Chapter 282 I refuse, please go away! (Please subscribe!)

“Do you still want to use ninjutsu after having a seal for so long?” Neji shook his head, completely despising Naruto.

Dare to challenge Xiao Li at this level? Apart from looking for a fight, Neji couldn’t find any other adjectives.

At this moment, Xiao Li defeated Naruto’s Shadow Clone and looked at Naruto the next moment.

“The victory or defeat is divided.” Neji has no desire to watch.

Seeing this, Naruto’s heart suddenly tightened: “What a great guy!”

Just when Naruto thought Xiao Li was going to attack him, Xiao Li himself stood quietly, waiting for Naruto’s seal.

“Tsk, innocent guy!” Neji said uncomfortably, “Lee, a quick fight!”

However, when Xiao Li heard this, he unexpectedly refused: “No, I am waiting for Naruto-kun to use ninjutsu!”

“What?” Neji stepped forward and said, “Did you forget that you are trying to compete with others? Are you waiting for others to perform surgery?!”

“It seems that Naruto-kun’s strength lies in ninjutsu. I would like to see Naruto-kun’s strength and see where he is in challenging Mr. Guy.” Xiao Li said in a serious tone: “Although it is a competition, Naruto- Kun is not my enemy either. This is my respect for my opponent!”

“Tsk!” Neji was too lazy to talk nonsense, he was really upset about Xiao Li’s style.

But Guy gave a thumbs up: “As expected of my disciple, really youthful blood!”

Zhizhen frowned slightly when he heard this. Even though he didn’t hate Xiao Li’s style, Naruto was indeed not an enemy.

But if he still had this style in the Chūnin exam, that would be a big problem.

After all, Xiao Li is just a master of physique, if he encounters a master of ninjutsu, he is afraid that he will be beaten as a stupid.

He said: “Senior Guy, when Chūnin takes the exam, don’t let Xiao Li stand up like this and let others perform surgery. Be careful to overconfidence and become arrogant!”

“Haha!” Guy smiled: “Zhizhen, I know this, don’t worry, I will warn Xiao Li!”

Naruto was a little surprised when he heard Xiao Li’s words, and then showed his face: “You are also a good guy with thick eyebrows!”

“Then, Naruto-kun, let me see!” Xiao Li said: “Your strength!”

“Well, since you want to see it, I’ll show it to you!” After all, Naruto stopped talking, and concentrated on controlling Chakra.

Sakura and Uemon kept cheering on Naruto.

After dozens of seconds, Naruto felt in place and opened his mouth to perform the operation: “Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere!”

Several wind groups spouted from Naruto’s mouth and attacked Xiao Li very quickly.

The speed made Xiao Li look slightly.

“It turns out that Vacuum Sphere is this trick, like the Phoenix Fire Technique.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Well, almost, it’s just that this trick is the wind attribute version.” Kakashi is pleased that Naruto can use a complete Vacuum Sphere.

Also C-level ninjutsu, Vacuum Sphere is less powerful than Great Breakthrough, but Vacuum Sphere is faster than Great Breakthrough and can attack multiple points.

Naruto probably also knows that Xiao Li moves fast and wants to balance Xiao Li with speed instead of Great Breakthrough.

It seems that Naruto has listened to what he said, and Zhizhen smiled with satisfaction. This guy now has a strategy for fighting.

However, although Naruto did a good job, this powerful technique was not a big problem for Xiao Li.

Everyone held their breath and carefully watched whether Naruto’s technique could reach Xiao Li.

I saw Xiaoli burst out of Chakra all over his body! Open the door! open!

“That is!?” Kakashi was shocked: “Eight Inner Gates?!”

He looked at Guy and said, “You even taught him Eight Inner Gates?”

Guy didn’t say a word, but with a relieved smile on his face, he nodded.

Zaemon and Uemon also showed a surprised look. As Anbu, the two of them naturally knew the ultimate skill of this martial art, Eight Inner Gates.

This trick is hard to learn, and it is also very difficult to use. Being able to learn this trick undoubtedly shows that Xiao Li is a genius in physical skills.

