Chapter 256 Naruto’s Problem (Subscribe!)

With that said, Kakashi understood it, and he said, “It turns out that it’s because of this… but if it is said so, then it is impossible for me to use Yang Dun Chakra to counterbalance Sharingan’s Chakra!”

“If it’s your Yang Escape Chakra, of course it won’t work. Everything needs both Yin and Yang. At this moment, you simply say that Yin is prosperous and Yang is declining.” The big fairy explained: “The eyes of the fairy naturally need the body of the fairy to support. .”

This is justified. The Great Immortal is quite right. Kakashi nodded, thinking in his mind, he asked: “What is the body of the Immortal? You just said that the second son of Sage of Six Paths, Ashura inherited The body of the immortal and Yang Dun Chakra. Does he also have descendants?”

“Of course, there are only two descendants of Ashura now, named Senju and Uzumaki.” Daxian said.

Senju? Uzumaki? Kakashi’s eyes widened again. He never thought that these two families were also descendants of Six Paths.

In an instant, Kakashi remembered the famous First Hokage and Second Hokage. It turned out that they were descendants of Sage of Six Paths, no wonder they were so hungry.

Although the Senju clan has now fallen, the reputation of First Generation is unmatched so far. When it comes to First Generation, everyone has a fascinating look.

Ninja World singled out the king, this title is not for nothing.

And when I think of Uchiha Madara, who is next to First Generation, Kakashi also understands it. No wonder that when First Generation was alive, only Youyu Chiha Madara could stand by him.

Both of them are descendants of Six Paths, and they exist on a horizontal line after all.

But thinking of the struggle between the two, Kakashi was also a little sighed. Their love and killing is not a secret in Konoha. This history Kakashi has also heard from Third Generation.

He only said, one is the descendant of the eldest son of Six Paths, and the other is the descendant of the second son of Six Paths. What kind of fate is this?

Kakashi didn’t know that these two were the reincarnations of the sons of Six Paths, and that Indra and Ashura died by fighting each other. Otherwise, what is the fate? Obviously it’s evil fate.

But Uzumaki… Kakashi immediately thought of Naruto.

It turned out that the Uzumaki clan was also a descendant of Six Paths. This clan was affected by the war and was also annihilated. Now only a small part of the clan remains lingering outside.

Apart from Naruto, Konoha could never find a second Uzumaki.

This situation is also regrettable.

Kakashi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked, “Great Immortal, the so-called Immortal Body and Yang Dun Chakra, which means to have a lot of vitality and a huge amount of Chakra, right?”

“It’s true.” The immortal admitted.

Kakashi sighed silently when he heard the great fairy say so.

“Senior? What’s the matter?” Zhizhen asked quickly.

Thinking about it this way, Kakashi suddenly realized it, and said with a heavy tone: “No wonder Konoha Yoyoyo Jinchūriki is from the Uzumaki clan.”

It turned out that it was this matter, Zhizhen was speechless, just sighed softly, he knew what Kakashi was saying, and felt a little distressed for Naruto.

The Uzumaki clan was originally a big clan, but also distant relatives of the Senju clan.

Since the establishment of Konoha by First Generation, the Uzumaki clan has acted as a container for Nine Tails.

Konoha first generation Jinchūriki is the wife of First Generation, Uzumaki Mito.

She had a better ending and enjoyed her twilight years.

It’s just that the First Generation died early. Although Uzumaki Mito didn’t have any accidents, it must be lonely.

The second Nine Tails Jinchūriki was Naruto’s mother, Uzumaki Kushina.

I won’t mention the ending, and I was killed by Obito.

Today’s is Naruto.

“There is no way, the Uzumaki clan is born with a powerful Chakra, the tail beast kind of Chakra collection, how many people can suppress? And the Uzumaki clan also has a wealth of sealing techniques, besides them, there is no other candidate.” Zhizhen said quietly.

Hearing this, Kakashi nodded, but his expression was a little gloomy.

“Senior, trust Naruto.” Seeing his look, Shima thought that Kakashi was worried about the face, so he immediately calmed down.

