Chapter 243 Sooner or later you arouse public outrage (please subscribe!)

Yakumo’s expression became even more uncomfortable when he said this.

Kakashi’s absolute force was deliberate, Yakumo thought bitterly.

When Shizhen heard Kakashi say this, he suddenly laughed and said, “Yes, I also found a Summoning beast for Tenten. I will naturally practice with her in the Giant Leaf Valley by then.”

Hearing Zhizhen’s words, Yakumo was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly disappointed.

When Kakashi heard Shizhen’s answer, he nodded in satisfaction. He didn’t want to take care of young people’s affairs. He just saw that Yakumo was so active, how Kakashi, an old driver, couldn’t understand Yakumo’s thoughts.

With that said, it is nothing more than a reminder to Yakumo that he has a girlfriend.

But seeing the unstoppable loss on Yakumo’s face, Kakashi was also a little helpless. He himself was not a bad uncle who likes to interfere with girls’ love.

It’s better to divide things like love first to come first.

If Shizhen is not dating now, Kakashi will not say anything, but Shizhen already has a girlfriend, Kakashi feels it is necessary to guide the younger generation.

So as not to do anything wrong in the future.

So, this is not Kakashi’s nostalgia, but his experience as an old driver, for the sake of younger generations, be a bad guy.

However, after a few seconds, Yakumo smiled and said, “Then the three of us will come together next time!”

Oops! Kakashi’s heart squatted, it’s hard for this girl to think about it…

“Okay!” Zhizhen immediately agreed and said with a smile: “Of course it’s okay.”

Hearing this, Yakumo smiled even more, and glanced at Kakashi as if triumphantly.

Kakashi looked at Shizhen’s brilliant face, and for some reason, he felt that Shizhen looked a little wretched, but he didn’t think so.

A picture suddenly appeared in his mind, Tenten Yakumo left and right.

“Jizhen-kun.” “Senior.” “Wow haha, come on, my little darlings.”

So dirty! Kakashi blushed instantly, flushed with heat.

Laozi…Ah, no, I just think about this kind of thing in my dreams, Zhizhen is about to reach the other side of happiness?

No, no, no, Zhizhen wouldn’t be such a person. Kakashi shook his head, shook off the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and again said, “Aren’t you dating your girlfriend? Come together?”

Yakumo sighed when he heard the words, the single dog Kakashi is really annoying!

And Zhizhen chuckled and said, “When I go on a date, I will naturally come alone with Tenten.”

After speaking, he smiled ambiguously.

To be honest, it would be a waste not to have a long night and a beautiful woman to accompany you in the scenery of Juyegu.

Kakashi was speechless.

Tenten? It turned out to be Tenten, Yakumo wrote down secretly. He said first: “Yes, Shijin-kun and Miss Tenten will come by themselves if they are going on a date. But if Miss Tenten is called Tenten, it’s impossible for Tenten to be free, right?”

What kind of stalk is this? Zhizhen almost laughed: “Of course, she is also a ninja, and she will have her own mission.”

“Yes, so if Zhizhen-kun is not on a date, can you ask you to accompany me to practice?” Yakumo said.

This statement…the current girl’s scheming is really heavy, Kakashi strokes her forehead, but you are too obvious, Shizhen won’t fail to hear it.

And based on my understanding of the sunglasses, he is not that kind of person, Yakumo, your little scheme will fail.

Sure enough, Zhizhen frowned when he heard this, and Yakumo’s heart jumped: “Is it too obvious?”

When he was afraid that Zhizhen would refuse, and was about to speak first, Zhizhen said: “If you have time, it’s okay.”

Kakashi has a black line, idiot, don’t you really see Yakumo’s careful thoughts, sunglasses really?

Although you wear sunglasses, don’t wear sunglasses with your IQ!

However, Kakashi didn’t know, Shima really didn’t see it. Although he felt that Yakumo was enthusiastic, he never thought it was love.