“That watermelon head, you even learned Eight Inner Gates.” Uemon gritted his teeth, and Naruto was really not his opponent.

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Xiao Li faced a few wind groups instead of hiding and advancing. He jumped for a month and swept the whirlwind with his legs: “Leaf Great Whirlwind!”

Three kicks attacked Naruto’s Vacuum Sphere!

“This…this, how is this possible!?” Naruto was shocked, his technique was actually kicked by Xiao Li! ?

Xiao Li accepted the move, and the outburst of Chakra dissipated. He took a long breath and said, “Naruto -kun, is that all?”

“I…” Naruto was speechless, Xiao Li’s strength really exceeded his expectations.

Kicked his Vacuum Sphere, which damaged Naruto’s self-esteem.

“Naruto…” Little Sakura was disappointed, but she still supported Naruto: “Naruto, don’t be discouraged! You haven’t lost yet!”

Naruto looked back at the little Sakura who was working hard for him. Sasuke beside her also had a small forehead, with a serious expression and obvious meaning: “Don’t be afraid! Naruto! You are not a weak fellow!”

Seeing two important partners cheering for him, Naruto’s face burst into a smile again, and Xiao Li’s eyes were full of fighting spirit again.

Xiao Li was taken aback, then laughed, Uzumaki Naruto, also a persevering ninja!

Thinking about this, Xiao Li once again opened his posture, ready to fight Naruto.

However, at this moment, Kakashi stepped forward and said, “Okay, that’s it. The outcome of the two of you is already obvious. If you continue to fight, it’s just a delay of time and a waste of energy.”

“Hey, Mrs. Kakashi, don’t. I’ve just started!” Naruto screamed dissatisfied.

Zhizhen stepped forward after hearing the words, and said, “Naruto, persistence is a good thing. But it should be divided into different occasions. This time it was just a discussion, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Hearing what Zhizhen said, Naruto agreed. He also understood that he was not Xiao Li’s opponent.

It’s just that I lost like that, and I’m a little embarrassed.

“I see, brother sunglasses.” After that, Naruto looked at Xiao Li and said, “Xiao Li, next time, I will challenge you until I defeat you!”

“Okay, I’m happy to fight with you!” Xiao Li stretched out his hand, Naruto is not a stingy guy, stretched out his hand and made a mark of reconciliation with Xiao Li.

Then, Naruto walked up to Guy and said, “Mr. Guy, I’m sorry, I was reckless at first.”

“Haha, don’t mind, Naruto, I really like an energetic child like you.” Guy laughed.

After that, Xiao Li looked at Sasuke and said, “Then, Uchiha Sasuke -kun, next, it’s time for us to learn from each other.”

When Sasuke heard this, he gave a cold snort and was silent for a while, before saying: “Forget it, now I am probably not your opponent.”

“Oh?” Kakashi and Shima were a little surprised when they heard Sasuke say this. How dare this arrogant fellow dare to admit his shortcomings?

However, Sasuke is Sasuke after all. He said, “Don’t be too proud, Rock Lee. I will also try my best to practice. When Chūnin takes the exam, let us fight each other!”

“And you too!” Sasuke looked at Neji and added.

“Huh.” Neji smiled disdainfully, and said to Uchiha? Okay, I will take a Chūnin exam to see how strong you will become.

“Heh.” Xiao Li chuckled and said: “As expected of Uchiha Sasuke, well, I am waiting to fight with you!”

Then, Xiao Li walked to the front of Little Sakura again, and Little Sakura was suddenly bewildered.

What are you doing? This guy won’t even want to challenge me as a girl! ?

Little Sakura looked at Xiao Li with a vigilant face, her thick eyebrows and big eyes were really magical.

After staring like this for a while, Xiao Li’s face was flushed: “Miss Haruno Sakura, the posture you just cheered for your companion deeply attracted me. Please associate with me, and I will protect you to the death! ”

Ka, everyone was immediately confused. It turns out that Xiao Li likes Sakura because of this reason? Zhizhen was a little confused.

As for the little Sakura herself, she froze for a moment, then instantly refused: “I refuse, please go away!”

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