Chapter 257 Kakashi Upgrade! (Please subscribe!)

Thinking of this, Zhizhen burst into excitement and laughed happily.

There are also records in the Wood Style Ninjutsu of First Generation and the Book of Seals of Second Generation.

What tree world is born, flower tree world will be born, these can be learned as long as Naruto learns Wood Style.

At that time, hum, Payne, sprinkle water!

Of course, the premise of all this is for Naruto to learn Wood Style.

Well, but this question is worth studying!

Zhizhen clenched a fist secretly, and couldn’t help feeling excited.

He did this not only for Naruto, but also for a better future.

Even if you can’t learn Wood Style, multiple Earth Styles and Water Styles can greatly increase Naruto’s combat power.

This is a matter of earning no loss!

“Why are you laughing so wretchedly?” Kakashi couldn’t help but vomit when seeing Shima smile sinisterly.

Zhizhen came back to his senses, a little embarrassed, he started thinking wildly again, and quickly said: “No, I just remembered something interesting. Let’s talk about you first.”

He looked at the Great Immortal, and decided to leave it to the Great Immortal to deal with it, and asked, “Great Immortal, how should Kakashi-sen’s problem be solved? You have also heard that Kakashi-sen will not transplant any cells.”

“Of course.” The immortal said with a serious face: “It is best not to do anything that blasphemes the dead. It is the most shameful practice to use the dead to gain power.”

Unexpectedly that the Great Immortal still has such a sense of justice, Kakashi nodded and said, “Yes, the Great Immortal I think so too.”

“So what should I do?” Zhizhen asked, he had nothing to say about such moral things.

Since Kakashi was unwilling to use the dead to gain power, Shima naturally respected his choice.

“I’ve already said the solution, I use natural energy to stimulate your Yang escape Chakra.” The immortal said.

“Huh?” Shizhen and Kakashi came to their spirits, “but my yang escape Chakra can’t do…Daxian you…”

After talking halfway, both of them were shocked, and Zhizhen asked: “Daxian, do you mean to use yours…”

“I am also an immortal. Although it may not be as powerful as Six Paths, it will also be of great benefit to you.” Daxian said humanely.

Upon hearing this, Shizhen and Kakashi were overjoyed at the same time.

There is actually this kind of operation! ?

Zhizhen thought carefully about what the great immortal said, and he thought it was feasible!

As the Great Immortal said, his power may not be as good as Sage of Six Paths, but it is almost the same.

Although it is impossible to completely offset the side effects of Sharingan, it is at least an excellent boost for Kakashi.

Well, it works!

Kakashi stood up when he heard the words, and said, “Daxian? Is this all right? After all, I have nothing to do with you, and will this affect you?”

Hearing this, the immortal nodded in satisfaction and said: “I am very happy, you will worry about me, but don’t worry, I am just helping you, and it has no effect on me.”

Shizhen and Kakashi both showed excitement when they heard this.

The great immortal said again: “On the contrary, it is you. This kind of practice does not have no effect on you.”

“The Great Immortal, please make it clear.” Kakashi said earnestly.

“Everything has advantages and disadvantages. I use the power of an immortal, although it can greatly improve your Yang Chakra, but that will stimulate your body and will reduce your lifespan.” Daxian said.

Zheshou! Kakashi fell silent when he heard the words, and Shizhen’s mind turned sharply, and said: “Daxian, can my bugs reduce the loss of life of seniors?”

“No, your worm just has a strong healing power, and it doesn’t increase lifespan.” Daxian said.

Zhizhen shook his head disappointedly when he heard the words, and the immortal said again: “You also have to remember, Zhizhen. You have to use the bug with caution, not to mention minor injuries. If it is a fatal injury, if you use it to heal yourself, it will also Accelerate the consumption of cells. If you use too much, you will age faster than normal people.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words. The principle of Healing Insect’s healing is to use the vitality contained in it to stimulate the recipient’s cells and make them regenerate quickly.

