Chapter 288 Return to the Clan Land (Subscribe!)

When he returned home, Uemon gave Shiro’s gift to Shijin, along with a letter from Shiro.

Zhizhen opened it and saw that it was a pair of round retro sunglasses. The price was not cheap.

He smiled, put his sunglasses carefully, and opened the letter left for him.

Zhizhen scanned it roughly, which was a normal thank-you letter, thanking Zhizhen for his help and care.

Although the content is not much, Zhizhen can feel full of sincerity between the lines.

In the end, Bai expressed his hope to maintain this friendship with Zhizhen, and said that after Kirigakure settles down, he will send an address, hoping that Zhizhen can reply.

Zhizhen naturally had no objection to this, and he was also looking forward to meeting Bai He again without cutting.

“What did the letter say?” Uemon asked.

“Did you not watch it?” Zhizhen asked.

“Nonsense, this is a letter to you.” Uemon glanced at Shishin, and asked in his heart that I was a peek at other people’s privacy?

Zhizhen smiled without saying much, and closed the letter: “It’s nothing, it’s just an ordinary parting letter.”

Uemon nodded and didn’t ask any more, he said directly: “These few days, you can take a good rest. You will be busy in two days.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words. In the remaining few days, Zhizhen also planned to stabilize his strength so as to deal with Orochimaru.

“By the way, Mr. Hokage, didn’t you arrange a job for the two of you?” Zhizhen asked.

Hearing this, Zaemon brought two glasses of water, handed them to Shima, and said, “No, Hokage-sama did not give us an order.”

Uemon was a little unhappy when he heard this, and said, “Tomorrow, I will go to Master Hokage. The Chūnin exam is such a big thing, I don’t want to just be idle.”

Hearing this, Shizhen smiled. Uemon really couldn’t sit still. He said, “It’s okay to take a good rest.”

“You guy is an examiner, I don’t want to rest.” Uemon said, “Why didn’t Hokage-sama let me be an examiner?”

“How do you do it?” Zuoweimen smiled: “You are so impulsive, if the candidate irritates you, what do you do with others?”

“No way!” Uemon said unhappy. “Brother, why do you say that to me!”

Shijin looked at his brothers and sisters and was in a good mood. He said, “But since Uemon wants to work, let’s proctor the exam with me.”

“Really!?” Uemon looked overjoyed, her favorite thing is to join in the excitement.

Zhizhen nodded and said, “The first and second games may not work, but for the second round of the match, I am the examiner. Come and help me maintain order.”

“It’s a deal!” Uemon rushed to agree.

Zaemon didn’t comment on this either, just asked, “Is it okay? Lord Shima?”

“Well, I will apply to Master Hokage. Two more invigilators should be no problem.” Zhizhen thought for a while and said, “If you go to Master Hokage to work, you will probably be monitoring other people with other Anbu. It’s better to join me and watch Naruto and the others play.”

Zaemon nodded, thinking so.

The reason why Zhizhen said so was also a temporary motive.

Now Konoha must have Anbu watching Sain and Rain Shinobi, but Shima doesn’t want Zaemon and Uemon to do this job.

The reason is that he remembered the end of the moonlight blast in the original book.

In the original book, Moonlight Hayate died because he accidentally ran into the meeting between Kabuto and Baki.

Nowadays, Sain, Otonin, Rain Shinobi are all villages with “ghosts”, Mist Shinobi and Rock Shinobi can’t be completely relieved.

Zhizhen was afraid that the two of them would encounter the same situation as Moonlight Hayate, so he made such an arrangement.

Although both Zaemon and Uemon are not weak, they are not very strong either. If something happens, they may not be able to get away.

Konoha during the Chūnin exam period can be said to be insecure everywhere.

Rather than let the two of them take risks, it is better to bring them by your side, so that Zhizhen can be sure of their safety.

Of course, Zhizhen wouldn’t tell these brothers and sisters about these words, only that this time they must be protected.

The three chatted for a while, and it was late at night, and the three of them took a rest early without delay.

Zhizhen took a bath and slept beautifully.

Early the next morning, he went to the Hokage building and applied to Third Generation for the invigilators of Zaemon and Uemon.

As Shima expected, Third Generation originally arranged for Zaemon and Uemon to do surveillance.

After all, the two are from Anbu, and Third Generation does not intend to leave them alone.

Asking Zhizheng’s cause, Zhizhen only said that it is the first time for Zhizhen to do such a big thing, and have a partner by his side to feel relieved.

This reason makes Third Generation dumbfounded, but when Third Generation thinks about it, I feel that Zhizhen is right.

This time Zhizhen’s burden was not light, and it might be better to have a partner to accompany him, so he readily agreed.

Seeing that the matter was done, Zhizhen felt relieved. After bidding farewell to the Third Generation, he rushed to the clan of the Aburame clan.

Today, Zhiwei and Qianzi knew that Zhizhen was going back, and they were all waiting at home.

The content of the conversation is all the same, asking about spiritual practice, asking about Zhizhen being an examiner.

Zhizhen answered honestly, and told Zhiwei that he had cultivated new bugs.

Facing this uncle who really loves him, Zhizhen doesn’t want to hide anything.

“Uncle, if I can, I can leave dozens of samples in the forest for future generations to choose. What do you think?” Zhizhen asked.

Hearing Zhizhen’s words, Zhiwei showed a look of relief. With such a powerful bug, Zhizhen was willing to share it, which made Zhiwei very happy.

However, Zhiwei refused: “It’s good that you have this mind, but you are probably the only one you can use. The original Healer and Rockworm are the only people who fit together so far.

“You are now using natural energy to evolve them and become an upgraded insect. Probably they cannot be used by other tribesmen.”

“That’s it.” Zhizhen was a little disappointed, and originally wanted to make a contribution to Zhiwei.

Zhiwei looked at Zhizhen, turned off the topic, and said, “Zhizhen, this time, for the second exam, Shino will ask you.”

“Yes, uncle.” Zhizhen responded quickly and said: “Uncle rest assured, if anything goes wrong, I will give priority to protecting Shino’s life.”

“Yeah.” Zhiwei nodded.

“But Shino is not a weak guy, I believe he will pass this exam.” Zhizhen said.

“I hope so.” Zhiwei said softly.

At noon, Shino rushed back to have lunch with Zhizhen. The four of them happily had a meal. After that, Zhizhen bid farewell to Zhiwei and Qianzi, and left home with Shino.

“Zhino, don’t be aggressive when taking the exam in the Death Forest. If you are in danger of life and you can’t beat it, remember to find me.” Zhizhen said as he touched out his favorite, flash bomb.

Shino hesitated when he heard the words, but took it, and said, “Is the second exam really that dangerous? Brother, did you use the same test?”

Zhizhen laughed at the words: “I didn’t take this exam. I was specially recruited to become Chūnin.”

“Because of your ability?” Shino asked.

“Yes.” Zhizhen nodded and said, “At the time, although I had tried hard to practice, as Aburame’s family, my strength was destined to be unable to improve with ordinary practice.”

“Originally, I thought about giving up Yuguang Worm and becoming an ordinary ninja.” Zhizhen said: “But I didn’t expect that Konoha Medical Department would invite me, so I agreed, and at that time I also I gave up being a strong ninja. After all, I can live well in the medical department.”

“Why does the eldest brother start to pursue power again now?” Shino asked.

Of course it’s because Laozi knows the plot!

“Now that I am back, I am a ninja after all.” Zhizhen said.

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