Holding to you

15 Cheeky Yeon Joo

After The queen left the room, Yeon Joo with her pouted facial expression felt dissatisfied.

"She is too much. Where you find that kind of wife? So you need to choose a new wife and spent time with your first wife. I lead a hard life in here to compete with one man attention." Yeon Joo said to him.

"what do you mean? I married her because my mother is part of Choi Clan. The queen father is the head of it," The King explained.

"are you busy this afternoon?" Yeon Joo asked him.

"You hear my queen. I have to choose a new wife in my harem. And then I need to spend time with her. Why?" lee Yeong explained to her.

"Okay, so I will have to sleep by myself tonight? I think I will move out to prince Jong Suk resident." Yeon Joo said to him while eating the dessert.

"Ho-oh... kept that plan far away, you will stay in here. If you don't like it, I won't spend the night with her. You are the first woman that spend the night and live in with me," Lee Yeong said to her.

"I don't share my man. Either you are filial to me or stay away from me!" Yeon Joo said to him because she had a plan in her head.

"You know that you speak with the King of Joseon era. I could behead your head if you defy King rules. if I don't spend the night with other ladies. what would I gain from you?" King Lee Yeong put his face closer to Yeon Joo.

"What do you want?" Yeon Joo kept ate her dessert.

"A prince from you," Lee Young said it without any restrained which made Yeon Joo coughed.

Yeon Joo saved by the knocked on the door by eunuch Jang. Eunuch Jang is advising Lee Yeong for the next meeting for the harem lady.

Lee Yeong reluctant to leave Yeon Joo but he has to be responsible for his people. The King stood up and walk outside the room after holding her hand tightly.

After Lee Yeong left, Yeon Joo summoned her court lady to come in. She checked the work table of Lee Yeong for some stuff.

"My lady, what can I help you?" court lady Min said while bowed to her. She is a lady on her young ages. She is probably on her 20 years old.

"if I want to go out of the palace. How can I do? Prepare my outfit as a commoner," Yeon Joo said to her.

"My lady, you are not allowed to walk out outside the palace. My King would punish me if something happens to you," Court lady min advise her.

"I just need you to tell me how?" Yeon Joo asked her.

"You need a special wooden token issued by the king to pass the gate. And then we need to arrange for a carrier and guard for you. Madame, please think it over." Court lady Min said to her.

"Is this the special token?" Yeon Joo shows her round wooden token with a dragon symbol on it.

"My lady, that is my King token. Is he granted it to you? Shall I arrange an envoy for you?" Court lady Min bowed as soon as Yeon Joo raise the token.

"No need. Shall you bring me a commoner dress and you accompanied me with your normal clothes? Where I can get some money?" Yeon Joo asked her.

"I will ask the treasure department to bring you some." Court lady Min said to her and left the room.

"Please be discreet for this trip." Yeon Joo told her. She nods and left the room.

It won't take long for court lady Min to come back to the King Chamber. She brought a set of clothes for Yeon Joo and court lady Min already changed to different clothes. There was another lady to bring her a pouch and mun* next to it on the tray.

Yeon Joo brought the pouch and put it into the dress pocket. She followed court lady Min who escorted her to the outer gate of the palaces.

'O.M.G. it is a huge place to walk. I have to compare it when I am back in the future.' Bella thought to herself.

Finally, they arrive into the outer gate of the palace when the eunuch and palace guard checked everyone and everything. They are asking about the token and Yeon Joo flashed it to the guard and eunuch when they start to bow down with the token.

"Are we clear Court lady Min?" Bella asked her when she nodded and kept walking outside.

In front of the gate, there is a lot of carriage park due to the event of new consort searching. Bella smirk happily to walk outside the palace to see the new girl walked out from their carrier.

'Oh Lord, is Lee Yeong a paedophile? They are looking like a teenager,' Bella think inside her head when she saw the lady walking out from the palanquin with their lady in waiting.

"My lady, is something wrong?" Court lady Min asked her which bring her to reality.

Yeon Joo walked to catch her up. She holds her hand to walk together which got refused by Court Lady Min.

"How old is all the new lady that will become the new consort for the king?" Yeon Joo tried to catch Court Lady Min walking paces.

"Mostly, they were between aged 14 to 15 years old to be presented as King Ladies. they were prepared from young ages my lady," Court lady Min explained to Yeon Joo.

The capital city is bustling busy. She was amazed to see the market and the ancient time of transaction. Court Lady Min took her to stroll around the capital city to see the scenery. It was almost in the evening after they finished to watch the street performance. Yeon Joo was felt hungry and thirsty.

Lee Yeong couldn't concentrate on the consort choosing events. He lets the queen continued and left the queen hall to go back to his chamber. The King entered his chamber to find it empty. He became furious and started to call the guard to find out his beloved consort.

The king got a full report that Suk Bin was walking outside the palace with the token from the king. No one in the gate was able to stop her with the king emblem. The king was furious for this matter.

"summon Seon Yeo to accompany me. I will go out without my robe. Eunuch Jang, you came with me," lee Yeong asked him to prepare his changes clothes. As soon as they ready, they ride their horse outside the palace.

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