Chapter 300 The tenth question that can’t be chosen! (Please subscribe!)

Gaara looked at him for a while, then focused on her own affairs.

Zhizhen didn’t pay much attention to this abnormal little Penyu.

He knows what kind of person Gaara is. Although he is now a fine point, he is just a lonely boy in his heart.

And in his future, Naruto, a good friend, will naturally help him, so he doesn’t need to worry about it.

“Ah, he started to act.” Kankuro moved his shoulders and thought, “Then, I’m about to start, and I will give Temari the answer later.”

Thinking of this, Kankuro raised his hand and started his action: “Report, I want to go to the toilet.”

“You must be accompanied by an examiner when you go to the toilet!” said one of the examiners.

“Okay.” Kankuro agreed with a smile, saying that he got up and stretched out his hand, was handcuffed by the examiner, and taken to the bathroom.

Morino Ibis looked at Kankuro’s actions and snorted, “Is Shayin’s puppetry? Well, you can have such a level of puppetry at a young age, right?”

Kankuro thought he was doing it secretly, and while copying the answers in the toilet, he was proud: “Konoha’s invigilation is really not good, right, crow?”

Little did he realize that his little tricks had already been seen through by Morino Ibiki.

Not only Morino Ibiki, but almost all of Konoha’s examiners saw Kankuro’s tricks.

After all, as the invigilator for the same exam, there are only so many people in total, and one more suddenly appears. Everyone is not a fool. How can I not see?

Not to mention Zhizhen. He knows the plot and knows Kankuro’s details.

However, Zhizhen didn’t care what Kankuro did. He scanned the examination room and estimated the number of people in each village.

Sha Yin left five teams, and now there are fifteen teams left with forty-five people.

Iwagakure has forty-five people, and also left five teams, now there are thirty people left.

And Mist Shinobi only walked three teams, with 36 people left.

A lot is left.

And the two teams from the Little Shinobu Village and Otonin Village didn’t get out.

Toss and the others didn’t mention it, Zhizhen couldn’t find a reason to chase them, and Sack seemed stupid and didn’t write for a long time.

As for the other Otonin team, what kind of people are these three guys?

Zhizhen looked up and found the location of the three Otonin villages.

It’s three young men, dressed like Toss and the others, they look nothing special on the outside.

Looking at it this way, Zhizhen couldn’t see the details of the three of them.

I had to write down their looks secretly and prepare to target them in the second exam.

After that, Zhizhen looked at other Shinobu villages again.

Kushinin Village and Takinin Village only walked in one team, and both Xiang Rin and Fu were not out yet.

Zhizhen found the guy who Orochimaru was posing as, and he thought about it carefully. The current Kushininho should be real. He hasn’t been killed by Orochimaru yet, deprived of his face.

It’s just that after the first exam is over, the second exam will follow. This guy should be killed at that time.

That is to say the time to be killed, the preparation time before the end of the first exam and the start of the second exam.

Do you want to save him? Zhizhen thought for a while, but secretly shook his head and gave up.

Although this guy died a little aggrieved, but Zhizhen has no relatives with him and there is no need to protect him.

And most importantly, even if he saves this Kusano, Orochimaru will change his face and enter the death forest.

In this case, it would be difficult for Shizhen to find Orochimaru’s trail, which would be detrimental to his actions.

Secondly, with Orochimaru’s ability, he can sneak into this exam even if he doesn’t change his face.

He has no way to stop it, if he acts rashly, he might even startle him.

Thinking of this level, Shijin decided to stand still and let Orochimaru go.

So far, the development of the situation has been in his expectation, and there is no need to be too impatient.

Then there was Rain Shinobi. Zhizhen took a look. Rain Shinobi walked halfway with five teams, 30 people.

This made Zhizhen’s heart a little happy, and Xindao had better finish all these guys.

Originally, Konoha’s situation was a bit complicated, and Zhizhen didn’t want to bother with them.

