Chapter 281 Xiao Li’s Strength (Subscribe!)

Seeing Xiao Li incarnate as a cheetah, his speed was so fast that he arrived in front of Naruto in an instant.

Little Sakura couldn’t help but exclaimed: “So fast!”

Opposite, the five Naruto saw this scene, and suddenly showed surprise.

However, Naruto wasn’t an idiot either. After being surprised, he hurriedly responded.

However, with such a distraction, Xiao Li’s fist has already reached Naruto’s eyes.

Bang, bang, bang, four times, Xiao Li hits four punches in a row, knocking Naruto’s Shadow Clone into the air.

Upon seeing this, Naruto just wanted to take a shot, but Xiao Li moved too fast.

With a straight lunge, he stepped forward with a punch and knocked Naruto to the ground.

The whole process was done in one go, with smooth movements and no procrastination.

“Hiss!” Seeing this scene, all the spectators took a breath.

Except for the third class partner, only Zhizhen understands Xiao Li’s strength and is not surprised.

Sasuke couldn’t help gritting his teeth, Kakashi also showed a solemn expression, and Zaemon was a little surprised.

And Uemon, seeing that Naruto was defeated so quickly, was slightly displeased.

“That Xiao Li, the action is really fast!”

“Ah.” Hearing this, Kakashi nodded and said, “This guy’s speed, strength, and skill are far superior to Genin.”

Seeing that everyone was shocked by Xiao Li’s speed, Zhizhen smiled. If everyone knew that this was not Xiao Li’s best state, he might be even more surprised.

After removing the two heavy objects from Xiao Li’s feet, Xiao Li returned to normal.

And to use Lianhua, it was so fast that it was beyond the level of a regular ninja, so fast that few people could react, and directly played Gaara as if it were a ball.

After all, Kakashi looked at Guy with a smile on his face and said, “Guy, how did you train him?”

Kakashi is an experienced person, he can see Xiao Li’s level at a glance.

At his current age, being able to reach this level of strength undoubtedly shows Xiao Li’s talent and practice that no one else can match.

Speaking of it, Xiao Li is a seedling that Kakashi and Guy noticed together.

But Kakashi thought that if he were to train Xiao Li, he would not be able to reach his current level at the same time.

Guy smiled faintly, his eyes full of satisfaction and pride when he looked at Xiao Li: “I didn’t cultivate much, just squeezed his potential.”

“Since I discovered him, Xiao Li has been doing basic physical training every day, tens of thousands of punches, tens of thousands of kicks, rope skipping, squatting…no one day exception.”

Hearing this, Kakashi and others were surprised, Tenten practiced like this? Then he played too well on this foundation.

No wonder at this age, you can make such moves.

Naruto was defeated, Kakashi couldn’t help thinking, this is not to look down on Naruto, but the hard work of the two people, not on the same level.

Xiao Li, better than Naruto, better than too many people, worked too much.

Sasuke couldn’t help gritting his teeth when he heard the words. This is a joke. Anyone who pops up has such an ability?

What grade is the first, the strongest this year Genin, Sasuke feels that this is a complete joke.

Little Sakura also showed a worried look, but she was not afraid, and immediately supported Naruto loudly: “Naruto, come on! This is just the beginning!”

Hearing this, Neji snorted and said, “The guy sitting on the ground over there can’t beat Xiao Li. Because he is fundamentally different from you.”

Neji has always been watching Xiao Li’s efforts, from his disdain at the beginning, to his puzzlement, and to the present. Neji has completely approved Xiao Li.

Once Xiao Li was just a rookie, I won’t mention it for the time being, but now Xiao Li, against him, Neji dare not say that he won.

Hearing this, little Sakura gave a light sip, who was another disgusting arrogant fellow.

Sasuke looked back, Neji looked at Sasuke, the corners of his mouth curled slightly: “You too.”

“Tsk!” Sasuke suddenly showed an unhappy look when he heard the words, but he didn’t fight with Neji.

He also felt that he couldn’t beat Xiao Li, so he moved at Xiao Li’s speed and Sasuke felt that he could barely keep up with Sharingan.

