After Shaoyu finished taking a bath, standing outside Eve's room for a long time, he just knocked on the door. Cavalry sister Zhiruida's shout sounded downstairs, indicating that Master Hergelo summoned.

Eve opened the door as soon as Shaoyu knocked on the door, and she said: Go ahead, come back and say something.

Shaoyu nodded, leaving a sentence to take a good rest and then fled downstairs. Eve faintly heard a word waiting for you, he looked back, Eve leaned on the door with a gentle face, and almost rolled downstairs with a soft foot.

After getting on the carriage, Shaoyu was still in a trance. He didn't think he was a good person, but he really didn't think about shooting against Eve who is like a little sister... She really grew up.

Without realizing it, Shaoyu was still in a daze until the castle got off the carriage.

How can this be resolved! After entering an audience hall, he took two steps to discover that it was a very formal place and there were a lot of people here.

There were dozens of people standing on the left and right, seemingly random, according to a rule. The ten female riders were also divided into two groups and stood next to the second throne on the seven steps in the depths of the hall. Zeluo naturally sat in the middle.

Visually, only Mansa was not there, and Shaoyu was very uncomfortable when he recovered. Various breaths were constantly pressing on the two sides, and there seemed to be a high wall right in front. This is not an illusion, he feels isolated.

But when Shaoyu looked at Zeluo, Zeluo smiled at him. Shaoyu quickly stepped forward and said: Zeluo, what's the situation?

Shut up...How dare you call Herzello-sama like that...Where are you inferior untouchables...?

The surroundings seemed to be lit up at once, all kinds of voices poured out, and many people directly cursed.

After hearing the second sentence of Huo, Shaoyu once straightened up. After a while, he saw that the momentum was still not stopping. He yelled: "Noisy."

Loud noise ~ Loud noise ~ Loud noise, a huge sound wave surged in all directions, instantly covering all the voices, and also brought out waves of echoes. Most of the people who stood close directly spit out a mouthful of blood and were scraped back and knocked a piece of it. Some people who stood far even directly hit the wall. Shaoyu directly used the battle cry. If it weren't for the fact that all his attributes had been reduced by 15% at this time, the hall was still relatively large, and I was afraid it would be shaken to death on the spot.

Taking a deep breath, Shaoyu said: How can I tell you to do something about it? Geluo has no objection. Are you looking for death? He stopped and scanned the few people who were standing sporadically, thinking to himself at the same time, will you still know me after yesterday? Deliberately looking for something!

Weeping all around, the ten female riders were still standing, but most of them stepped back, and some of their mouths still spilled blood. Shaoyu, who knows their strength, knew that there was a reason for the injury.

Ze Luo's dreamlike voice sounded: Be quiet, what do you think of the proposal just now?

Shaoyu immediately shouted: I agree. He directly drew the divine sword in his hand, slashed out a sword and fell on a middle-aged warrior who was still glaring at him during the battle cry. As the evil spirits all over his body emerged, he shouted: Who has any intentions.

It's a pity that it's a bit late to release the flying sword, and the momentum seems weak. He wasn't satisfied, but he could hear the sound of dropping a needle in the hall.

The warrior, who was obviously a professional, held his hands empty, as if to summon a weapon. But he didn't do it in the end. He looked at the mang sword still condensed in front of his feet, then looked at Shaoyu, gritted his teeth and said: Do you know what was just being discussed?

Shaoyu swung Jianxu twice, and the warrior who had led back took a few steps to dodge the sword light that hadn't been sent out, and said: I am a commoner who cares about anything, anyway, I support Ze Luo.

The soldier blushed, as if he was about to vomit blood, and said:

Shaoyu barked his teeth and said with a smile: What are you, why, want to fight? We don't have to go to the Arena of the Gods, I just look at it here.

The middle-aged soldier spit fire in his eyes, his body turned to Zeluo, and said: I abstained.

what about you? Shaoyu asked loudly.

I... we reconsidered, and some weak voices sounded.

Zeluo waved her hand and stepped back.

In the hall, there was no one to help the other. Some female cavalry in silver armor came over and dragged them away.

After these people were gone, Shaoyu let out a few sighs. The battle cry was not a casual play. The last sword was still in the divine sword, and he couldn't make a second one.

As soon as Tiangang's suffocation was received, Shaoyu immediately walked to Zeruo, and at the same time said with a complaining tone: Without notifying, he was almost exhausted. But he immediately laughed and said: I still know you, as long as one look, I will... Before he finished speaking, he saw several female riders sitting on the ground. He really couldn't tell which ones were wearing helmets and armors, he could only know one or two from the figure.

A female rider greeted her and said: Shaoyu, you are too foolish, everyone hurts more.

You don't need to listen to the sound, you know it is Wendy by looking at her figure.

Shaoyu said: My sister, I was desperate just now to frighten so many people at the same time. I am easy to me. Now any strong man can defeat me. After he was overwhelmed, Wendy held back a nervous question and asked if it didn't matter. Shaoyu was escorted up the steps. He dealt with Wendy and said in two sentences: Geluo, don't you blame me.

