Chapter 287 is about to begin (everyone, happy new year’s day, please subscribe!)

“Then is it qualified?” Naruto murmured: “It’s clearly just the beginning!”

Seeing Naruto see so thoroughly, Kakashi blinked his eyes and smiled: “Forget it, it is expected that more than 300 people will take the exam, and the number of people who will pass the second exam will not be small. Apart from us Konoha, there are also other villages. Lots of good Genins.”

Speaking, Kakashi thought of the bloody boy, Fukage’s child, Gaara.

He lost consciousness for a moment, and said: “But I have already said that through the second game, you will be qualified with me. To survive from that place is victory.”

Hearing what Kakashi said, the pressure in Sakura’s heart suddenly became less. Although Naruto was the same, he was not satisfied with it.

“Well, since I participated, I will win to the end! I want to become Hokage!” Naruto yelled.

When these words came out, Kakashi smiled and laughed loudly, Shikamaru also sighed, “You still talk about this unrealistic dream!”

“You two guys, what is unrealistic!” Naruto dissatisfied: “Sooner or later I will become Hokage, you guys wait and see!”

Ino hugged Sakura, and said, “Hey, you can still care about this guy, I’m blushing all day long, and I’m blushing!”

Little Sakura just wanted to scold Naruto when he heard the words, but remembered Naruto’s efforts during this period, remembering how Naruto stood in front of him, and said seriously: “Although the dream is unrealistic, Naruto is really working hard. Ino, Don’t underestimate Naruto, Naruto is very different from before!”

Ino is stunned, little Sakura actually helps Naruto speak?

Are the two of them dating?

“Heh.” Sasuke also let out a chuckle, and said, “That’s right, Naruto, I have to get full marks compared to being qualified!”

what’s the situation? Sasuke agrees with Naruto?

Looking at Naruto again, he patted Sasuke hard on the shoulder: “Right!”

Sasuke helplessly: “You guy, you are brute force!”

Seeing this, Ino showed a weird look. She keenly realized that Naruto seemed to be different.

Not only him, Sasuke is also different, and Sakura seems to be stronger than before.

The three of them sat together, and they felt different.

“Is this growth?” Ino couldn’t help asking himself.

Zhizhen laughed, touched Naruto’s head, and said, “That’s it. Now that I have done it, I have to score well. I will be the examiner and referee from the second round of the rematch. I applied to Master Hokage for the exam. The content is up to me, and the adults agreed.”

“Really!?” Naruto said with a look of excitement, “Brother, you have to think about taking an exam!”

“Most of the second round of rematch will be individual competitions, Shima, I also want to ask you, how do you plan to take the test?” Kakashi asked.

Hearing this, everyone looked forward to seeing Zhizhen.

However, Zhizhen frowned. He applied to Third Generation to formulate the exam content in order to avoid the ending of Xiao Li being disabled by Gaara.

But Zhizhen didn’t have any clue as to how to test.

Seeing Zhizhen’s troubles, Kakashi’s face went dark: “You haven’t thought about it yet, are you?”

“Ahaha, I was found.” Zhizhen smiled embarrassedly.

Uemon immediately slapped Shijin on the head: “I told you to do it well, but your head went blank!”

Zhizhen helplessly rubbed his head and said, “Isn’t there a few days left?”

Uemon gritted his teeth. This kid was afraid that he was not going to be silly when he fell in love with him. Sometimes his brain was short-circuited, but now he feels even more short-circuited.

Tenten watched Shijin rubbing her head and gritted her teeth slightly. She didn’t like Uemon and Shijin being so close, especially Uemon who looked so cute.

It’s just that they are life and death partners, but Tenten is not easy to say.

After all, even Zhizhen himself feels nothing, what else can she say?

Everyone was speechless, Sasuke said: “Personal competition, it’s okay? On the contrary, this kind of strength contest is the best.”

Shikamaru also added: “Indeed, senior, don’t think of anything crooked, it will be more troublesome.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Don’t worry, I will think about it.”