But what made Zhizhen a little annoyed was that Konoha had the most teams out of the examination room now.

Forgetting it, he walked a total of 34 teams, the other villages together lost 20 teams, and Konoha lost 14 teams.

A total of 87 teams left forty-two, leaving forty-five, and only fifteen teams.

The original advantage in numbers was disintegrated in an instant, forming a level with the major Ninja villages, making the next Death Forest Survival Game no advantage.

Everyone is not stupid, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the next exam, on the surface, is a confrontation between a team and a team, but in fact it is also a confrontation between the village and the village.

In this situation, hitting one’s own person is undoubtedly a hindrance to Konoha.

And the more people you have, the more you have an advantage.

Only now, these people are indeed pits! Why!

Zhizhen sighed heavily. Next, Morinoi Bixie would play a “big move”, and Konoha’s examinee was afraid that he would have to go a little bit.

However, Mist Shinobi Rock Shinobi must be the same in several large villages.

Thinking this way, Zhizhen also felt a little relieved.

In the following time, the number of people who were out began to drop sharply, and no one was out for ten consecutive minutes.

The worst players have just been swept away, even if they haven’t swept all of them, the smarter won’t cheat again at this time.

After all, the smaller the number, the easier it is for the examiner to observe their movements.

There are many people who have the same idea as Naruto, and that is the tenth question.

Kankuro was in the toilet for a long time, and it took ten minutes for him to come back.

Everyone glanced at him, Kankuro didn’t mind, and said generously: “I’m sorry, my stomach hurts a bit.”

Morino Ibixi sneered, and said, “Huh, you are a bit level, it’s not wasting you fiddle with these little tricks. Sit down.”

Kankuro was full of spirits when he heard the words, looked at Morino Ibiki and the smiling examiners, and said to his heart: “These people have already seen the crow through!”

At this point, Kankuro did not delay, walked forward cautiously, walked past Temari’s table, let go of his hand calmly, and gave her the answer.

Temari didn’t change his face, nor did he panic to touch the answer, but waited for Kankuro to return to his seat before putting the answer away.

Everyone watched this scene and didn’t say anything. Now, it doesn’t make sense to remember these things.

Morino Ibixi looked at the time and said: “There are still fifteen minutes before the exam is over, now we will announce the tenth question!”

“Come!” When they heard this, everyone cheered up and listened to Morino Ibijo’s tenth question that made them irritable.

Many people have already noticed that the tenth question was only asked at this time. This question must be quite difficult.

Little Sakura cheered up and finally came to the tenth question. For Sasuke and Naruto, she must get full marks anyway!

“Before the tenth question is announced, I want to announce the fifth rule.” Morinoi said.

“The fifth rule?”

“Are there any rules?”

“Enough is enough!”

Many people showed dissatisfaction and wanted to scold Morinoi Bixi to death.

However, everyone naturally dared not speak.

“First of all, you have to choose whether to answer the tenth question or not!” Morino Ibixi said, making everyone bewildered.

“What do you mean? Of course you have to choose, otherwise you will be one point less than the others!”

“Ah, and there are a few questions I can’t do before, so I just watched this question to get some points.”

“What’s the point of this choice?!”

“What happens if you don’t choose?”

Everyone looked at Morino Ibiki with an idiotic look. How could there be such a meaningless multiple-choice question?

Looking at the indignant candidates, Morino Ibiki said calmly: “First of all, if you choose not to take the exam, you will get a zero score and you will be immediately disqualified!”

“What!? That must be chosen!” “It’s nothing to say!” “Isn’t this nonsense?”

Hearing what everyone said, Morino Ibiki showed a devilish smile: “Next there is one more.”

“More?!” Everyone exclaimed, there is no end to it, the rules are too fucking!

Morino Ibixi said the most desperate last rule: “But if you choose to take the exam and get the wrong answer, you will never be eligible to take the Chūnin exam in your life!”

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