Chapter 276 Everyone’s Progress (Please subscribe!)

“Thanks for your hard work, Zaemon, Uemon.” Kakashi said.

“Senior, you’re welcome.” Uemon smiled, “I just paid the food you owe me.”

When Kakashi heard the words, he readily agreed: “Okay.”

Uemon didn’t say much when he heard the words, and said directly: “Then choose a day instead of hitting the sun, let’s just today.”

“Hey, Mr. Kakashi, please have dinner. Okay, I want to go too!” Naruto immediately agreed.

“Yes, sir, you leave us alone, so you should treat us to comfort us!” Little Sakura also said.

Sasuke smiled proudly, expressing his attitude of eating too.

Kakashi was speechless, so he had to agree. The three guys became interested when it came to eating: “Well, good, but you guys have completed today’s practice!”

“Okay!” With the temptation of delicious food, Naruto and others were energetic, and immediately wanted to start practicing.

Zhizhen laughed when he heard the words, and said, “Senior, please have dinner, then I will bring someone to participate.”

“?” Everyone didn’t react, but Kakashi had a more speechless look: “Take your girlfriend, right?”

“Senior understands me.” Zhizhen nodded, and smiled a little embarrassedly: “I will naturally go to see her after I come back.”

“Go, boy.” Kakashi could only agree.

When Uemon heard this, he immediately showed an uncomfortable look, and thought: “These dead sunglasses, after coming back, I will think of her girlfriend, pervert!”

Zaemon looked at Uemon, smiled slightly, and didn’t click on it, but said, “Alright, we haven’t officially met Shima-sama’s girlfriend yet.”

Upon hearing the three words “girlfriend”, Naruto and others suddenly showed a look of surprise and curiosity.

“Senior has a girlfriend?! Who!” Naruto asked immediately.

And little Sakura, a girl, is precisely interested in love at this age. She glanced at Sasuke subconsciously, her face blushing: “I don’t know when, I can and Sasuke… I hate it, just think about it! ”

As for Sasuke, he has a cold face, and he is not interested in it at all. He is just curious about Zhizhen’s sudden appearance of a girlfriend.

“Ah, I’m a disciple of a senior friend, one year older than you.” Zhizhen said honestly.

“Is only one year older than us?” Little Sakura couldn’t help thinking, “Isn’t that only thirteen years old? Are you a little girl like me? Senior Zhizhen would find such a young girl, maybe there is something special Fetish?”

Little Sakura had a chill in her heart, and couldn’t help but step back two steps, trying to keep her distance from Zhizhen: “Pervert.”

Everyone didn’t realize that Sakura had a different idea. Only Uemon saw the alert in Sakura’s eyes and stepped forward and whispered: “Be careful, that guy is actually pervert.”

Little Sakura’s heart tightened when he heard the words and nodded again and again.

The girl’s mind is so wonderful, she obviously thinks about love affairs in her mind, but she has to feel that she is quite old.

Zhizhen is 17 years old now, Tenten is 13 years old, but young Sakura feels very unfit.

Zhizhen didn’t know that he was about to be hacked out by Uemon, but said, “I think you should be able to talk to her.”

“Oh! Big brother, go and bring her, I think it must be a cute girl!” Naruto said enthusiastically, then looked at the little Sakura, his face flushed, and thought: “I don’t know when, I can and little Sakura…Huh, I’m excited just thinking about it!”

“…” Little Sakura was speechless for a while. Isn’t this the way she looked at Sasuke just now?

Little Sakura wanted to give Naruto a punch, but when he thought about it, he gave up.

Naruto today is no longer the nasty kid who liked pranks in the past.

He is now reliable and strong.

There is nothing wrong with being liked by him.

Moreover, young Sakura suddenly realized that Naruto likes her just as she likes Sasuke.

She has never given Naruto a good face, but Sasuke has never had a good face to her, and she still doesn’t silently like him.

Thinking about it this way, little Sakura pretended not to see it and didn’t say much.

