Chapter 280 Naruto VS Xiao Li! (Please subscribe!)

Challenge Guy?

Zhizhen laughed, this reckless approach really has Naruto’s style.

He took Tenten to the front and said with a smile: “Naruto, Senior Guy is the guest I invited. Don’t mess around.”

Naruto blinked when he heard the words, and did not answer Zhizhen’s words, but carefully looked at Tenten beside Zhizhen.

I thought: “This is the girlfriend of Big Brother Sunglasses, um… it’s still not as cute as Little Sakura.”

He said: “Brother Sunglasses, this is yours…”

“Ah, this is Tenten.” Shima introduced, “Tenten, this is Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke.”

Tenten is also a generous girl. Although Zhizhen’s formal introduction made her blush, she still showed a cheerful smile and said hello to the three of them: “Hello, I am Tenten, please give me some advice.”

Looking at such a polite Tenten, Naruto hesitated and said, “Oh, oh, hello.”

Even Sasuke, who has always been cold, has a slightly more formal look.

Little Sakura was a little surprised. Shizhen said that Tenten was only one year older than her, but she looked much more mature than her.

Generous, gentle, cheerful and sunny. They are also very cute.

What a nice girl, little Sakura couldn’t help thinking.

Uemon looked at the hand held by Shima and Tenten, feeling that it was extremely annoying. He was really a gentleman scolding Zhi in his heart, and holding the little girl’s hand in the public, he really didn’t want to force his face at all.

Then, Shimao said again: “Tenten, these two are my companions, Tachibana Zuemon and Tachibanaemon.”

Zaemon said with a smile: “Hello, Miss Tenten.”

Tenten was a little embarrassed when he heard that, and said, “You don’t need to call Miss, just call me Tenten, Zaemon-senior.”

“Hey, you are welcome, Miss Tenten, I respect Senior Tenshiro very much.” Zuoweimen smiled.

As he said, he looked at Uemon and winked: “Uemon, don’t be rude.”

Hearing this, Uemon just smashed his mouth. Out of respect for Tenshiro, Uemon slightly greeted him with a slightly forehead.

It’s just that this attitude is slightly cold.

Tenten saw that Uemon was doing this, and the girl had a sixth sense, keenly aware of Uemon’s hostility towards her.

This sister…

She had seen Uemon a long time ago, and Tenten was impressed by the beauty of Uemon.

For a while, Tenten was also worried about such a beautiful girl beside Zhizhen.

She looked at Zhizhen, with some grievances in her eyes.

When Zhizhen saw this, he smiled and said, “Don’t mind, Uemon has this character, she has no malice.”

Hearing this, Tenten nodded silently, not knowing what to say, but Uemon’s mood improved inexplicably.

She thought for a while, she just had an opinion on Zhizhen, and she didn’t hate Tenten either.

When you think about it, Uemon’s face is a little better.

Kakashi doesn’t need to be introduced, Tenten knows it naturally.

At this time, Rock Lee stepped forward and looked at Sasuke and said, “So you are Uchiha Sasuke. I heard that you are the number one in this year’s school and the strongest Genin this year.”

Guy glanced at Xiao Li, did not stop, still smiling.

Sasuke heard this and felt Xiao Li’s hostility, raised his head, and said, “It’s me, how?”

“Very well, I want to challenge you!” Xiao Li said so directly.

“You?” Sasuke looked at Xiao Li with a slightly disdainful expression. He didn’t believe in the strength of this ridiculous guy.

“You deserve the name of a genius by everyone. Your look is really familiar.” Xiao Li said with a stern tone.

Hearing this, anyone who understands knows that he is talking about Neji.

Neji chuckled slightly and looked at Uchiha Sasuke with interest. Is this the descendant of the legendary Uchiha? Does it look average?

“It seems that you often experience the feeling of being despised.” Sasuke sneered.

“Indeed.” Xiao Li did not deny: “But now, people who have despised me have become my defeated men.”

The atmosphere changed abruptly as soon as he said this. Xiao Li looked at Sasuke and said word by word: “Do you dare to accept my challenge?”

