Chapter 253 Stupid Boy Yakumo (please subscribe!)

On the other side, Yakumo also noticed something wrong.

With her sensitivity to illusion, she realized that she had walked into the illusion a few minutes earlier than Kakashi.

But Yakumo was not too busy to untie it. Although she was inexperienced, she was not an idiot either.

Like Kakashi, Yakumo also realized that this was the trial given by the dream butterfly clan.

It’s just that Yakumo’s approach is completely different from that of Kakashi. Kakashi solved the illusion in the first place, but Yakumo followed the false Shima in circles.

After walking for about ten minutes, Yakumo wrote down the route he walked. After several laps, there was no change in the route. Yakumo settled in his heart and solved the illusion.

She knotted the seal with one hand and chuckled softly in her mouth: “Solve!”

The illusion was solved immediately.

Yakumo looked around. This place was also on the first floor, but the location was not at the entrance, and Kakashi was not here either.

“Senior and Zhizhen are not here, in other words are they separated? Hmm…” Seeing this, Yakumo had an answer in his heart. This is definitely a trial given to her by the Mengdie clan: “In other words, a trial. Is the content to let me walk to the big fairy alone?”

Yakumo also noticed the content of the trial. She looked around and had the same thoughts as Kakashi. Her expression was a bit difficult: “Although this illusion is not difficult to understand, the terrain is complicated, and it is difficult to find the correct route by itself… What should I do?”

Although Yakumo was aware of the content of the trial, he did not see through Yumejin’s true intentions of applying illusion.

At this point, Yakumo is not as careful as Kakashi.

But this is nothing. Kakashi is an elite ninja. He has been on the battlefield and in Anbu. Naturally, his brain is more brilliant than that of Yakumo, a secluded eldest lady.

Looking at the forks and intersections, Yakumo couldn’t find the correct route for a while, Xindao first figured out the route on this floor.

Thinking about it this way, Yakumo took a step, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. Like Kakashi, Yakumo encountered the same phantom array.

“Huh?” Yakumo was taken aback for a moment, and easily solved the illusion, and one step forward, the surrounding scenery changed again.

“Each step will trigger the phantom formation, um…but this is too small for me…” Yakumo chuckled, “Thinking that setting up such a phantom formation can stop my footsteps? Rare Zhizhen -Kun thinks about me, how can I let him down. Let me break your illusion!”

Yakumo’s eyes were straight, his hands were sealed, and his mouth drank softly: “Illusory Real Life: Lava Hell!”

The next moment, a powerful Chakra burst out of Yakumo. Within 100 meters of her body, the floor and walls of the first floor of the land of Kings and Trees were all cracked, and the cracks emitted a striking fire, and the hot magma flowed from the cracks. come out.

Yumengami’s simple visual illusion could not withstand Yakumo’s rough power at all, and the surrounding scenery suddenly shattered like glass.

At the same time, the magma produced by the Eight Clouds illusion flowed to the entire first floor, on the walls and on the ground, everywhere.

I don’t know what happened to the magma, there was a muffled noise, and the whole first floor was shaking.

Magic array, break!

Seeing this, Yakumo smiled with satisfaction, and the hand-print style changed. The magma that had covered the first floor suddenly disappeared, leaving only a burnt smell.

Yakumo accepted the move and walked forward, this time the surrounding environment did not change.

“Huh, look down on me.” Yakumo hummed, and started looking for a route with a swagger.

The movement on this floor was so loud that even Kakashi could feel it, and suddenly showed a speechless look: “This Chakra, it’s Yakumo, hey, there is such a big movement directly, what is she doing.”

Kakashi didn’t know that Yakumo chose a completely different method to pass the trial.

But Kakashi is not in a hurry. Although he doesn’t understand Yakumo’s strength, Kakashi believes that it can’t stop Yakumo with this level of illusion.

Therefore, he didn’t think much, uttered a few words in silence, and then continued to act.

In the big immortal’s room, Zhi Zhenzhen was talking to the big immortal about Ninja World. Yumeshen’s expression suddenly changed, and then he laughed: “What a rough girl.”

The movement made by Yakumo didn’t reach here, and Zhizhen hadn’t felt the power released by Yakumo.

“What’s the matter? What rough girl.” Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, not knowing what Mengshen said.

It’s the great immortal. As an immortal, he naturally felt the power of Yakumo, and smiled and said: “This power is indeed amazing, but she probably didn’t notice the meaning of illusion.”

At this moment, Zhizhen understood, and it turned out to be Yakumo rudely speaking.

He quickly asked: “Are you talking about Yakumo?”

“Of course, is there another girl here?” The immortal smiled.

Zhizhen suddenly became energetic when he heard the words, and asked with a smile: “How is she now?”

Mengshen showed a helpless look upon hearing the words: “She broke my phantom array.”

“Okay!” Zhizhen laughed: “This is a good thing, it proves that Yakumo’s power is very strong.”

“It’s really strong.” Mengshen admitted: “But her approach is not a good thing.”

Zhizhen waved his hand when he heard the words, thinking that Dream God was unhappy about being broken by the magic, and said with a smile: “Unexpectedly you are so stingy. The power of the Eight Clouds Illusion Technique is amazing. It should be broken to break your Illusion Technique.”

“You think too much.” Dream God said with a chuckle: “If this level of illusion can’t be solved, is she still qualified to sign a contract with us?”

What do you mean by this look? Zhizhen was puzzled.

After a pause, Mengshen continued: “Didn’t I say that, the content of the trial is to let them come here alone.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen realized that there was something in the dream myth. He thought about it and showed a weird look: “Is the purpose of the illusion you set up…”

“Well, it’s that…” Mengshen said, “Wang Shu’s internal road is complicated, it is a natural maze. It is more difficult for ordinary people to get out by their own strength. I set up the illusion, but it is not to intercept them. , But to guide them the right way. See if they can see through the illusion and find the right way.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen was immediately stunned, and he realized that, yes, Wang Shu’s interior is inherently complicated, even without illusionary charm, it is not easy to walk up.

It turned out that the trial of Dream God was not to let them solve the illusion, but to see through the illusion.

Zhizhen figured out this level, and immediately praised: “Gao Ming, as long as you see through this, the trial is actually quite simple.”

“That’s true.” Dream God showed a weird look: “But Kurama Yakumo broke through the illusion, no, she directly destroyed the illusion I set up…”

Upon hearing this, Zhizhen suddenly understood why Yumejin would say that Yakumo was rude.

Indeed, this approach is indeed a bit crude.

He just wanted to laugh, but then he thought about it, that Yakumo had broken the phantom array, how could Yakumo find his way up through illusion?

This silly boy!

Zhizhen felt a headache, and quickly said, “Just do another illusion!”

Mengshen was also a little speechless. He shook his head and said, “Does that make sense?”

Zhizhen was speechless.

After a pause, Dream God continued: “Although the illusion on the first floor is gone, the other floors are still there. The road from the first floor to the second floor is not difficult to find.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen felt a little relieved. Although the phantom array on the first floor was destroyed, the phantom arrays on the other floors were still there.

I hope Yakumo can see through.

At this moment, the door opened, and a familiar voice rang out from Zhizhen: “Sure enough.”

Zhizhen was overjoyed when he heard this, and when he looked back, it was Kakashi.

“Senior!” Shizhen stood up suddenly, came to Kakashi’s, and said with concern: “Senior, are you okay.”

“Of course.” Kakashi said: “This kind of trial is no problem.”

Shizhen gave a thumbs up, as expected to be Kakashi.

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