Chapter 252 Kakashi’s Mind (Subscribe!)

Zhizhen nodded, and said, “Sure enough, but you don’t look at people? What if you can’t get together?”

“No need, we believe your recommendation.” Dream Shinto.

Hearing this, Zhizhen was a little embarrassed and said, “Well, we only met for the first time, so believing that I am not good.”

“Ha.” Mengshen chuckled and said, “Of course, but we believe in immortals.”

With that said, Zhizhenxin said that even though Mengshen didn’t understand Yakumo, there was a great immortal who would not refuse Mengdie.

Moreover, Yakumo’s ability is really excellent.

“So where are they now?” Zhizhen asked.

“Now, it’s still hovering on the first floor.” Mengshen smiled.

“I haven’t stepped out of the first floor yet?” Zhizhen showed a dazed expression: “When did your trial begin?”

“From the moment you entered the king tree.” Mengshen said: “I set up a lot of illusions in the king tree, covering every fork road, every entrance, and there is only one correct way.”

“This…” Shizhen had nothing to say. This Wangshuli was originally like a maze. This Dream God had to increase the difficulty, which undoubtedly made Kakashi and Yakumo even worse, and I don’t know if they can get out.

Although, neither Kakashi nor Yakumo are general, from the point of view that Shizhen didn’t realize that the two of them following him were fake, this Yumejin’s illusion skills are also high.

“It’s a bit more difficult, right?” Zhizhen asked tentatively.

Mengshen shook his head and said, “If not, how can she show her power?”

Zhizhen was speechless. Although he was in charge of this matter, it was Yumengami’s own choice to do it, and he had no right to interfere.

It’s just that Shijin didn’t understand why Kakashi was counted in. Shijin asked, “I understand, but why should my other companion be tested?”

“The man who owns Sharingan, we are also willing to sign a contract with him.” Dream God smiled: “So I tried it together.”

“There is such a thing?” Didn’t expect that the Mengdie clan not only fell in love with Yakumo, but also in Kakashi?

I just don’t know if Kakashi will agree.

Zhizhen felt his chin and began to think. At this time, the immortal said: “Zhizhen, you don’t need to think about it. This is an opportunity for your companions. They have no worries about their lives, so you can rest assured.”

Hearing what the Great Immortal said, Zhizhen nodded. Indeed, he couldn’t manage these things. No matter how worried he was, Great Immortal and Dream God would not let him help.

Moreover, even if he helps, with the level of illusion, more than half the chance is to help him, but Kakashi and Yakumo are required to help him.

Zhizhen has nothing to do except pray for them.

Thinking of this level, Shijin was no longer anxious, and sat on the ground, whether it was a blessing or a curse, it all depends on Kakashi and Yakumo.

Seeing Zhizhen sitting down, his expression recovered, the immortal said with satisfaction: “That’s it, you still have your own practice.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Yes, before you care about others, you should take care of yourself. Great Immortal, then do we continue to practice now?”

“I think, but before the result comes out, you can’t calm down, right?” The immortal smiled.

Zhizhen was speechless when he heard the words, and everything was said by the immortal.

But also, although Shima calmed down at this moment, it doesn’t mean that he just let go of Kakashi and Yakumo.

To practice Sage Mode, what you need is a mind like Shisui. His current state is not good for practice.

“Tell me about the outside affairs.” Daxian said humanely.

Hearing this, Zhizhen remembered that he had promised that after the immortal returned, he would tell him about the Shinobi world.

Now that there is nothing to do, it is a good time to speak, Zhizhen said: “What does the immortal want to know?”

“Hmm… Let’s start with the establishment of Konoha by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.” Osenjin asked.

“Huh?” Zhizhen was taken aback and said, “Daxian, do you still know Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara?”

“The reputation of the two of them is really too great, standing at the top of the world of forbearance, their strength is so powerful that they have exceeded the laws of the world, how can I not know?” Daxian said humanely.

Zhizhen nodded, as did his heart. Everyone is at the level of immortals. Although the level is lower than these real immortals, it is not surprising that the great immortal knows them.

“Okay, let’s start from there.” After that, Zhizhen told Konoha’s history, World War I, World War II, World War III, the shadows of the villages, and the other strong people who have stayed in the history… Zhizhen has said everything that can be said.

The story is told on one side, while Kakashi and Yakumo are not so easy on the other side.

Dozens of minutes ago.

“Something is wrong.” Kakashi looked at the surrounding environment, looked at Shima and Yakumo in front of him, and said, “Shima, Yakumo, did you find out, we seem to be walking in place.”

They have walked for ten minutes and walked into a secret path, but they seem to be advancing, but they have an indescribable sense of violation.

However, when he heard this, Shima and Yakumo in front of him did not react at all. Kakashi was taken aback and called out again: “Shima, Yakumo?”

The two still did not respond to him, Kakashi stretched out his hand and touched it, and Yakumo disappeared immediately.

Kakashi’s heart was suddenly startled, and he secretly said a bad cry, and immediately opened the forehead protector and started Sharingan!

“Illusion!” Kakashi realized it was an illusion for the first time!

He knotted his hands and sighed softly: “Solve!”

Suddenly, the surrounding pillars and walls twisted and twisted. Kakashi looked intently and was shocked: “Here, it’s the entrance!”

But Zhizhen and Yakumo were naturally not around, and Kaka’s heart suddenly tightened: “The illusion technique that can make me unconscious is really amazing! Is it that great immortal? Or…”

Kakashi is an experienced ninja after all. At this moment, he keeps his mind calm, thinking about the solution, and at the same time thinking about the reason for this great fairy.

Suddenly, Kakashi remembered the trial he said last night, and Kakashi suddenly understood: “Is this the trial that the great immortal gave us? Zhizhen said that the dream butterfly clan is good at illusionism. Most of this is the trial they gave Yakumo. Lian… But why should I accept it?”

Kakashi couldn’t figure this out. Of course, he couldn’t think that the Mengdie clan would also count him as a contractor and fell in love with him.

But without mentioning this point, Kakashi continued to think: “If you speculate according to this line of thinking, then Zhizhen should not have received the trial now. I think he should be with the great immortal here, which means that the content of the trial is Let us go to Zhizhen alone?”

If Zhizhen heard Kakashi’s thoughts, he would absolutely praise Kakashi, as he deserves to be the future Sixth Hokage, this brain is really brilliant.

Thinking of this level, Kakashi relieved his heart. He started Sharingan and looked at the surrounding environment, but didn’t notice anything wrong.

But Kakashi did not relax his vigilance. He thought: “If the trial is to crack the illusion, it would be too simple. But the road here is complicated, and I don’t know which way to go. Even if I don’t add the illusion, I have to find the great fairy. Place, it’s not easy.”

“Adding illusion is to increase the difficulty?” Kakashi’s mind turned sharply, and he unconsciously took a step forward, but the surrounding scenery changed and he stepped into the illusion again.

“So that’s it, this is a phantom array.” Kakashi unlocked the illusion once again, took a step back, and the surrounding scenery changed again.

“The frequency of triggering is quite high.” Kakashi had a guess: “The road here is complicated, plus illusion, it must have its meaning, could it be…”

Kakashi started Sharingan again, and suddenly laughed: “Sure enough, it’s a very interesting trial.”

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