Chapter 246 The Reason for Wearing a Face Mask (Please subscribe!)

“Haha, do you?” Kakashi chuckled lightly and said, “I’m used to it. I used to work outside for a long time and didn’t have enough time to eat.”

Zhizhen was speechless, yes, the task is important, but the speed at which you eat is not a bit fast, it can be described as super fast.

In just such a second, Kakashi ate the food in his hands and pulled on the mask.

Zhizhen was completely shocked and speechless, and Yakumo was even more baffled, not knowing what had just happened.

Is Kakashi really handsome? God won’t let him show his true colors? Afraid of causing turmoil in the world?

Zhizhen shook his head, throwing out the chaotic thoughts in his mind. He has seen Kakashi’s true face. Manga and anime have been released. It is really handsome, but not enough to be handsome enough to “the world is turbulent.”

It’s just that everyone who has seen Kakashi’s face looks satisfied.

This made Shizhen even after seeing the true face of Kakashi, but he couldn’t help but feel curiosity in his heart to see how handsome a living Kakashi really is.

Zhizhen thought for a while, and Xindao created another opportunity and said, “Haha, senior, it’s not a task now, you can eat slowly. Let’s have another piece.”

“Well, that’s good. This meat really tastes good.” Kakashi said.

Hearing this, Yakumo couldn’t help but vomit: “Then why do you pull up the mask since you still want to eat?”

“Oh, this is also a habit.” Kakashi said softly.

“…” Very good, this answer is very strong, and Zhizhen and Yakumo don’t want to talk anymore.

Shizhen immediately forkped another piece of meat, and Kakashi said, “This time, I will do it myself.”

“Yeah, good.” Shima passed it over, and then stared at Kakashi again with Yakumo. Kakashi was stared at her hairy, and asked strangely: “Shima, what do you look at me, you eat too.”

“Ah, um.” Zhizhen recovered, and so did his heart. It was really rude to stare like this.

After all, Kakashi looked at Yakumo and said, “Yakumo, you can try it too, it tastes really good.”

Yakumo showed a tangled look when he heard the words, and after a long silence, he said, “Kakashi-sama, is this meat really delicious?”

Hearing this, Kakashi said sternly: “Indeed, the meat is delicious and the taste is very elastic. At the moment of the entrance, the oil and water beating in the mouth, as if composing the music of nature. I seem to have seen it, the cute caterpillar. We are crawling in the soil, and I seem to see it pupa into a butterfly…”

“…” Zhizhen couldn’t help but vomit: “Senior, I don’t see that you are also an actor.”

“Ahem.” Kakashi made an embarrassed look and said, “It’s a bit exaggerated, a bit exaggerated, but this meat is really delicious.”

Yakumo was amused by Zhizhen’s words: “Then, is there a peculiar smell?”

“Absolutely not!” Kakashi assured.

Hearing this, Bayun fell silent. In fact, she had long been moved by the smell of insect meat, but because of her face, she really couldn’t get through the hurdle in her heart.

It’s just that Shizhen and Kakashi are both full of praise for this thing, Yakumo can’t hesitate anymore, gritted his teeth, and agreed: “Okay, I’ll try it!”

When Zhizhen heard this, he forkped a piece of meat with a smile, and handed it to Yakumo. Then he greeted Yidaozhai, “Yidaozhai, come and eat.”

Ichidozai shook his head and said, “No, you can eat it yourself. This portion is too small for me. If I can’t eat enough, you won’t have enough.”

“Really?” Zhizhen smiled: “Then I have worked hard for you today.”

“Well, I’ll go to rest first, call me if I have something to do.” Yi Daozai waved his sword arm and turned to leave.

Shizhen did not hinder this, and began to concentrate on “handling” Kakashi.

The three of them grilled meat together. On the surface, Shima focused on roasting meat, but in fact, his attention was always on Kakashi’s body.

After five minutes, Kakashi’s meat was cooked first, and Kakashi was about to pull off the mask again, and Shima’s eyes widened.

However, as soon as Kakashi pulled on the mask, the door suddenly opened, and he went back and said, “Oh, by the way, Shima, do you need water?”

Shizhen turned his head subconsciously, but then secretly said badly. Looking back, Kakashi had eaten the food in his hand and pulled up the mask.

“Sun!” Zhizhen couldn’t help but yelled, is this okay? Could it be that God didn’t let him see it?

Zhizhen shook his head, looked at Yi Daozhai and said, “No need, we have water.”

Ichidaozai nodded when he heard the words, turned and left.

“…” Shima clenched his fist secretly, then looked at Yakumo, who looked at Kakashi in surprise: “Where is your meat?”

“Well, I ate it.” Kakashi replied.

“Why are you pulling the mask again!” Yakumo looked at Shijin with a dazed expression. Shijin was annoyed and vowed that next time nothing happened, his eyes would never leave Kakashi’s face.

Kakashi was also a little puzzled when he heard the words, and said, “Because I have finished eating.”

“Just two yuan should not be enough, seniors, let’s have another one!” Zhizhen persuaded.

“No, I ate three yuan.” However, Kakashi refused.

Ate three yuan? Zhizhen asked in surprise, “When did you eat three yuan?”

“Well, it was just baked.” Kakashi said.

“You…” Zhizhen opened his mouth wide, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing Shima’s look, Kakashi asked, “What’s the matter? This expression.”

Zhizhen hesitated when he heard the words, and decided to tell the truth, saying: “It’s nothing, I just think you ate too fast, senior, and didn’t see your appearance clearly.”

“Oh, I wanted to look at my face, let’s just say it.” Kakashi said.

Hearing this, Zhizhen was overjoyed, and Yakumo came to his mind and asked, “Would you like to show us?”

“What’s not willing?” Kakashi glanced at Yakumo strangely.

Yakumo said with a little embarrassment: “No, it’s just that you keep holding the mask, thinking you don’t want to show your true colors.”

Kakashi shook his head with a smile, and said, “The reason I wear a mask is that I don’t want others to see my expression when I fight.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, “How do you say?”

“Some ninjas with strong observation ability can guess the thoughts of the opponent by observing facial expressions. When fighting, once your thoughts are seen through, you will not be far from losing.” Kakashi said: “This is what my father taught. mine.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Zhizhen suddenly realized that this statement is also correct. Indeed, some people can “read the mind” from their body movements and facial expressions.

As Kakashi said, it is a taboo to be seen through when fighting.

“Teached.” Zhizhen smiled: “But if you want to hide your thoughts, you just have to make a poker face. You can do it through exercise.”

“Of course.” Kakashi nodded and said, “It’s just that when I was a kid, emotional expressions easily appeared on my face, especially when fighting. So my father gave me a way to wear a mask.”

“Although I can be a “poker face” now, the habit of wearing a face mask has been preserved in memory of my father.” Kakashi said.

Hearing this, Zhizhen fell silent. It turned out that there is another reason why Kakashi wore a mask, to commemorate his father, Konoha’s White Fang, Hatake Sakumo.

Thinking of this man, Shizhen also secretly said a pity, if he did not die, Kakashi would probably have a very different life from now.

Kakashi mentioned his father with a trace of sadness in his eyes. Yakumo saw that both Kakashi and Shima were silent, keenly aware that the atmosphere became a little serious.

After a pause, she decided to ask, “Kakashi-sama, who is your father?”

“Oh, he has passed away.” Kakashi said lightly.

“Ah, I’m sorry.” Yakumo quickly apologized, and secretly said in a faux pas.

Kakashi smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, he has been dead for a long time, probably more than 20 years.”

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