Chapter 275

On the eighth driving range, the breeze is blowing and the sun is shining brightly.

Naruto yelled, raised his fist, and rushed towards Uemon.

Sasuke hurriedly followed, ready to assist.

“Naruto, how many times did I say that fighting is not brute force.” Uemon waved his hand gently, fending off Naruto’s fist, and let him fall forward.

“Damn it!” Naruto yelled in dissatisfaction.

When Sasuke saw this, he jumped and kicked, and the right guard whirled, causing Sasuke to kick the air.

Then, he landed quickly, with another sweeping leg, and Uemon took a step back and escaped easily.

“Tsk, this woman is really flexible.” Sasuke felt a little annoyed when he couldn’t hit her. He hurriedly said, “Little Sakura, use ninjutsu, and cut her behind.”

Little Sakura’s heart tightened when he heard the words, and hurriedly closed the seal: “Water Style: Water chaos…”

Before the words were finished, a shuriken broke through and interrupted the little Sakura’s seal.

“Ah.” She whispered and hurried to the side.

“How many times have I said, pay attention to your surroundings when you ask you to get a seal?” Uemon screamed, “How can you fight like this?”

“Yes, senior!” Little Sakura got up quickly.

In this moment, Naruto also adjusted his offensive, raised his fist, yelled and started attacking.

Three people, three directions, all attacked Uemon.

And Uemon was not in a hurry, and immediately Yuji said: “Water Style: Water turbulence!”

The next moment, centered on Uemon, a rush of water rushed away from her feet.

The three of them were shocked and shunned. They were beaten by Uemon’s technique, and they were knocked to the ground one after another.

“Ah, Damn it, sister Uemon, you can’t let the water go!” Naruto exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

“Release the water?” Uemon glared. “When you were preparing for the Chūnin exam, did you let the enemy release the water? And, I have already released the water!”

Naruto was speechless.

“This woman knots the seal too quickly, Naruto, you will use Shadow Clone to attract her attention for a while, give me time to attack, Sakura, you support me.” Sasuke immediately thought about the countermeasures.

However, Naruto collapsed on the ground, like a shame, and said: “Stop fighting, stop fighting! Let me rest, I’m exhausted!”

“Tsk, you guy with no perseverance.” Sasuke was very upset.

“Huh.” Uemon Tsundere smiled and said, “Then rest and think about the countermeasures. You are a three-person team.”

After that, Zaemon ran out of the woods and said, “Well, Zaemon, don’t be too harsh.”

Afterwards, Zaemon looked at the three of them and said, “Although the three of you still have many shortcomings, they have become more and more in harmony. Although Naruto is reckless, he also knows to make adjustments in the first place. And Sakura, Yuiyin is also skilled. A lot.”

Hearing Zaemon’s words, the three of them all felt more comfortable. His heart was still Zaemon who could talk, unlike Uemon, who was fierce all day long.

“Practice well, Chūnin exams, you have a place.” Zuoweimen praised.

The three nodded their heads when they heard the words. Little Sakura said, “Speaking of the Chūnin exam, when will Mrs. Kakashi come back? If he can’t give us the registration form for the Chūnin exam, what shall we do?”

Participating in the Chūnin exam requires a team of three people to sign together, and also need to guide Jōnin’s recommendation, otherwise they cannot participate.

“Kakashi, this guy will never be late for such a big event, right?” Sasuke was also a little worried.

Kakashi is famous for being late for love.

Zaemon smiled when he heard the words and calmed the three of them: “Don’t worry, Kakashi-senpai will not be late for such a big event.”

Naruto nodded when he heard the words, and said, “There is also the big brother in sunglasses. I have been out for a month. I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

Uemon trembles slightly when he hears this, and a pair of sunglasses appeared in his mind. He thinks uncomfortably: “That sunglasses boy, it’s been twenty-five days, and he won’t come back…”

“Sunglasses…” Sasuke thought for a while, and said, “I’m afraid he will get better when he comes back.”

