Chapter 242-Yakumo’s Thoughts (Subscribe!)

Back at the entrance of the Giant Leaf Valley, the towering stone walls on both sides of Yakumo and Kakashi, as well as the narrow entrance, are really the same, and can’t help but complain.

“It’s so deep here.” Kakashi said.

“Well, it’s finally here.” Zhizhen let out a long sigh of relief and said, “Let’s go, let’s go in.”

Yakumo and Kakashi didn’t move when they heard the words. They looked at the entrance, and it was completely dark inside.

“Are you sure you are taking this path?” Kakashi couldn’t help asking.

“Of course, I came out here at noon.” Zhizhen smiled.

Hearing this, Kakashi didn’t say any more, but frowned. He was not afraid, but was used to being cautious: “There will be no traps, right?”

Zhizhen laughed at the words and said, “No, peace of mind, Kakashi-senpai.”

Seeing that Shizhen was so determined, Kakashi and Yakumo didn’t say anything.

Yidao Zhai heard the words: “Don’t worry, two guests, we will guarantee your safety.”

Then it took the lead to enter the narrow path and said: “Kojiro, your queen.”

“Yes, Brother Ichitosai.” Kojiro responded.

Shima followed, Yakumo followed, Kakashi followed Yakumo, and Kojiro was the last.

The entrance of this giant leaf valley is dark and long, and Zhizhen also feels a little crippled walking inside.

But fortunately, he walked once during the day and didn’t feel much scared.

However, Kakashi and Yakumo are not so easy. As an excellent ninja, the former habitually begins to be alert to the surroundings.

And Yakumo, just a girl, suddenly walked to this place where he couldn’t see his fingers, naturally he was scared.

She couldn’t help holding Zhizhen’s clothes, her delicate little face was full of tension.

Zhizhen felt Yakumo’s emotions, turned his head and patted her hand gently, signalling her peace of mind: “Don’t worry, there is only one way, just follow.”

Feeling the warmth in Zhizhen’s hands, Yakumo was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned slightly red, but fortunately, there was no light here, and no one saw her face.

After walking for about ten minutes, the five people walked out of the narrow path and returned to the dark forest.

Kakashi relaxed a little when he got out of the narrow path, and couldn’t help but complain: “This road is really long.”

Yakumo also felt a little relieved, let go, and said, “Thank you, Shijin-kun.”

“What are you polite?” Zhizhen smiled, acted as a tour guide, and introduced: “This is the area of ​​Juyegu.”

Kakashi and Yakumo looked around, and it was still pitch black, not much better than in the narrow passage.

“The trees here are really big and thicker than those in the Forest of Fire Country. I don’t think there is sunshine here during the day.” Kakashi said.

“Almost, it’s dark here during the day, but it’s still better than at night.” Zhizhen said.

“Are you living here all this time?” Kakashi asked.

“Of course not. This place is guarded by the people of Yidaozhai. I live in their village.” Zhizhen said.

Kakashi nodded when he heard that, Yakumo also felt relieved. Fortunately, she didn’t need to live here, she didn’t want to live in such a dark place.

Suddenly, the red light of the forest flashed, and Yakumo exclaimed, “Ah.”

“What’s wrong?” Zhizhen asked quickly.

Yakumo pointed in one direction and said, “I just saw a burst of red light, like eyes.”

“Oh, that’s the compatriots of Yidaozhai. Didn’t I say that, the mantis family guards the entrance of the giant leaf valley.” Zhizhen said.

Hearing this, Yakumo nodded, and raised his heart slightly lowered.

Kakashi looked around and looked wary: “Let’s go first, it doesn’t feel like a good place to chat.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, changed his mind, and said: “Yidaozai, let’s take a detour, let’s go to the sea of ​​flowers first.”

Yidaozhai heard the words and said, “What are you going to do?”

“Let my friends enjoy the wonders.” Zhizhen laughed.