“Of course I believe him.” Kakashi said: “I’m just thinking, the descendants of Sage of Six Paths don’t seem to end well.”

Having said that, Kakashi shook his head and said, “Look, the Uchiha clan has been annihilated, the Senju clan has fallen, and the Uzumaki clan has disappeared into the Ninja world.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen smiled helplessly. Who said no?

Sage of Six Paths said it was amazing, but if he took off the halo of his mythology, he was actually just a hapless old man.

And his bad luck has spread to the offspring. For now, none of the descendants of Six Paths are comfortable.

What? You mean the Hyuga clan? Didn’t you have a good time?

Yes, the Hyuga clan is still flourishing and the population is prosperous, but they are not descendants of Six Paths, but the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths, descendants of Ōtsutsuki Hamura.

Of course, whether it is Uchiha, Senju, Uzumaki, or Hyuga, they are all descendants of Kaguya, and they have no time to run.

Zhizhen felt that it was useless to say this, but it only affected his mood in vain. He said, “You should think about yourself.”

“What do I think? I’ve never engaged in a personal fairy body?” Kakashi said, “Do you think I will learn Danzo and Orochimaru, and study First Generation or Naruto cells?”

It is not a secret that Orochimaru is engaged in human research. He rebelled against the village by engaging in human experiments, and his experimental product Yamato is now living in Konoha.

Kakashi sneered at this. He didn’t think the cell of First Generation was so great, and he didn’t want to desecrate the dead to gain power.

This is his principle.

After all, his Sharingan got it from the “dead”.

With this kind of power, Kakashi didn’t want to take it a second time.

As for Naruto, Kakashi is even less likely to use Naruto to solve his own troubles.

First, Naruto is the son of his teacher, and second, Naruto is now his disciple.

Kakashi admitted that he hadn’t been shameless yet.

Zhizhen has nothing to say, but he doesn’t feel bad about Orochimaru and Danzo’s research on First Generation cells.

After all, First Generation is dead. It is understandable to study the powerful secrets of First Generation.

In order to strengthen yourself, transplant First Generation cells, which is understandable.

But Shizhen couldn’t say this. On the surface, Kakashi looked like a foolish man, but in fact he was very principled.

He also noticed that Kakashi would not be able to customize the desecration of the dead.

Helpless, Zhizhen can only pat Kakashi’s shoulder sympathetically. Sharingan is actually a difficult hole to fill.

However, when Kakashi said so, Shizhen realized a problem.

That is the cell of Naruto. Does it have the same power as First Generation? Can you balance the power of Sharingan?

It stands to reason that both Naruto and First Generation are descendants of Six Paths and have the same Chakra and the same fairy body.

Throughout the whole article, apart from the Chakra volume that Naruto can compare with First Generation, there is no way to see that Naruto is better than First Generation.

Obviously the conditions are the same.

But why doesn’t Naruto know Wood Style?

Second Generation won’t, Tsunade won’t, but understandable.

Can be blamed on Chakra without Ashura.

But Naruto won’t, it makes no sense, he is also the successor of Ashura Chakra’s reincarnation!

Is it because Wood Style is the bloodline boundary formed by the fusion of Earth Style and Water Style? Naruto only knows Wind Style in the early stage? So can’t learn Wood Style?

Or is it because God-tier Kishimoto felt that giving Naruto another Wood Style would make others unable to live?

Well, maybe.

Naruto already has the Nine Tails plug-in, a huge amount of Chakra, and another Wood Style, there is no room for others to perform.

Zhizhen thought for a while, and felt that this answer was the most reasonable, although it was a bit of a joke.

However, this incident was really written down, and he was very interested. Xindao must let Naruto learn Earth Style and Water Style first in three years!

If you learn Earth Style and Water Style, and if Naruto doesn’t know Wood Style, it can only be said to be the will of God.

But if you learn, hehehe, Sage Mode plus Wood Style, plus he who learned Sage Mode, three years later, he will say, come, come, pay, come.

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