So the question is, why can Kakashi see that but Shizhen himself can’t?

There are two reasons. First, Zhizhen never thought about this level, and second, he didn’t think Yakumo would like him.

Yakumo meant dating, but Shijin didn’t think much about it when he said it in terms of spiritual practice.

Because he also valued cultivation, he felt that he could understand Yakumo’s thoughts.

He is also Konoha’s “elite” first-rate, and Yakumo is also familiar with him, so there is nothing wrong with asking him.

Yakumo was taken aback for a moment, then laughed happily, and asked, “Really?”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded: “If it’s ninjutsu and physique, it’s okay. If it’s illusion, I’m not the same standard as you, it’s almost the same if you guide me.”

“Well, of course it is the practice of ninjutsu and physique.” Yakumo smiled and said, “I also know Shizhen-kun, you are not good at illusion.”

“Haha.” Zhizhen smiled and said, “I want to learn illusion, too. Let’s guide each other when the time comes!”

“Okay!” Yakumo smiled even more when Shima said that, and snorted softly as he watched Kakashi.

“…” Zhizhen, you are still too young.

Shima saw that Kakashi hadn’t spoken all the time. He was rather speechless, and asked, “What’s the matter, Kakashi-senpai, are you unwell? I just coughed again, and now I have a look of liver pain. .”

Yeah, yeah, I do have liver pain.

He stepped forward, patted Zhizhen’s shoulder, and said earnestly: “Zhizhen, you will cause public outrage sooner or later. Remember what my predecessor said.”

“?” A big question mark appeared on Zhizhen’s head. What did it mean? How could I arouse public outrage sooner or later?

I am so polite and hearty, how could such a thing happen?

He looked at Ichitosai and Kojiro, the two guys were in the whole situation, and didn’t care what they were talking about.

Seeing Zhizhen looking at them, they also looked at Zhizhen, with big eyes to small eyes, nothing to say.

Shizhen spread his hands, Kakashi didn’t want to say more, and said, “Let’s go, it’s time to rest.”

Zhizhen had to respond: “Well, it seems you are really uncomfortable, senior, then let’s go shopping tomorrow, the sea of ​​flowers during the day is also beautiful.”

“Okay, Shizhen-kun.” Yakumo responded immediately.

After all, Ichitosai and Kojiro naturally knew to lead the way, Shima followed closely, and Yakumo and Kakashi walked at the end.

“Really, Lord Kakashi, don’t you want to do so much.” Yakumo said.

“I said you, why do you have to choose Zhizhen? With your identity and appearance, a lot of handsome guys are waiting for you to choose.” Kakashi said.

Yakumo hesitated when he heard the words, smiled and shook his head, and said, “I’m not such a superficial person.”

“Jijin-kun is very good.” After a pause, Yakumo said again: “I want to get in touch with him more.”

“I know that Zhizhen is very good, and it’s normal to want to get in touch, but someone already has a master.” Kakashi said silently, “You don’t have to.”

Yakumo’s face flushed when he heard this, and said, “So what, I will prove that I am better than Miss Tenten.”

“…Just be happy.” Kakashi didn’t want to say anymore. He was almost 30 years old, and he was really tired from being in love with children.

“Let Shizhen step into the Shura Field of Love.” Kakashi said.

Yakumo was puzzled: “What Shura Field?”

Kakashi shook his head when he heard the words, but Yakumo didn’t delve into it, and said, “I believe that Shizhen-kun and I will sparkle.”

“Ah… for sure, an “idiot” and a “radical” will probably spark a different spark, but I don’t know if Shizhen will ignite.” Kakashi murmured silently.

Forget it, let’s watch the drama. This kind of love drama is rare. After Lord Jiraiya comes back, tell him about it, maybe it can be used as the material for the next novel.

Well, you can, maybe you can make a big movie.

Kakashi’s thoughts drift away, and Yakumo is full of fighting spirit.

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