhen talking about practice, Kakashi asked, “Well, although things are important, your own strength is more important. Since Mr. Hokage allows you to come out, he wants you to gain something. So don’t rush back to Konoha.”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded.

“But then again, what kind of practice are you doing now.” Kakashi asked.

Upon hearing this, Zhizhen did not hide it, and smiled excitedly: “Sage Mode!”

“Sage Mode?!” Unexpectedly, Kakashi naturally understood what Sage Mode is, and showed a surprised look: “I didn’t expect you to start practicing Sage Mode. It’s amazing.”

Originally, Kakashi just asked casually, still thinking about giving Shizhen some guidance.

But as soon as he heard Sage Mode, Kakashi gave up, which was beyond his ability.

“It’s just luck.” Shizhen was not proud, and said with a smile: “There are other races in the Giant Leaf Valley who can practice Sage Mode, Senior Kakashi, I will also find one for you.”

Kakashi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his eyes closed the crescent.

Although he knew that Zhizhen regarded him as a friend, he did not expect to be so generous that even Sage Mode would not hide himself.

Really a nice guy.

But Kakashi refused. He shook his head and said, “Thank you, but forget it. Sage Mode is not so easy to practice, and no one can practice Sage Mode. You came here against Summoning to prove that you are here. With fate, Sage Mode is what you deserve.”

Ichitosai and Kojiro have not spoken, after all, they can’t talk about human topics, and secondly, they don’t have much interest.

But after hearing Shizhen’s words, Ichitosai and Kojiro raised their spirits. If Shizhen asked Kakashi to sign a contract with the Mantis clan, they didn’t know whether to agree or not.

But when Kakashi refused, the two guys gave Kakashi a high look.

Unexpectedly, there are people in this world who can face Sage Mode and remain unmoved.

Sure enough, Zhizhen’s partner is not the wrong guy.

“Then you are not destined to this place yet.” Zhizhen smiled and said, “You came here because of me. Isn’t that destiny either?”

Kakashi spread his hands and said, “Well, let it happen. Of course, if I can sign a suitable Summoning beast, I will not refuse, but if not, I will not force it. Originally, I am now focusing on the power of Sharingan. Distracted to practice Sage Mode, I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult.”

Also, in the case of Kakashi, it takes a lot of effort to get Master Kamui.

“I didn’t tell you to start practicing now.” Zhizhen smiled.

Kakashi heard the words and smiled and said: “In short, you just need to take care of your own affairs. I can’t hold you back as a senior. However, if you learn Sage Mode, maybe I really want to It’s up to you junior.”

“Kakashi-senpai, what are you talking about?” Shima said with a smile.

Just as Kakashi admired Shima more and more, Shima admired Kakashi more.

After the death of Konoha’s White Fang, Kakashi can walk to today on his own, step by step, although he cannot do without the careful training of Third Generation and Fourth Generation.

But more depends on Kakashi himself, this man is excellent both on the outside and on the inside.

Hearing this, Kakashi smiled slightly and said nothing.

After a conversation, Shizhen’s friendship with Kakashi deepened by another three points.

From the very beginning, the partners who met life and death have gradually become friends who can make heart-to-heart.

“What is Sage Mode?” Yakumo interjected.

Kakashi heard the words and explained: “The state of using natural energy.”

“Natural energy?” Yakumo was a little curious.

“It’s a bit complicated to explain, let’s put it simply, this world has other powers besides Chakra…” Zhizhen briefly explained the principle of Sage Mode.

Hearing Yakumo exclaimed again and again, and at the same time feeling sincerely happy that Zhizhen became stronger, she said: “I didn’t expect that there is such a power in the world. If Zhizhen-kun succeeds as a Master, he should become very strong. ?”

“Almost.” Before Shizhen spoke, Kakashi answered, “At least he surpassed me.”

Hearing this, Hachi Cloud Shinobi couldn’t help but clapped his little hand. Kakashi was so famous in Konoha that I won’t say it. It’s a great thing to surpass him.

Looking at Yakumo’s reaction, Zhizhen keenly noticed that Yakumo had something to him. What should I say? enthusiasm?

Illusion? Zhizhen didn’t think too much, he and Yakumo hadn’t met a few times, so he shouldn’t be so passionate.

He said: “Then, let’s speed up a bit, the Juyegu is still far away, so I don’t know when we will be able to chat all the way.”

“Yeah.” The two nodded, expressing no opinion.

Having said that, the three of them started on their way, and Ichitosai and Kojiro followed close behind.

This time, Shizhen didn’t let them recite. After all, Kakashi and Yakumo are “outsiders” to them.

Zhizhen should also take into account their feelings. They are not mounts for Zhizhen. Since they did not take the initiative to raise it, it can be seen that not everyone can be on their backs.

But in this way, the speed is much slower.

Shizhen and the others left the valley at noon, and it took more than four hours to find Kakashi and the others.

Now that they ran back on their own, it would definitely take more time.

Sure enough, when they returned to the Giant Leaf Valley, the sky was completely dark.

However, this does not prevent Kakashi and Yakumo from admiring the view of the Great Leaf Valley, which is still beautiful at night.

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