Chapter 289 The Agreement with Tenten (Subscribe!)

“That’s right.” Shino agreed: “With the talent and strength of my eldest brother, it would be too wasteful to stay in the medical department.”

“Haha, don’t praise me like that. You also have excellent qualities, and the future Aburame family will rely on you. Shino.” Zhizhen said.

Hearing Shijin’s words, Shino was silent for a while, and then asked what was in his heart: “Brother, do you really want to be the patriarch of the Aburame family?”

Zhizhen took a look at Shino when he heard the words, touched his head, and said, “You are more suitable than me.”

“But elder brother, you are also very suitable, aren’t you?” Shino asked.

Zhizhen took a deep breath when he heard the words, looked into the distance, and asked, “Shino, don’t you want to be the patriarch?”

“I think.” Shino said without hesitation: “I looked at my father at work in the past, so I wanted to grow up quickly and share the worries for him.”

“Isn’t that all right?” Zhizhen said: “Since you want to, I am a brother, why should I “hinder” you?”

“That’s not what I meant.” Shino shook his head and said, “It’s just that I hope you can bear the Aburame clan more than myself.”

After a pause, Shino said, “Father said your heart is in the outside world… Brother, will you leave the Aburame clan?”

Hearing this, Zhizhen keenly noticed Shino’s true thoughts. He smiled and asked, “Are you afraid that I will leave you alone?”

Zhi Nai was silent for a while after hearing this, and said, “It’s not that I’m afraid, but I just don’t want to. You are not in the clan.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed. He squatted down slightly, looked at Shino, touched his head, and said, “Be at ease, Shino, I will be with you.”

Shino glanced at Zhizhen, and felt the sincerity in his words, and the corners of his mouth curled up, believing that Zhizhen would not lie to him.

“Yes, brother.” Zhi Nai responded softly.

“Well, you guy, work hard, brother believes you will become stronger.” Zhizhen rubbed Shino’s head.

“yes, Sir.”

Zhizhen smiled satisfied when he heard the words, and went out of the clan with Shino.

“Brother, then, I’ll go to Teacher Hong first.” Shino said.

“Well, practice hard!” Zhizhen waved goodbye.

After Shino was gone, Zhizhen was ready to practice.

In the few days before the exam, Shijin didn’t plan to go to Naruto or Tenten again.

Prepare to let them practice for a few days.

The most is in the evening, to send Tenten home.

Thinking this way in his mind, Zhizhen made a decision and went directly to Practice Field No. 8 to start practicing.

For the job at Konoha Medical Department, the Third Generation must have already greeted him, so Zhizhen didn’t plan to go.

And even if Third Generation didn’t say hello, Zhizhen wouldn’t go.

He didn’t want to go to work for a few days before fighting Orochimaru.

Time is precious, and Zhizhen doesn’t want to delay his practice time.

But if it’s a practice, you can’t get any results in a few days.

What Zhizhen did was to consolidate his strength.

Adjust the status of Sage Mode and hone the skills of insect control.

Fire Style, he is now more familiar with the Master, so he hasn’t practiced much.

As for the Earth Style, he kept on track and practiced for a few months, and his progress was horribly slow.

Zhizhen was also helpless in this regard.

The development of Chakra attributes is much more laborious than Zhizhen imagined.

For a while, I couldn’t practice what it looked like.

But Zhizhen didn’t care, relying on Fire Style and Sage Mode, plus the secret skills of the Aburame clan.

As long as it’s not against First Generation, Uchiha Madara and other ninjas who are too foul, Zhizhen is worthy of hitting anyone now.

In the blink of an eye in the afternoon, time came to the evening.

After Zhizhen completed one day of practice, he went to the sixth practice field.

His time counts by coincidence. When he went, Guy and the others just finished their practice.

“Senior Guy! Tenten!” Zhizhen called out loudly.

Guy turned his head and saw that it was Zhizhen. He smiled and waved his hand: “Jizhen, come to pick up Tenten?”

“Yes, senior.” Zhizhen answered with a smile.

