Chapter 299 When the exam is in progress! (Please subscribe!)

But after all, Zack couldn’t hear him either. He was still in horror: “That sunglasses, why, why is there such a powerful force that surpasses me!? Does Orochimaru-sama’s plan really work?”

“Just an ordinary examiner has this kind of power. What about the others, how strong are the Jōnin who Konoha is famous for?”

“Am I going to die here?” Sack couldn’t help asking himself.

He has been “stupid” by Zhizhen.

Also, the Otonin trio looked very awkward when they came out, but they were actually three cannon fodder.

In terms of specifications, it is completely inferior to the group of Kimimaro among the five Otoninos.

These five people are the core strength of Otonin, especially Kimimaro.

He is also a descendant of Kaguya Ji, who is pregnant with Dead Bone Pulse, belongs to the Kaguya (also translated Taketori) family, formerly known as Taketori Kimimaro.

This person is so strong that he doesn’t lose to Kakashi and other elite Jōnin, and the four of the four of Otonin are not his opponents.

When Sasuke defected, Kimimaro was the last guard, and Gaara would have died in his hands if it hadn’t been due to illness.

And it is worth mentioning that Orochimaru loves Kimimaro very much, ostensibly treating him as a new reincarnation.

But in fact, it’s more than that.

Even if Kimimaro died soon, Orochimaru did not abandon him.

And Kimimaro’s final battle was not arranged by Orochimaru. It was Kabuto who ordered Kimimaro to go to battle without authorization, and finally fought Gaara and died.

For this reason, Kabuto was also described by Orochimaru as having a bad personality.

But leaving aside, Kimimaro should be hanging salt water from Orochimaru base now.

It’s just Toss, Sack, and Kim, and the three are just three ordinary ninjas in Otonin, which is naturally far worse than Kimimaro.

Whether it is tolerance or strength.

Being deterred by Zhizhen at such a close range, Sack was truly imaginary.

Zhizhen couldn’t help regretting it. He had known that he was so weak, so he wouldn’t do anything to him.

In this way, Zhizhen couldn’t make a move.

At this moment, the steel iron beside Zhizhen threw a handful of kunai, and Zhizhen followed Kunato’s sight, just past Naruto’s side, and inserted it on the table of the candidate behind Naruto.

“On the 26th, you are disqualified.” Gang Zitie stretched out five fingers: “Five full fouls, leave the field, and the two candidates on the same team with him, leave together!”

Candidate No. 26, his face is unbelievable. He did cheat five times, but he thinks he did it secretly, so he will be discovered?

He wanted to argue with Gang Zitie a few words, but seeing Zhizhen next to Gang Zitie, he could only give up.

He didn’t want to be lifted up by Zhizhen’s neck.

After thinking about it, he sighed lonely, turned and left, his two companions also had a calm face, got up and left with No. 26.

“It’s dangerous!” Naruto secretly rejoiced, when he just wanted to cheat, this kunwu flew over.

If he hadn’t stabilized his hand and turned his head directly, he would have been inserted.

By the way, your examiners are very unqualified, don’t throw away such dangerous goods as Kuwu.

However, when he was so scared, Naruto had no intention of cheating: “No, the sunglasses brothers are so powerful. Any action will be found. If you cheat, you will die!”

“There is no way, I can only bet on the tenth question!” Naruto gritted his teeth, very nervous.

At this moment, a faint mosquito voice rang in Naruto’s ear: “Naruto-kun, you can read my answer.”

“Huh? There is such a thing?” Naruto looked back, wondering which young lady was so generous, but was surprised: “Hinata? Are you sitting next to me.”

In the beginning, Naruto paid all attention to the exam, and didn’t realize that it was her future wife who was sitting next to her.

“Yeah.” Hinata blushed and responded, “I know the correct answer, here you are…”

Naruto looked happy when he heard the words, but he kept an eye on him: “Why is this girl so good to me? I remember I really want to be not very familiar with her.”