But it’s just reluctant, if he competes, he is mostly tired of parrying.

Kakashi kept Sasuke’s expression in his eyes and nodded secretly to give Sasuke a benign stimulus.

In the team survival match in the Death Forest, Sasuke is the trump card, and the burden on his shoulders is not light.

Although Sasuke now has the ability of a general Chūnin, he also thinks it is worth seeing for Chūnin’s exam.

But after seeing Xiao Li, Kakashi felt that the strength of the three of them might not be enough.

It is inevitable that other villages will not have people like Xiao Li.

He hopes that Sasuke can grow a little more in the remaining few days.

And Naruto stared at Xiao Li dumbfounded, with an unbelievable expression: “This guy, how can the speed be so fast!?”

Upon seeing this, Xiao Li said: “This is my strength, Uzumaki Naruto-kun, everything I am under the guidance of Teacher Guy, you can’t even beat me, and you dare to challenge Teacher Guy?”

Naruto was furious when he heard the words, stood up and touched the corners of his mouth: “What! I haven’t lost yet, this is just the beginning!”

After that, Naruto stood up again, his eyes burning with warfare.

Seeing Naruto’s fighting spirit, little Sakura showed a look of peace of mind, and said, “As far as perseverance, Naruto won’t lose to anyone. Right, Mrs. Kakashi, brother in sunglasses, Sasuke-kun!

Sasuke nodded and said, “Of course, Naruto has no advantages, but I agree with perseverance.”

Zhizhen heard this and smiled: “Of course, he is Naruto.”

Neji smiled proudly, seeming to be laughing at what a few people said, he said: “Oh, perseverance is perseverance, but that is not strength.”

“Tsk, this Byakugan is really annoying!” Little Sakura didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and said loudly, “Naruto, come on!”

Naruto calmed his mind when he heard the words. Little Sakura was cheering for him. How could he lose!

Xiao Li looked at the little Sakura who was cheering on, and his face was reddened: “What an energetic girl, you have a good partner, Naruto-kun!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Naruto pulled away and used Shadow Clone, this time he used dozens of Shadow Clone out.

“It’s an amazing technique.” Xiao Li looked a little more serious, and Guy and Neji were also slightly surprised.

“It’s worthy of being able to separate such a large number of Shadow Clone…” Guy laughed and said, “Kakashi, this kid is also very potential.”

Seeing Guy praised Naruto, Kakashi felt a little better: “Well, although Naruto is not strong right now, he also has his strengths.”

“Small bugs.” Neji is still proud, but Chakra alone is too much to him.

“Bishishu, I am really not the opponent of this thick eyebrow, I can only rely on ninjutsu to decide the victory!” Naruto had already thought of a plan, and immediately shouted: “Everyone, we go!”

“Oh!” Dozens of Naruto responded, and then rushed towards Xiao Li. The momentum made Xiao Li feel a little bit tricky.

Dozens of clones are not a small number,

The Naruto body was hidden behind many Shadow Clones and began to seal.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi, Shizhen, and Sasuke all laughed. Naruto, this guy, has indeed grown compared to the past.

When Sakura and Uemon saw this, their expressions were delighted, and Naruto was about to use the technique! Uemon immediately cheered up with Sakura!

“Naruto, hit him!” Uemon said, “Let everyone see your strength!”

“Use Shadow Clone to delay Xiao Li, does the body use ninjutsu?” Guy said: “A good idea, but I’m afraid it’s not that easy.”

Look at Xiao Li again, fighting Naruto’s Shadow Clone, facing a large number of Shadow Clone, he is still flexible in dodge.

Dozens of Shadow Clones just didn’t hit Xiao Li with one punch, but Xiao Li punched one.

Dozens of Shadow Clones of Naruto are decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

Upon seeing this, Zhizhen praised: “Xiao Li’s strength really far surpasses Genin.”

When Sakura and Uemon saw this, they gritted their teeth. How could this guy be so strong in physical skills? It feels better than her by three points.

With such a little effort, he almost emptied Shadow Clone.

And Naruto continues to control Chakra!

The two set a verdict!

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