Shaoyu didn't wait for Zeluo to return. After the battle, Pearl stopped talking and left quickly. It should be a showdown with Newaja! He was a little worried, but they didn't say to take him there, besides, Pearl also said that Lord Herzello would summon him the next day and made it clear that he would wait.

After sitting back on the stone chair for a while, the Queen of God Shaoyu walked out of the private room, he was a little dumbfounded, how could he go back to the top and bottom, there was no stairs at all! How to get out again! Not even a door. After thinking about it, Shaoyu walked down. Just two steps before he walked back to the bottom of the arena, a puff of white mist came instead, immediately wrapping him up.

These white mists seem to be extremely light, but as soon as it covers, you can't see your fingers. Even the left eye and the true vision lens can't see anything. This is definitely not the white fog in the general arena.

Shaoyu immediately used his dragon hand to construct a gas mask. God knew what was going on and whether it was dangerous. I don't want Xiao S to suddenly and eagerly indicate that there is no danger, and let him use detection and scanning quickly. As soon as Shaoyu cried out to detect, he immediately stretched out his hands and cried out to scan.

This time, it was frozen for less than a second after four weeks, and it crashed immediately, and there was no response from the scan.

Little S kept urging him to continue using it. As soon as Shaoyu gritted his teeth, he kept calling detection, scanning...detection, scanning.

Countless detections made the front of his eyes freeze at once, and Shaoyu didn't know how many screams, he only felt the pain in his left eye and a moist feeling on his face.

A piece of whiteness freezes in front of my eyes, and slowly becomes clear. First, it becomes a strip of white smoke-like things, and then becomes a white light spot. Seeing the orderly ‘action’ of countless white dots in front of his eyes, he suddenly felt this way in his heart. These white dots seemed to be alive!

When some white spots turned into numbers and began to pour downwards, Shaoyu fainted and fell to the ground.

It took him a long while to wake up, and found that he did not know when he was lying on a road, with Duolucheng in the distance.

Called Xiao S, Shaoyu found that he was a little weak and his left eye was swollen again, but there was no bleeding. Looking at the attributes again, the mind lost to the end, all attributes were temporarily reduced by 15%, and the divine nature was actually a little less! It became 6!

When he walked back to many roads a little shakily, Xiao S finally replied, and she explained it quickly.

It turned out that the white mist just now was a time-space transfer, the battle has all ended, and everyone was teleported out of the ‘leased’ field. Little S asked him to continuously scan and detect to crack.

What was cracked was not the shift in time and space, but the secrets of the God Field itself.

One more attribute was added, the resolution of the Arena of Gods, the current resolution is 0.65%.

Shaoyu called a cheating father, and he was going to die and live. The unlock rate was less than 1%? !

Although Xiao S said that after her analysis is completed, the unlocking rate can reach a few percent, but what is the use. What Shaoyu cares about is usefulness, and the ability to get a great reduction in the current critical situation is not a good thing at all. He naturally said two sentences with little S depressed, and little S even replied two sentences, saying that Shao Yushu was short-sighted and only thought of Zeruo, which made him a little unhappy and angry.

When walking back to Duolucheng, Xiao S came out to apologize again, saying that the energy consumption was too high just now and it was a little unstable.

Shaoyu sighed. In fact, after unlocking 1%, it is not useless at all. It can be teleported once at any time when approaching the arena but using the entrance. He thought for a while and smiled and said: Is it really too much energy consumption? Not that you are excited! Before Xiao S could answer, Shaoyu said again: I was also excited just now, but now I feel very happy. Then he said again: Little S, you are also emotional, it is really interesting to think about how we would fight.

Little S didn't reply, Shaoyu thought for a while and simply found a place to sit down and said: Little S, I like Zeruo, but I haven't forgotten business. You said at the beginning that you should choose a force to join, get resources, and evolve through constant battles. Isn't Zeluo representing the same force now? And it is in a difficult situation, and there must be constant challenges ahead.

Before Shaoyu finished speaking, Xiao S interrupted him and said: I know. Then Xiao S had no voice again, and Shaoyu gave a feed and then said: By the way, I always feel something is wrong when our thinking is connected.

Small S said that there is no problem with the mind connection.

Shaoyu said: It's no problem, then why can't I know what you are thinking.

Xiao S didn't answer for a while, but Shaoyu kept calling her and said that he was not allowed to pretend to be dead. After a while, Little S replied helplessly: To completely accept another person's thinking and maintain his own, he must reach a high degree of evolution. In addition, Xiao S said that she does not always keep in touch with Shaoyu, except when she needs it, she is always under the star of hope. Finally, Xiao S said: With such a wild thinking like you, sometimes it is connected and does not know where you will think of it in the next second.

Shaoyu said, don't praise it.

Little S called out: This is not a compliment!

Shaoyu didn't expect that Xiao S actually screamed such a sentence, he was a little frightened. After a while, Xiao S said: What you said just now is very beautiful, are you sure you didn't choose this force when you saw a lot of sister papers here?