Hmm… trap it!

Naruto thought for a while, but actually thought this was Hinata’s trap!

“Hinata, most of them were instigated by the tooth to frame me! Humph, I won’t be fooled!” Naruto snorted coldly.

Naturally, however, he would not say that. Naruto narrowed his eyes and asked, “Well, what do you do to me so well?”


“Look, panic! It definitely came to hurt me!” Naruto felt that he had seen through Hinata’s “treacherous trick”.

But after seeing through, Naruto didn’t hate Hinata either, just when he was about to turn his head away.

Hinata plucked up the courage and said, “I don’t want…”

“Huh?” Naruto looked at Hinata uncomfortably, “What?”

“Naruto -kun, you will be eliminated here…”

Naruto was taken aback when he heard the words, looking at Hinata’s cute blushing profile, and feeling Hinata’s sincerity.

After a while, he smiled embarrassedly and said softly, “Ah, that’s it, I think too much. Thank you, Hinata, you are such a nice person!”

“Yeah!” Hinata flushed and said, “Look at it, Naruto-kun!”

“Well, good!” Naruto licked his face when he heard the words, and leaned over.

However, in such a moment, Naruto heard the sound of brush writing, and he keenly felt that he was remembered this time.

Looking up, as expected, Kamizuki Izumo looked at Naruto and smiled.

“Ahhhhh, Izumo-senpai!” Naruto hugged his head, “I was discovered!”

“Naruto-kun look!” Hinata urged Naruto to be stupid.

Naruto calmed down for a while, don’t go too far: “Forget it, Hinata, a good ninja like me, shouldn’t cheat.”

“Huh?!” Hinata dumbfounded: “But you…”

“It’s okay, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so feel at ease.” Naruto chuckled and said, “Besides, I don’t want to hurt you either.”

The invisible sultry girl is the most deadly. Hinata’s face turned red at the first glance, and she didn’t dare to look at Naruto again, but said: “Thank you, Naruto-kun.”

“Well, Hinata, go ahead and answer the question!”

Hinata looked at Naruto’s smiling face, and his heart melted: “Sure enough, Naruto-kun is always Naruto-kun.”

And Naruto almost cried: “Hey, I’m such a stupid… to save face and suffer!”

Gangzitie’s shot seemed to be opening the gate, and within a minute, another invigilator also drove the candidate to leave.

The voices of those who left the scene ringed in everyone’s ears.

“No. 14, No. 61, No. 156, disqualified!”

“No. 88, No. 236, No. 300! Disqualified!”

In the opening ten minutes, 309 candidates dropped out of 102, and 34 teams were eliminated.

There are still 207 candidates left in the examination room.

I remember that in the original book, this first exam was almost finished. Zhizhen secretly speculated that there will be some going on in a while, but it won’t be too much.

As time passed, Gaara also started to act.

When he did it, almost the examiner’s attention was focused on him.

After all, the son of Fourth Kazekage is indeed worthy of attention.

“That kid is very stable.” Gangzi Railway said: “He has been very calm from the beginning. The commotion seems to have not affected him at all.”

“The reason why he started doing it now is because there are too many people.” Shenyue Izumo said: “It is not convenient to find the right goal.”

Zhizhen looked at Gaara who didn’t conceal his actions, and slowly nodded, as expected to be the Fifth Kazekage in the future, really very generous.

However, to Zhizhen’s surprise, Gaara turned her head and glanced at him, and Zhizhen frowned.

Was it really targeted by Gaara? Because of the gourd?

Others also saw Gaara’s move.

“Oh? That guy will look at you again, Zhizhen.”

“Heh, it’s probably because you just took the shot and caught that guy’s attention. It’s great, it’s so good to be watched by the son of Fourth Kazekage.”

Zhizhen smiled upon hearing this, and said: “Nothing, I guess he might have fallen in love with my gourd, you want it.”

“…” Everyone was speechless.

God he likes your gourd, gourd has a look on you.

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