“Then, Tenten will leave it to you.” After that, Guy waved his hand and said, “Well, Xiao Li, Neji, let’s go!”

Neji snorted and left without looking at Shizhen.

But Xiao Li bowed slightly: “Senior, goodbye.”

“Oh, goodbye Xiao Li.” Zhizhen also responded with a smile.

Seeing everyone left, Tenten immediately ran up to Zhizhen, his expression was very happy, but a little agitated: “Really senior, yesterday, why did you leave without saying goodbye.”

“I didn’t see you still chatting with everyone, so I didn’t want to disturb you. If I said I was leaving, would you follow me?” Zhizhen smiled.

“But at least say something.” Tenten said unhappy.

“Angry?” Zhizhen asked softly.

“Yeah!” Tenten pursed his mouth, um, and then showed his face: “But since you took the initiative to pick me up today, I won’t be angry anymore.”

“You won’t be angry just by taking it? At least I will treat you to a meal.” Zhizhen said.

“Really! Okay, I want to eat ramen!” Tenten said happily.

“Is ramen all right?” Zhizhen said as he took Tenten’s hand and went to Yile.

In the evening, I had a comfortable meal with Tenten, and then sent Tenten back home.

“By the way, Tenten, how is your father?” Zhizhen asked.

“It’s very tough.” Tenten said, “It was during this period of time that I was in charge. I was told that I went home late yesterday.”

“Really?” Zhizhen smiled, and said, “I’ll find a chance another day. I should visit your father, right?”

“Senior, what are you talking about.” Tenten flushed and said, “It’s too early to visit parents or something.”

“Ahem, it’s a normal visit.”

“It’s early for a normal visit!” Tenten said blushing.

While talking, the two reached the intersection.

“Okay, let’s stop here, Tenten.” Zhizhen said.

“Okay.” Tenten rolled his eyes and asked, “Senior, if I pass the Chūnin exam this time, is there any reward?”

“Reward?” Zhizhen thought for a while and said, “If you can pass the second exam, I will take you to a place.”

“Go to a place? Where? Senior wants to take me on a trip?” Tenten asked happily.

“Well, it’s just traveling. As for where it is, if you don’t tell you, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised at that time.” Zhizhen smiled.

“Okay, that’s it!” Tenten immediately responded.

“Well, Tenten, you must cheer for this exam!” After that, Zhizhen once again took out his favorite flash bomb and handed it to Tenten. He told Tenten what he had said to Shino.

“Once there is a problem, I will protect you!” Zhizhen said.

Hearing this, Tenten felt sweet in his heart, and obediently agreed.

After the two parted, Zhizhen also went home.

At home, Zaemon cleaned up the house, while Uemon sat on the sofa and looked at the book carelessly.

Seeing Shizhen’s return, Zuoweimen smiled and said, “Master Shizhen, have you eaten yet?”

“Eat.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

Uemon didn’t look up and asked, “I’m back? Didn’t you mean to go home? Why is it so early?”

“No, I left after lunch, went to practice in the afternoon, and sent Tenten home in the evening.” Zhizhen smiled.

Hearing the words to send Tenten home, Uemon’s mood instantly went bad. She said impatiently: “There are too many words, but I didn’t ask you, why are you talking about it!”

“?” Zhizhen looked dumbfounded.

But Shizhen didn’t say anything about Uemon’s character, only said, “You have to prepare well these days.”

“Don’t worry, Shima-sama.” Zuoemon responded.

“I know, you cockroach, you talk too much. I’m upset when I see you!” Uemon cursed, picked up the novel and returned to the room, closing the door heavily.

“?” Shima looked suspicious, looked at Zaemon, and asked, “Zaoemon, isn’t it right…”

Zaemon looked overjoyed when he heard this, and wondered if Shima had discovered it.

However, Shizhen’s next sentence left Zaemon quite speechless.

“Uemon, is it uncomfortable? You know a girl, every month…”

“…” Zaemon was speechless.

Master Zhizhen, he is obviously not stupid, but in terms of feelings, how can he be so slow that people want to crush him.

The emotional road of Uemon is probably going to be bumpy for a long time.

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