Xiao Li speaks so seriously, so serious that people don’t feel arrogant.

This aroused Sasuke’s fighting spirit, and his expression changed: “Dare? Ha, since you are looking for hardship, then I have no reason to fail you.”

“Very good.” Xiao Li nodded and stretched out his hand: “Let me see the power of Uchiha.”

Just as the two were about to start their hands, Naruto shouted: “Damn it, you thick eyebrows, don’t jump in the line. If you want to challenge, I will challenge first!”

After all, Naruto pointed to Guy: “I want to challenge this big thick eyebrow!”

Xiao Li heard the saying that the blue veins on his forehead protruded: “A guy who doesn’t understand etiquette! If that’s the case, then I will challenge you instead of Teacher Guy!”

“You?” Naruto said angrily: “You bastard don’t underestimate me!”

After speaking, Naruto clenched his fist directly and waved at Xiao Li.

And Xiao Li stretched out his hand to hold Naruto’s wrist and twisted, Naruto’s body suddenly turned one hundred and eighty degrees before landing heavily.

“?” Naruto looked dazed, he got up and looked at Xiao Li in surprise.

In this round of fighting, Naruto also understood that Xiao Li was not as ridiculous as he seemed: “This guy, it’s not easy.”

“It’s really fast.” Kakashi said in a secret compliment, “Guy, it seems that Xiao Li not only looks like you, but also looks a lot like you in terms of strength.”

“Haha, of course, Xiao Li is my beloved disciple.” Guy said: “How about, Kakashi, let our disciples compete!”

Kakashi heard the words and pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Naruto challenges Guy, Kakashi is naturally not allowed. There is no rule at first, and there is no need for second.

But the contest between the disciples, Kakashi felt that it was okay.

He also wanted to see the talents of Guy’s disciples, and let Naruto and the others feel the strengths of other Genins in advance, which was not a bad thing.

“Then, just take a look.” Kakashi stepped forward and said, “Naruto, Xiao Li, you guys will discuss it with formal etiquette.”

Naruto nodded solemnly when he heard the words, “I see.”

Xiao Li also said, “Of course, Mr. Kakashi, fighting is a sacred thing.”

Having said that, the two of them walked far and apart, each forming a seal of forbearance.

“Rock Lee!”

“Uzumaki Naruto!”

Seeing this, little Sakura looked worried and said, “Eh eh, this is about to start? Sasuke -kun, are you really going to play?”

“Yeah.” Sasuke nodded, his expression disappeared from the disdain he had just now, and he said in his heart: “Also, let Naruto try this guy’s depth. The speed of the shot just now was so fast that I didn’t even see it clearly.”

Zaemon and Uemon came to Shizhen, and the latter said, “Naruto, this guy will probably suffer a lot this time.”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded and said, “With Naruto’s current ability, he is still a bit worse than Xiao Li.”

Tenten said with embarrassment: “Senior, sorry, Xiao Li, like Teacher Guy, is a fellow with passion.”

“Ha, it doesn’t matter. Just as Mr. Guy said, youth.” Zhizhen smiled.

After all, the attention of several people was focused on Naruto and Xiao Li.

“Shadow Clone Technique!” After finishing the Ninja Seal, Naruto started with Shadow Clone and separated four at once, forming a five-on-one situation.

“Oh, Shadow Clone?” Guy praised, “Kakashi, Naruto is very good.”

“Well, at this age, it would be good to be able to learn Shadow Clone.” Kakashi said, praising Naruto Naruto for being smart.

Just after the fight, Naruto knew that Xiao Li was not easy to play with, even if he didn’t use his head, he knew that he would use Shadow Clone to test.

From the action point of view, this Second Generation Guy is more than a few times more exquisite in physical skills than Naruto.

But Naruto’s instinctive combat player, even if he separates the Shadow Clone, he directly brings the Shadow Clone forward.

In this period, Shadow Clone was actually not familiar enough.

And Xiao Li, facing the five Naruto, did not rush, his legs bend slightly, and then rush forward!

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