Chapter 245 Kakashi’s Face (Subscribe!)

Look at what Yidaozai dragged in, a caterpillar about the size of a pig.

The bristles on the body surface have not yet been cleaned, and they are black and shiny under the firelight.

There was still a pale yellow unidentified liquid in his mouth, how disgusting and disgusting.

Zhizhen didn’t feel anything yet. When he came only two days ago, he saw a caterpillar several times larger than this one. The one in front of him was obviously still juvenile.

As a result, Zhizhen was not only not afraid, but a little excited, and his appetite was greatly appetite, so Yidaozhai was really interested.

Although Shima is like this, Kakashi and Yakumo are not good enough. When have they ever seen a caterpillar of this size?

Yakumo immediately let out an exclamation, his face turned white with a sigh, and he quickly stood up, stepped back and said, “What is this?”

“Haha, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid.” Seeing Yakumo’s scared look, Zhizhen laughed. Sure enough, girls are afraid of bugs. He said, “This is just a caterpillar, and it’s our dinner!”

“Caterpillar, dinner?” Hearing Zhizhen’s words, Yakumo felt like vomiting instantly, and the ghost wanted to eat bugs!

But seeing Zhizhen so interested, Yakumo couldn’t say this, so he had to stand aside with a blank face.

Kakashi’s reaction to Yakumo was better, but although it was better, his face was full of weird expressions: “I have never seen a caterpillar of this size.”

“Ha, what’s this? When I came here, I met one that was several times larger than this, and it was almost over four meters in length.” Zhizhen said disapprovingly.

Hearing this, Yakumo’s face turned paler, Kakashi was silent, he didn’t bother to complain, and asked directly: “This is not the delicious thing you said?”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard this, and said, “Of course, otherwise, why should I ask Yidaozhai to prepare food?”

Hearing this, Kakashi and Yakumo looked at each other, and both saw the unwillingness in each other’s eyes, and Yakumo said nonchalantly: “Then I think I should just eat dry food.”

It was a bit straighter and the meaning was obvious. I just didn’t want to eat this, but Zhizhen didn’t get angry at Yakumo either. Instead, he smiled and said, “I know what you guys are thinking. I just think this is a caterpillar. I can’t eat it, right? ”

Kakashi and Yakumo nodded, Shima shook their heads, and said, “Ichitosai took me to eat for the first time, and I have the same idea as you, but since the first bite, I have changed this idea. ”

After that, Zhizhen showed a look of intoxication: “That taste is really great!”

Seeing Shizhen’s performance, Kakashi and Yakumo no longer knew what to say, only when Shizhen came to this place for two days, the taste became heavier and heavier.

“Yes…Is it?” Yakumo thought for a while, and said, “Na Shizhen-kun, you can enjoy it yourself, I’ll just eat dry food.”

Zhizhen heard the words: “Don’t, this thing tastes really good, and it’s rich in protein, it’s very nutritious. Tenten and the others eat this at Yidaozai.”

That’s them! We are not a praying mantis!

Yakumo murmured silently, and when she heard Zhizhen’s words, she almost vomited, thinking that even if Zhizhen spoke flowers, she wouldn’t be fooled by Zhizhen.

I had to refuse quickly: “Thank you, I really don’t need it. Nah~~”

Just kidding, is this food really good?

Seeing Yakumo’s oil and salt did not enter, Shima could only look at Kakashi without saying a word.

Kakashi’s heart was embarrassed, and it was not easy to scan Zhizhenxing, so he had to bite the bullet and say, “Well, since you are so good, then try it.”

Zhizhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, “Yes, that’s right, senior.”

Then, he looked at Yidaozhai and waved his big hand: “Yizhaozhai, do it.”

Ichitosai has been listening to him, and he is not angry because of Kakashi and Yakumo’s disgust. It can be said that Ichitosai has no fluctuations in his heart.

For him, it doesn’t matter whether Kakashi and Yakumo eat or not, as long as Shizhen eats it.