“Of course, Big Brother Sunglasses is already very strong. When he comes back, he must be even better!” Naruto said immediately, “By the way, I must let Big Brother show me the Summoning Beast!”

Summoning beasts…Speaking of which, the three of them are all fascinated. I don’t know if they will have Summoning beasts in the future.

Yes, boys, you are still the Summoning beasts of the three holy places, very powerful.

Seeing Uemon’s loss, Zaemon smiled and asked, “You miss Shima-sama?”

Hearing this, Uemon woke up in shock and immediately denied: “Who misses him!”

Zaemon smiled when he heard the words, and didn’t say much. Seeing the ambiguous look of his brother, Uemon immediately turned off the topic: “Well, you three guys, get up and continue practicing!”

“Hey, this is only a few minutes!” Naruto called.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m in a bad mood now, get up and let me fight!” Uemon said.

“…” The three had nothing to say.

Just as several people were preparing to continue their practice, a voice sounded: “Uemon, when can your temperament be changed…”

Several people were shocked, and when they looked back, they saw two figures flashing, and Kakashi and Shima fell on the ground.

“Ms. Kakashi, brother sunglasses!” Naruto exclaimed with joy.

“Yo, guys, it’s been a long time.” Zhizhen waved.

Naruto’s eyes reddened upon seeing this, and he immediately plunged into Zhizhen’s arms: “Really, why have you been practicing for so long!”

“Haha.” Zhizhen was moved when he saw this, and gently touched Naruto’s head: “Let you wait a long time.”

After that, he looked at Zaemon and Uemon, and smiled: “Zaoemon, Uemon, you think I don’t have one.”

“Huh, who missed you?” Uemon Tsundere denied, but his tone was full of joy. It was obvious that Shijin was back and she was very happy.

“Of course, Shima-sama, you are not here, but Uemon doesn’t have any energy at all.” Zaemon said.

“Brother, what nonsense are you talking about!” Uemon’s face flushed immediately, and he quickly said, “I just can’t find anyone to scold me, I’m not used to it.”

“Good, good.” Zhizhen said with a smile: “I’m back, you can scold me.”

When Uemon heard this, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: “Who scolds you, I think it was a waste of saliva.”

Zhizhen smiled when he heard the words, and it’s been a long time since Uemon “cursed” him.

Seeing Uemon’s performance, Kakashi sighed, Shindo Shima is really sinful.

At the beginning, Yakumo was not enough, but now Uemon…

No, maybe Uemon was in front, hey, Kakashi felt his liver hurt again.

He was too lazy to say anything, and cared about his disciples directly, these three were his top priorities.

If Zhizhen is in love or something, just watch the show.

“How is your practice, three of you guys.” Kakashi asked.

“Of course it’s great!” Naruto gave a thumbs up: “I have learned the second Wind Style ninjutsu now!”

“Oh?” Kakashi came in interest, and quickly asked for the details.

After this month, the three of them have made considerable progress. First of all, there is no problem with climbing trees or anything.

Secondly, Naruto learned Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere, which is also a C-level ninjutsu. Similar to the Phoenix Fire Technique, spit out several Wind Style waves to attack the enemy.

Sasuke has family-renowned ninjutsu, and under the guidance of Uemon, he has learned the Dragon Fire Technique and the Phoenix Fire Technique.

At the same time, under the guidance of Zaemon, the Master performed a low-level illusion technique, and Naraku saw Technique.

As for the young Sakura, he also practiced the basics and learned a lot of physical skills in accordance with the directions given by Zhizhen.

And also developed the Water Style Chakra, and learned the Water Style of Uemon: Water Turbulence.

Kakashi is very satisfied with this. It seems that Sasuke has made the most progress, but the progress of the other two cannot be ignored.

Naruto learned the second Wind Style, Sakura also grew steadily, plus Sasuke, who is currently acting as the trump card.

Um! Chūnin’s exam is worth seeing! Kakashi thought to himself, with a relieved smile.

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