Well, Shaoyu thinks that what Xiao S said is so correct.

... When walking back to the association street and the sky was full of stars, Shaoyu saw Eve greet him from a distance. Eve had been guarding the door at that time, and stayed up late to refine the medicine. He walked quickly to greet him, took Eve's little hand, and walked a few steps to find that Tammy was also standing at the gate of the Association and looking at...

Shaoyu somehow lost his mind and thought that fortunately there was a dragon hand sent by Maureen, otherwise there would be no way to pull one by one. As soon as he stepped into the association, he heard the members of the association who acted as guards and receptions shouting: Brother Yu is back. There was movement upstairs, and everyone came down.

The animal came down and shouted: Brother Yu, you dare to come back. Shaoyu was stunned, and heard the K girl say: Fortunately, he is back, otherwise he will lose the bet. Shaoyu hurriedly asked about the situation, and Eve smiled on the side: We are gambling, I said that Brother Shaoyu will not stay in the castle! He immediately figured it out between the few words of the crowd, and couldn't help but curse: "Do it."

This group of people thought he would stay in the castle, and they were betting on this. If they win, it's time for Eve and Kny to treat him.

The red-eyed surrender informed the Chamber of Commerce that the drinks for the bet were gone.

Shaoyu was hugged by everyone to the second floor. Many mounts on the second floor were taken to one side, and a big round table was placed in the middle. Everyone didn't say anything, just listened to the voice of moving things downstairs.

Barrels of wine and large chunks of cooked meat of Warcraft were brought up, and everyone cut the meat and poured the wine. Shaoyu was not idle either, and forced Tammy to sit down on his side, and worked together. When everyone is ready, Shaoyu talked about the battles at that time, and everyone will tell you the battles you have experienced.

The atmosphere was very enthusiastic, and after a few months of pregnancy, even Brother B, who had always spoken little, started to speak loudly. After drinking, everyone sat slantingly and casually, Shaoyu folded his legs on the chair, several people untied their clothes, and the red eyes stood on the chair, shouting something loudly.

He likes this feeling very much, without too many rules, just do as he wants.

In the end, Shaoyu vaguely remembered whose wine he was forcibly drinking.

The hangover is a headache, and Shaoyu habitually tightens Timmy in his arms. However, he immediately felt that his posture and hand feeling were too right, and he became dim, he almost screamed, and he woke up instantly.

How is Eve in his arms!

Eve slept soundly with his right hand resting on his pillow, hugging his neck with both hands. She has really grown up, and her face has become very delicate and beautiful.

Shaoyu lost his mind, and then felt that the wine was about to turn into a cold sweat. Fortunately, the clothes were intact.

Then a voice came: Master, you are awake!

This was Tammy's voice. Shaoyu got up slightly and hurriedly made a silent gesture. Anxiously, he forgot that his left hand was a dragon's hand and patted his nose directly.

With a scream of ah, Tammy rushed over and helped Shaoyu rub his nose. He swept away Tammy's hand, and immediately looked at Eve and cried out inwardly, she was already awake!

Shaoyu was ready for the earth-shaking. Eve blinked a few times and sat up very calmly. Tammy took a second step, and Eve got off the back of the bed and pulled her dress. He didn't know what to say for a while, but Eve sorted it out, yelled that it hurts, and quickly left the room.

There was silence in the room for a while, and Tammy turned back and held water in her arms. Shaoyu sat on the bed and asked: Tammy, what happened and why is Eve here.

Tammy came over and said that she had just woke up and was drunk yesterday.

Shaoyu took a sip of Tammy's water and thought to himself that there was a bandage on his face, and there was no sign of a hangover! Could it be that she is playing tricks? It should be impossible! When she lowered her arms and was about to ‘exercise’, Tammy suddenly said that she was preparing to take a bath for her host and left the room directly. Shaoyu is a little depressed! Is this in the water escape?

But Shaoyu found out that he was drunk, so he should wash. He sat there for a while, got up and walked out of the room, and went straight down to the second floor.

The second floor is a mess, all left behind yesterday. Shaoyu felt that yesterday was too indulgent, and the situation is clearly critical now!

Just thinking about it, he heard a voice saying: Yu Ge was so fierce yesterday, he pressed Miss Eve in his arms and poured a full barrel of wine. For a moment, Shaoyu saw Brother B sitting in the corner and talking to him.

Really or not, Brother B, I never went to college, don't lie to me. Shaoyu stroked his forehead and said.

Brother B said: I really envy Brother Yu. He hugged a beauty, forced one, and carried them all into the room...

what! Shaoyu was totally silly.

The last memory of yesterday is true. He not only poured Eve, but also Tim, one person and one bucket. At that time, not only Brother B, but also a member of the association, and even a nearby association came to join in the fun. Brother B said that they could testify. Shaoyu laughed wildly at the time and shouted something about being slept together, and directly carried the two sisters on the third floor.

Shaoyu only felt that he should jump down from the second floor and land first.

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