“Yeah.” Yidaozhai replied, then he lifted the knife and dropped it, removed the hair and skin, and divided the caterpillar corpse into portions. His actions were quick and he obviously dealt with the caterpillar frequently, and it took less than three minutes to deal with it all.

The black fur and bristles on the caterpillar were thrown into the fire by Yidaozai, and the fire was naturally three-point larger.

Kakashi and Yakumo felt that the swords in front of them were dazzled, and they hadn’t seen Ichitosai’s movements clearly. The caterpillar had already changed its appearance.

I have to say that by removing the surface of the caterpillar, the meat of the caterpillar doesn’t feel nauseous, and it feels very good.

White and tender, the oil shines under the fire, maybe it’s really delicious?

Yakumo shook her head, thinking that this was an illusion. She came to Kakashi and asked in a low voice, “Kakashi-sama, do you really want to eat?”

“Uh… well, try, Yizhizhen’s character, I guess he won’t cheat us.” Kakashi said.

Hearing this, Yakumo had nothing to say, she wouldn’t eat anything anyway, no matter how good the meat was, it would be a bug after all.

Kakashi is really a warrior, he even dares to eat this kind of thing.

Zhizhen did not delay. He picked up the branch and put the meat on the fork, and then put it on the fire. Within a few minutes, the roasted meat was burnt with oil, and an indescribable scent filled the room.

“It’s really fragrant!” Kakashi showed a look of surprise. This smell is really too fragrant. It can have such a fragrance without any seasoning. This insect meat is probably really delicious.

Yakumo smelled the smell, thunder thundered in his stomach, swallowed, and was shocked: “How can it be so fragrant?”

Seeing the reaction of the two, Zhizhen smiled in satisfaction, looked at the two and said, “Well, this smells fragrant.”

Hearing Zhizhen’s words, Yakumo’s face blushed without saying a word. She must admit that she was indeed attracted by the taste. At first she thought about not eating a bite, but now she unconsciously wants to try the taste. Let Hachi naturally feel a little embarrassed.

As for Kakashi, I already believe Zhizhen’s words at this moment, and I can’t wait to eat it.

The worm meat cooked quickly. After about five minutes of roasting, it was fully cooked. Shizhen handed the meat to Kakashi, and Kakashi took it and thanked him.

Then, he smelled it, and suddenly showed a look of intoxication and surprise, and said: “Then, I’m welcome.”

Having said that, Kakashi slowly pulled off his mask, Zhizhen’s heart chuckles, and suddenly realized that this is not to see Kakashi’s true face?

Hey, that’s not right. When he was in the country of Nami, at Dazna’s house, he obviously had a meal together. Why doesn’t he remember Kakashi’s appearance at all?

It doesn’t make sense… Zhizhen thought for a while, revealing a weird look.

Forget it, I can see it now anyway. Thinking about this, Zhizhen stared at Kakashi intently, intending to see the true face of Lushan.

Although he has seen Kakashi’s face on the earth, the real Kakashi is naturally different from the second element. Let’s see how handsome Kakashi is.

Kakashi slowly pulled off the mask, and Yakumo also showed a curious look.

However, a mosquito flew to Zhizhen’s face, and Zhizhen slapped himself smoothly.

The unknown bug crawled to Yakumo’s feet, and Yakumo was shocked.

Afterwards, Kakashi had put on his face mask, and the flesh on the branches had disappeared.

Looking at Kakashi again, he can see his contented expression from half of his eye.

“Awesome, perfect score!” Kakashi gave a thumbs up, exaggeratingly said.

Zhizhen opened his mouth wide, and Yakumo looked dumbfounded. What about this situation? !

Zhizhen had an idea and looked at Yidaozhai. Yidaozhai said with a blank expression: “The speed at which the guests eat is three points faster than I waited.”

“…” Zhizhen couldn’t help but vomit: “Senior, you eat too fast, right?”

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