“A wonder?” Kakashi and Yakumo showed a curious look. The former asked, “Are there any wonders here?”

“Juyegu is divided into many parts. Although it’s dark here, the sea of ​​flowers I just said is different. Well, you can see it.” Zhizhen smiled: “Anyway, it’s all here. No loss.”

Kakashi and Yakumo nodded, expressing no objection.

It’s just that there is no expectation in my heart for the wonder that Zhizhen said.

Where is the wonder of this kind of ghost place?

Of course, this will not be said, at most, it will only make a complaint after reading it for a while.

Since everyone wanted to go, Ichitosai and Kojiro had no objection, and led the three of them to the sea of ​​flowers.

After walking for about an hour, Zhizhen and the three came to the Huahai area, and of course they came to the bottom of the Huahai.

Zhizhen smiled and said, “Here, when I started Summoning, I Summoning myself to this position.”

Kakashi and Yakumo looked around, and it was still dark because the moonlight was blocked by the petals and leaves of the plants.

The two can only vaguely see the surrounding pillars, but they will not be able to see what it is for a while.

Kakashi immediately complained: “This is not the wonder you said?”

Zhizhen smiled mysteriously: “Of course not, this is just the underside of the spectacle.”

“Next?” The two of them were dumbfounded, and Zhizhen said: “Let’s go, let’s go up!”

Shizhen found a rhizome based on his feelings, and then climbed up. Ichitosai and Kojiro also jumped and rushed up the rhizome.

Kakashi and Yakumo looked around, found one at random, and followed Shizhen.

With the increase in height, his vision gradually brightened, and Yu Zhizhen also smelled a strong fragrance.

“It’s a strong fragrance.” Kakashi was a little surprised, and so did Yakumo.

With curiosity about the top, they speeded up, and then were blocked by a huge “unidentified object”.

Kakashi tried to pull it away, and then saw the moonlight, he reminded Yakumo: “Yakumo, just go straight up. These things are not harmful.”

“Yes!” Yakumo replied, trying to remove what was blocking her, and then jumped to the top.

The two arrived at the same time, and when they looked up, they were stunned by the scenery in front of them.

A full moon came into view.

All kinds of giant plants are in full bloom in the moonlight, and the night sky is dotted with stars, one by one, forming a bright galaxy.

Looking down at his feet, it turned out to be a flower. Kakashi suddenly realized that the black pillars below were the roots of plants.

Looking at the surroundings, Shizhen, Ichitosai and Kojiro stood on another flower not far away, quietly looking into the distance.

Yakumo found Zhizhen, and immediately jumped over and said, “Zhizhen-kun.”

“Oh!” Shizhen looked back, saw her alone, and asked, “Where is Kakashi-senpai?”

“Here.” After speaking, Kakashi also jumped over.

Zhizhen felt relieved and asked, “Well, you two, this scenery is a marvelous sight.”

After all, everyone’s eyes are on this scene.

“Unexpectedly there is such a strange place in the world.” Kakashi couldn’t help but admire.

Yakumo echoed: “It’s really beautiful here, but it’s a pity that I didn’t bring the drawing board.”

Zhizhen smiled upon hearing this, and said, “When you sign a contract with here, you can come often.”

Hearing this, Yakumo smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, Shijin-kun.”

After a pause, Yakumo tentatively asked, “Will you come with me then?”

Zhizhen didn’t think much after hearing the words, and directly responded, “Of course.”

Hearing this, Yakumo smiled sweeter, and lean on his ambition a little.

Kaka watched from the side, couldn’t help but cough, Yakumo was startled, and quickly backed away. Kakashi gave Kakashi a little annoyed.

Shijin didn’t pay attention to Yakumo. Hearing Kakashi coughing, he asked, “Are you tired, Kakashi-senpai?”

“It’s okay.” Kakashi pretended not to see Yakumo’s expression, and said, “Here, it is suitable for you to come with your girlfriend.”

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