Kakashi had a panoramic view of the performance of the three disciples, and he was helpless: “It’s okay, let’s stop talking about gossip, business matters.”

After that, he looked at Zhizhen: “Go, Zhizhen, go early and return early. I won’t wait for you later.”

“Okay, senior.” Zhizhen responded, looked at everyone, and said, “Then I will leave first and see you later!”

After that, Zhizhen jumped and disappeared.

“Damn it! Originally wanted to ask him about his practice, but he walked so fast!” Uemon kicked the lawn hard, very upset.

Zaemon stretched his hands and said that his sister’s character was really awkward.

After leaving Kakashi and others, Zhizhen thought about it and went to the sixth practice range first.

The time is now four o’clock in the afternoon, if there is nothing unexpected, Guy should still take Tenten and the others in the practice.

Now that Chūnin’s exam is approaching, Guy probably won’t take Tenten and the others out on assignments, but should seize the time to practice.

Of course, this is just a guess. If there is no one in the sixth practice field, Zhizhen will go to Tenten’s house.

When I arrived at the sixth practice range, as expected, Zhizhen saw Guy’s green clothes all the way back.

Xiao Li, Neji, and Tenten formed a siege to Guy.

Zhizhen suddenly appeared, and it seemed that they were also doing the same practice as Naruto and the others.

A three-person team, cooperate with the fight.

Seeing this, Zhizhen didn’t step forward to bother him, and looked at the three of them quietly.

Not seen for a month, the strength of this third class has also grown considerably.

The three of them surrounded Guy, attacked fiercely, and cooperated fairly well.

And Tenten, waving the silver light wind he had seen in his hand.

Obviously, Tenten listened to Zhizhen’s suggestion, and has been practicing stickmanship this month.

Neji and Xiao Li, who have been practicing physiques all the time, did not see any significant increase in Zhizhen.

But it feels like the speed and strength of their attacks seem to be a bit bigger.

Moreover, none of them have done their best, Xiao Li hasn’t used Eight Gate, and Neji hasn’t used Gentle Fist yet.

You can already play with Guy vigorously, although there is a reason for Guy to release water.

However, just dealing with Genin in other villages is obviously no problem.

Yes, all the big guys are struggling for the Chūnin exam.

Zhizhen watched a few people fight for a while, Guy took a little serious, and waved the nunchaku in his hand.

After a few rounds, the trio’s offensive was disrupted.

“Tsk!” Neji gritted his teeth: “Why is this ridiculous guy so powerful?”

Following Guy this year, Neji has been disdainful, contemptuous, and recognized from the very beginning, and now he has admired and does not understand Guy.

He couldn’t figure out why Guy, a funny character, has such a powerful physical skill.

“As expected of Mr. Guy, he can use nunchakus so skillfully.” Xiao Li admired.

“Haha, how about it, Li, Neji, do you want to give up?” Guy said, “You can’t make it to the end in the Chūnin exam.”

“Mr. Guy, have you forgotten me?” Tenten suddenly shouted, stepping forward and slashing with a stick.

Guy waved the nunchaku back without looking back, and then turned his head slightly and smiled: “How come, Tenten, I have been guarding you all the time.”

Tenten heard this and immediately felt a sense of recognition in his heart.

Being able to be guarded by Guy, this undoubtedly shows that her strength has improved.

“Mr. Guy, take the move!” Tenten screamed, and the silver light in his hand suddenly separated and became a three-section stick. Then the murder weapon danced and fought with Guy.

Seeing Tenten’s more proficient cudgel skills, Guy became more satisfied, and said in his heart: “This time, Tenten might also be able to shine.”

Seeing Tenten haunt Guy, Neji and Xiao Li looked at each other and immediately joined the battle group to support Tenten.

“Really lovely disciples.” Guy couldn’t help but think.

Zhizhenmao looked at it, and a nasty taste suddenly appeared in his heart. With a turn of his mind, he used the Transformation Technique.

Then he jumped and jumped to where Guy is.

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