Everyone nodded.

However, the trick that Zhizhen came up with was so crooked that it made the Twelve Xiaoqiang speechless, and made the ninjas of other villages hate Zhizhen directly.

In this world, why is there such a messenger?

After the guidance of Kakashi and others, Naruto and the others were not so noisy at first.

Originally, the purpose of this gathering was to let them put their minds on their minds.

Now that I know the dangers of this exam, everyone is discussing things about this exam.

After being introduced by Naruto, Xiao Li and the others gradually became acquainted with everyone and participated in it.

Tenten and Xiao Li are very enthusiastic.

And Neji, probably because of Hinata’s relationship, his face has never been very good.

Hinata is also more cautious.

But fortunately, Neji is not a ignorant person. Although he is in a bad mood, it does not affect everyone’s mood.

After the meal, Zhizhen patted his stomach with satisfaction. Seeing Tenten chatting with the little Sakura Ino Hinata girls, he didn’t bother her.

Zaemon and Uemon winked, and the two immediately understood.

“Then, senior Kakashi, senior Guy, senior red, senior Asuma, I will leave first.” Shizhendao.

“Why, don’t you stay for a while?” Kakashi asked.

“No, since I came back today, I haven’t gone home yet. I will also go to the Aburame clan land tomorrow morning. I want to go back to rest earlier.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Well, that’s okay, see you later.” Kakashi didn’t force it to stay.

Asuma and Hong also told Zhizhen to go back to rest early, and then Dezhi was busy.

Zhizhen smiled and nodded and looked at Guy. “Senior Guy, Tenten is still chatting with Sakura and the others, so I won’t bother you. Then, please help me take it home after a while.”

“Zhizhen, you are such a careful person.” Guy readily agreed.

“Seniors, let’s go!” Uemon also waved.

After a few gossips, Zhizhen and the others left first, and had a good impression before leaving.

In the evening, when Kakashi and others paid the bill, the waiter said, “The little brother with sunglasses has already bought it.”

When the four adults looked at the price, they had more than 20 people and ate more than 100,000 taels.

The four of them looked at each other and all smiled, Xindaozhi is really a good junior.

Walking on the way home, Zhizhen felt refreshed in the evening breeze.

Shijin’s move of “leaving” Tenten made Uemon feel very happy.

She asked: “You guy, why don’t you stay with your girlfriend?”

“Isn’t she still eating? Let her play with Sakura Ino.” Shizhen chuckled lightly.

Uemon shrugged and hummed a little tune.

Seeing his sister like this, Zuoweimen couldn’t help being amused, and said, “Master Shizhen, by the way, how about your practice this time?”

Zhizhen immediately gave a thumbs up when he heard this: “Very great!”

“Oh? Really?” Zaemon asked.

Zhizhen nodded and said, “Of course, I practiced Sage Mode!”

“Sage Mode?” Uemon was surprised and smiled: “You guy is lucky. Is that Sage Mode the legendary Sage Mode?”

What is this questioning method? Zhizhen looked at her and asked, “Don’t you know Sage Mode?”

“I just read it in the book, but I have never seen it. I heard that Jiraiya-sama will do it too, right?” Uemon asked enthusiastically.

Zhizhen didn’t think much about it, too, not everyone knows Sage Mode.

“What kind of power is that? Show it!” Uemon said.

“Haha, just show it or something, it’s not good today. Anyway, we’ve been together, and there will be battles in the future. I’ll show it to you then.”

“Go, who has been with you all the time?” Uemon sipped, and said, “Why, it depends on the status to use Sage Mode?”

“Almost.” Zhizhen said: “By the way, the place I went to is called Juyegu…”

With that, Shima told his Zaemon Yemon about his stay in Keihadani. The two also listened with gusto.

The three are like a family, walking on the way home.

It’s just that the three of them didn’t expect that in the near future, this “home” would suffer a huge blow.

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