Ze Luo shook her head and smiled: How can you blame you. She also walked up and held Shaoyu.

Shaoyu directly sat on the chair and asked: What are you talking about? After he finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, everyone in the court was staring at him, and Zeluo's expression changed slightly.

Shaoyu froze for a moment, swept around and said in a somewhat appreciative manner: Is it a taboo, can't we talk about it now? Let's talk about something else.

Zeller shook her head and said inexplicably: You. Then she sat down beside Shaoyu. Shaoyu doesn't understand even more, me? What's up! A huge sweet drink came: How dare you sit on the throne.

This was the voice of Opatifani, and she spouted a mouthful of blood from the gap in the helmet.

Shaoyu was taken aback, really jumped from the throne. He didn't know that this seemingly large leather chair was actually the throne. He couldn't help thinking that even in the West, sitting on the throne would be treason!

Ze Luo's next sentence made him sit back again, and she said that she could sit together.

Shaoyu was overjoyed, what does this mean? It means being together! ! !

When entering the castle, Shaoyu is even more in a trance. It seems that a lot of other things were said later, but he would only giggle.

Returning to the association from the carriage, and seeing the tattered and familiar three-story building, Xiao S yelled: Eve! Only then did Shao Yu suddenly wake up.

Nima! Shaoyu wanted to scold Xiao S, so that he would die in a while? Although he just thought about it, Xiao S said he heard it from the thinking connection! On the contrary, what is he beautiful, do you really hear that you want to give up many ways?

When Shaoyu heard this, he exclaimed: What, give up many ways!

But before he had time to ask little S, he saw Eve walk out the door, put his right arm around, and said softly: You are back.

Shaoyu squeezed out that I came back and was involuntarily led to the association. Going up to the second floor, the top has been cleaned up, but the chairs are still piled up in the corner, and it is a bit empty. No one is there. He just remembered that he didn't see anyone on the first floor.

Eve said on the side that everyone had gone to the Agni Association to help. She didn't know exactly what to help, but Eve said that they didn't ask her to get the potion this time, it shouldn't be a fight.

When Shaoyu heard this, let go of his heart. Is it possible that the associations are still going to visit each other for friendship? That wouldn't even leave a guard at the door, are there many beautiful women?

After reaching the third floor, Tammy also greeted her, she quietly followed behind, but Eve was very happy to talk endlessly. He also took out a pot and began to prepare food. When Shaoyu saw that this wasn't the pot he had been carrying in the jungle back then! It turned out to be with me. Missing his mind together, he relaxed and joked.

Eve blushed immediately, Tammy didn't speak, and fell silent for a while.

Shaoyu remembered what Xiao S had just said about giving up on multiple routes, and when he saw that there was nothing to do, he asked again.

Xiao S said that what was just discussed in the Hall of View was the future military plan. Give up many routes before the arrival of the army of the Mercenary Principality and retake the royal city. Shaoyu was shocked! Geluo is still so courageous, don't just give up her foundation! He thought about it, too, if he is really trapped here, even if he can hold it, how long can he hold on.

Zeluo's decision caused dissatisfaction among the nobles in the city. Originally, it would be no big deal for them to surrender, but Zeluo needed a lot of supplies, which meant that he had to take a lot of things.

The city is still calm and the news is probably blocked. But he felt that everyone in the association should be notified, and the money should be paid back these days!

After eating the food carefully prepared by Eve, Shaoyu only thinks that these are only dishes! Both the eastern and western continents have meat chunks, bread and other pasta, plus all kinds of peppers and butter, basically nothing. Moreover, the food prepared by Eve can increase the attributes. After this meal, the attributes have increased by two points. If you marry Eve home, it's good to cook every day. He was taken aback by his sudden emergence of the law, and he kept chanting his abstinence in his heart.

When Tammy and Eve finished eating, Shaoyu walked out of the room and found the beast downstairs unexpectedly. He immediately chased him down and asked: Why is Beast Brother here.

The beast replied: Not here where it is. Shaoyu said, didn't Brother Beast take them to another association? The animal wonders: I just woke up, where did I go. Immediately he woke up and said: These guys must have gone to the Love Nature Association, and I will go quickly!

Shaoyu hurriedly grabbed him and said: Don't worry, Brother Beast, I have something to do.

The beast said something on the road, walk faster.

Shaoyu is very curious about the charm of the Nature Love Association, but what he wants to say cannot be said in a crowded place. The beast had no choice but to sit on the second floor, and even said: hurry up. Shaoyu had some expectation of Ai Ai, but the beast was a little impatient and urged him a few words, and then Shaoyu said: Beast brother, where will our association take the task. The beast froze for a moment and asked: What task? Shaoyu said: Is it waiting for someone to come and commission it? The beast asked in a puzzled way, what are you talking about? Shaoyu said helplessly: I'm asking how to make money, don't you need to work! The beast said: Working for your sister, is your elder brother someone who wants to make money? Shaoyu only felt that he had lost.

The beast hurried away, and Shaoyu was shocked by the domineering and forgot to tell him many things.

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