Chapter 247 The Same People (Please subscribe!)

Dead for more than 20 years? After so long, Yakumo’s heart trembled. Kakashi is only twenty-eight years old now. Doesn’t that mean that Kakashi has lost his father since he was a child?

Thinking about it this way, Yakumo instantly remembered his father, Kunma Congyun, whose father had also been dead for almost three years.

And the most important point is that his father still died in the hands of his own.

Whenever I think of this layer, Yakumo is unspeakable regret.

Kakashi must be the same in this matter, Yakumo said apologetically on his face: “I’m sorry, it reminds you of sad things.”

Seeing Yakumo’s appearance, Kakashi took a close look at Yakumo. The expression of apology was extremely sincere. Kakashi’s eyes were bent into crescents: “You are also a gentle person, Yakumo.”

Hearing this, Yakumo’s face was full of sadness, Zhizhen saw her look, and remembered the helpless, scared and sad Yakumo before.

Zhizhen sighed softly, his emotions were also infected, Konoha’s White Fang, Hatake Shumao, it was a pity that they died.

Hearing this, Yakumo asked softly: “Can you tell me that your father was killed in the line?”

Kakashi lost his father at the age of seven or eight, so he was born at the age of 30 as Hatake Sakumo. He was only thirty-eight when he died. It is absolutely impossible to die of old age.

Yakumo guessed that Kakashi’s father was probably killed in the line.

Hearing Yakumo’s question, Kakashi was a little silent, his face illuminated by the campfire looked sad and helpless.

He remembered the past.

Shizhen looked at Kakashi’s expression and knew that Kakashi was still concerned about it.

Although Kakashi has walked out of the shadow of his father’s suicide, it does not mean that Kakashi has completely let go of his father.

The reason is still because of this, Konoha’s White Fang committed suicide.

Even if it was homicide, Kakashi might feel better.

But it happened to be suicide.

Seeing that Kakashi hadn’t spoken for a long time, Yakumo knew that she had failed, but she couldn’t help but ask. I didn’t want to explore Kakashi’s privacy, but simply couldn’t help it, as a person who also lost his father.

Yakumo pursed his lips and said, “I’m gaffe. I shouldn’t have asked so much.”

Hearing this, Kakashi recovered, shook his head, and said, “Ah, sorry, I remembered the past.”

When Yakumo heard this, the apologetic expression on his face was even worse. Kakashi threw the branches into the stove and fiddled with them for a while before saying, “He is not dead.”

“Ah.” Yakumo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then surprised, but Kakashi didn’t expect Kakashi to say it. She was about to say something, but heard Kakashi say a more distressing answer.

“He is self-deciding.” After saying this, the look on Kakashi’s face became even more sad by three points.

Yakumo’s eyes widened, and some unacceptable whispered to himself: “Self…decide.”

She is not a fool, she naturally knows what self-regulation means, but Yakumo did not expect that Kakashi’s father would actually be self-regulation.

At this moment, Yakumo regrets even more, and without thinking about it, he knows how his father’s suicide has dealt Kakashi, who is only eight years old.

What are you asking! Yakumo couldn’t wait to slap herself, and she quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, I’m really very sorry, I shouldn’t ask indiscriminately.”

Seeing Yakumo’s appearance, Zhizhen also smiled, Yakumo is still a good girl in essence, there is nothing to say about it.

Looking at Kakashi again, he smiled freely and said, “No need to be so, Yakumo, you have nothing to be sorry for.”

Shima nodded in relief. He expected that Kakashi would not blame Yakumo, and he could still laugh, which was enough to show that Kakashi really figured it out.

Then, both Kakashi and Yakumo were silent, and the atmosphere became a bit solemn. Both of them had sadness on their faces, and it was clear that they were feeling a little heavy.

Zhizhen looked at the two of them, thought about it, and said, “Senior, Yakumo, what are you two doing?”

Hearing Shizhen’s words, Kakashi and Yakumo turned their heads to look at him, showing puzzled expressions.

“Everyone is one’s own, why are you holding back if you have something in your heart? Now that you have opened the chatterbox, let’s say it openly, hold it in your heart, and you won’t sleep well at night.” Zhizhen smiled.

Yakumo listened to Shima’s words, and smiled slightly. Shimichi Shima was really a considerate person. When he looked at Kakashi, he also chuckled slightly and said, “That’s right, it’s rare to be accompanied by someone, so why not remember the past alone? .”

Zhizhen smiled and nodded, and said, “Yakumo is too. Since I have spoken, I will ask openly. Asking half this way will make everyone’s mood worse. What can I say?”

Hearing Shima’s words, Yakumo cast a grateful look at Shima. She sat up and said, “I don’t want to affect everyone’s mood. I just heard Master Kakashi talk about his father. I can’t help but think of it. My father, so…”

“Just call me Kakashi.” Kakashi nodded in understanding, “Don’t call me an adult anymore.”

Yakumo looked at Kakashi upon hearing this, and saw that Kakashi’s expression was not fake, and she smiled and agreed.

Kakashi is a disciple of Fourth Generation, and he is also highly regarded by Third Generation. He is also considered a high position in Konoha. Calling him an adult is also Yakumo’s respect for Kakashi.

He is not familiar with Kakashi, nor is he too close. Now that he is a little familiar, Kakashi does not intend to make the relationship so close. After all, he and Yakumo are not in a subordinate relationship either.

If he insisted, Yakumo wouldn’t even count as a ninja.

Yakumo was not hypocritical, and said: “Then I will be like Zhizhen-kun, call you senior.”

“Okay.” Kakashi agreed with a smile, he had never cared about this.

Look at Sasuke, there is no teacher called Kakashi from the beginning to the end. He always calls his name directly, how is Kakashi.

And Kakashi never said Sasuke about it once.

After becoming Hokage, Shizune was also asked not to call him an adult, which shows that he doesn’t care about the issue of identity.

“That’s it.” Zhizhen saw that the two of them had improved a bit, and he said: “What’s the matter, everyone can talk about it. It’s not necessary to make it so heavy.”

Kakashi took a look at Shijin and said, “Shijin, you, as the Aburame clan, you are also quite talkative.”

Zhizhen couldn’t deny it, he was a human being from the earth at all, so how could he be as taciturn as Zhiwei and Zhino.

“I should be complimented.” Zhizhen laughed.

Kakashi shrugged the dead fisheye, and the trough didn’t bother to vomit.

To be honest, Shizhen is completely different from the Aburame clan known by Kakashi.

The general Aburame clan is called a silence, which can’t be described with reticence, and it is so calm that it is heinous.

Zhizhen, on the contrary, is cheerful and lively, very talkative and sometimes funny.

Kakashi couldn’t understand at all, why the Aburame clan, who has always been known for its stability, would have such a person.

Probably the very thing must be reversed.

Zhizhen smiled. Now that he decides to chat, he has to start

He thought for a while and said, “It’s a coincidence that the three of us are all the same.”

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted the attention of Kakashi and Yakumo.

“How do you say?” Kakashi said.

“I just discovered that all three of us have lost our parents.” Zhizhen said lightly.

Hearing Shizhen’s words, Kakashi remained silent. Yakumo was taken aback for a moment, and then again showed a sad look: “Shizhen-kun, right?”

“Ah.” Zhizhen nodded and said, “They died in the war, during the Three World Wars.”

“Three wars…” When he mentioned the three wars, Kakashi remembered his two close friends and said, “My two close friends also died during the three wars.”

“War.” Yakumo muttered to himself and asked, “That Shizhen-kun, you are also in pain.”

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