However, human cells also have longevity and limits.

If you use too much, the cells will die. When the new cells cannot catch up with the dead cells, people will age.

When the cells no longer regenerate, people die.

Tsunade’s Forbidden Technique, Hundred Healings Mark: Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration, is the same.

There are no techniques and abilities that are 100% free of side effects in this world. Any technique that is used too much will have side effects.

Especially the healing ninjutsu and abilities, the stronger the healing power, the more so.

Zhizhen asked again: “The great fairy, if this is the case, how much life will the senior lose?”

“I don’t know, it depends on how strong your vitality is.” The immortal looked at Kakashi and said, “I just provide you with a method. You need to make your own decision.”

After all, the immortal waited for Kakashi to make a decision.

After hearing this, Zhizhen looked at Kakashi and said, “Senior, life and strength, how do you choose?”

Kakashi glanced at Shishen when he heard the words, and decided in his heart: “I choose to accept it!”

Zhizhen is silent, using life to exchange strength, this is worth it or not, people have different opinions, and they have their own opinions.

Since it was Kakashi’s own choice, Shima didn’t say anything.

After a pause, Kakashi said, “Since Sharingan is already on me, I won’t throw it away. We will definitely meet Akatsuki in the future. Fight against such a powerful enemy. I don’t think I can do without Sharingan. ”

“In my current situation, Sharingan can’t be used many times, two or three forcibly, and there is a life worry. Instead of this, it is better to accept the help of the big immortal. At least when fighting, I won’t be so strenuous.”

When Kakashi said this, Shizhen nodded in agreement. Kakashi saw his situation very clearly.

This statement is indeed true. On the surface, Kakashi has the full strength to choose not to accept it. In fact, he has no choice. He must accept the help of the immortal.

Zhizhen remembered that three years later, Kakashi singled out Payne and died due to excessive use of Sharingan.

Now that he accepts the power of the great immortal, Kakashi might avoid that situation.

Thinking of this level, Zhizhen didn’t say much anymore, jokingly: “Okay, senior, I respect your choice. When I go back, I will buy you more eggs and dates.”

“Ha.” Kakashi chuckled, looking at Shima, and said sincerely: “Thank you, Shima.”

Zhizhen accepted it silently.

Having said that, Kakashi looked at the great immortal and said, “Great immortal, I accept your help.”

“Okay.” The immortal didn’t hesitate, a beam of light lit up in the darkness, Zhizhen had seen it, it was the natural energy of the immortal.

But this time, this group of energy is much larger than the one that Zhizhen saw yesterday.

The natural energy in the dark, under the control of the Great Immortal, flew to Kakashi’s body quickly, and the moment it touched Kakashi, it instantly submerged into his body.

The next moment, a tyrannical force poured into Kakashi’s whole body, and the cells all over his body seemed to be excited and agitated.

His blood flow and heartbeat became extremely fast.

A stream of Chakra flows out of Kakashi’s body, flowing around uncontrollably!

“What an amazing Chakra!” Zhizhen was a little surprised.

The amount of this Chakra has probably surpassed the Chakra owned by Kakashi itself.

At first, Zhizhen didn’t understand what the Daxian said to inspire Kakashi’s Yang Eun Chakra.

Looking at it this way now, Zhizhen can be understood.

Everyone knows that Chakra is the energy extracted from the cells of the body. The more active the cells of an individual, the stronger the indicators of Chakra in all aspects.

Kakashi’s cells are not considered active, which is normal.

But the great immortal’s move is equivalent to strengthening the power of Kakashi cells, so that his Chakra volume and the speed of refining Chakra have a significant increase.

At the same time, Zhizhen also understood what the great immortal meant by Zheshou.

The great immortal uses his own immortal power to stimulate and strengthen the energy of Kakashi’s body.

But at the same time, after Kakashi, the cells in the body will regenerate and die faster than ordinary people!

However, in any case, Kakashi has risen to a big level!

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